
Business on ostriches: breeding ostriches at home. How much does an ostrich cost in Russia?

352098 There are many reasons why ostrich farms in Russia, and not only in this country, are becoming more and more popular with entrepreneurs every year. After all, from this African bird they get very tasty dietary meat, eggs, valuable feathers, which are used to make decorative ornaments, as well as a skin that is compared in quality to snake and crocodile. All this makes the ostrich business very attractive and promising. We propose to talk about the features of such an enterprise today.

History of breeding ostriches

The first farms where this bird was cultivated appeared in the South Africa in the 19th century. However, the only product received in those days from an ostrich was a white feather. Farms for breeding these birds in Europe and America began to appear at the beginning of the twentieth century. Moreover, ostriches are kept not only in regions with a warm climate, but even in Siberia! Thanks to such adaptability of the bird, today it is not uncommon in many areas of our country.

Which ostriches are best suited for breeding?


As you know, these birds are the largest on the planet. So, the weight of adults is about 150 kilograms (sometimes reaches 200 kilograms), and the height can reach three meters. If you plan to start breeding ostriches at home, then keep in mind that most farmers prefer black African ostriches. These birds are hybrids bred on the basis of a natural species and are distinguished by strong immunity, high reproduction rate, rapid growth, early maturation of laying hens, high egg laying, aesthetic appearance, relatively calm nature and adaptability to living in various climatic conditions.


Features of breeding and keeping ostriches


To maintain this bird, a rather large plot of land with a pasture, a room insulated for the cold season, fences and separate stalls is necessary. So, one adult must have at least 50 square meters of land. Of course, raising ostriches at home will require certain financial investments, but all investments will pay off in the first year of work.

When choosing a land plot, be sure to pay attention to its remoteness from noisy highways, industries with hazardous emissions, as well as to the terrain and protection from the wind. In addition, the farm should have uninterrupted water supply and good access roads.


What do ostriches eat?

Another advantage of this bird is its omnivorous nature. However, for good growth and proper development of chicks, it is necessary to provide their wards with a suitable diet, including proteins, vitamins and mineral elements (potassium, calcium and phosphorus) contained in shells, root crops, as well as fish and bone meal. As for feed, the ostrich will be happy to eat both home-made and purchased mixed feed. For the winter, it will be necessary to stock up with enough hay. In general, the diet of this bird should consist of 50% green feed, 30% feed, the rest - in accordance with the desire and ability of the farmer.

An adult ostrich eats up to 3 kilograms of food per day. Its menu may include nutritious compound feed, as well as green shoots, cereals, grass and root crops.Also keep in mind that these birds need small pebbles that contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive system.


Please note that the farm area must be carefully cleaned. This is due to the fact that ostriches do not disdain various small debris: nails, pieces of plastic, etc. Of course, such a diet will not have a positive effect on bird health.

Benefits of Ostrich Breeding

1. Ostriches are omnivorous birds and can feed on grass, leaves and shoots of trees and shrubs, as well as insects, so that they can be grazed on large pastures, significantly saving on feeding.

2. During the period of active growth, these birds do not need bait in the form of exotic food - a standard vitamin set is sufficient.

3. Ostriches are very unpretentious to the conditions of detention and are able to tolerate cold, snow and drafts. Due to this, they can be grazed even in winter.

4. This bird does not need to maintain high temperature indoors in the winter (it is enough that it does not fall below +12 degrees).

5. The ostrich reaches puberty already in the second year of life and retains the ability to reproduce for 25-35 years. The life span of this bird reaches 70 years.

6. A mature female ostrich is able to lay up to 70 eggs per season. This ensures a very high yield of chicks: 40% during natural incubation and up to 90% in incubator conditions.

Ostrich breeding at home as a business


According to experts, with the right approach to organizing business, such a farm can bring excellent profit to its owner.


Ostrich meat

The meat of this bird is considered dietary, practically does not contain cholesterol, is rich in trace elements and protein, and resembles veal in taste. For lovers of delicious food, it is a real find, as it lends itself to any type of heat treatment, perfectly absorbs spices and marinades. Sale of ostrich meat is widespread in many countries of Europe and America. Its cost varies from 15 to 25 dollars per kilogram. As a rule, the sale of meat is the main income of such a farm.

When cutting an ostrich carcass, the yield of quality meat is about 40% of the weight of the bird, that is 25-30 kilograms. Thus, the profit from the sale of meat from just one carcass will be about $ 500. And how much does an ostrich cost in Russia? It all depends on age. So, young animals up to a year cost about 500 dollars, individuals 2-3 years old - from 700 to 1000 dollars.



Ostrich eggs, whose weight can reach 2 kilograms, are still considered exotic in cooking. They are used mainly in restaurants or in preparing dishes for home celebrations. The main reason lies in the high cost of this product, because not every family can afford an egg breakfast at a cost of 10-15 dollars. By the way, an ostrich egg has a rather long shelf life: it can be in the refrigerator for up to a year and not go bad. In this regard, the implementation period of this product can be significantly extended in time.

Another characteristic feature of an ostrich egg is its very strong shell, which is almost impossible to break. In order to gently split it, cooks resort to using special tools. Due to this quality, the shell is in great demand among masters engaged in the manufacture of a variety of jewelry.

The most valuable are, of course, the fertilized ostrich eggs. Despite the high cost (from 50 to 100 dollars apiece), they are in high demand among poultry farmers. Thus, if we consider that a female can lay up to 70 eggs per season, the profit from their sale will be from 3.5 to 7 thousand dollars.



The skin of this bird is in great demand among designers.This is due to the fact that it is moisture resistant and does not get wet, has elasticity, which greatly simplifies the work on the product, has a high service life (more than 30 years). In addition, ostrich skin cannot be faked. Its cost varies from 150 to 300 dollars per skin. The most valuable is the skin from the chest and legs of an ostrich from the age of 12 to 15 months.


This material is widely used for the production of high-end models of bags, wallets, belts, gloves, shoes, as well as cowboy shoes very popular in the USA. The skin of this bird is valued along with the skin of a snake and a crocodile.

According to the calculations of economists, the sale of an ostrich skin fully pays for all the costs of its maintenance.

Ostrich feathers


Today, the feathers of this bird are no longer in such demand as in ancient times. The price now is mainly white feathers growing in the tail and on the back of males. The remaining feathers are used for the production of pillows, as well as in optics and electronics. In general, the income from the sale of an ostrich feather is about 10% of the farmer's total profit.


Fat birds

This product is today widely used by cosmetic and pharmacological companies for soap production creams, ointments, balms used to treat inflammatory processes of the joints and muscles, as well as skin

burns. Emu fat is the best bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic. On average, from one adult bird you can get from 7 to 15 kilograms of this valuable product.

Realization of an adult bird

Selling ostriches is also an important source of income for a poultry farm. As a rule, they sell pedigree chicks and individuals, which can later be used to breed offspring, rather than a bird intended for slaughter. To calculate the income from the sale, you need to figure out how much an ostrich costs in Russia. So, five-day-old chicks are sold at a price of $ 100 and over a month old - from $ 200. An adult pair of ostriches, ready for breeding, will cost from $ 3,500.

Extra income from an ostrich farm

In addition to selling meat, feathers, eggs, skin, fat and live poultry, organization of excursions to your farm can provide additional profit. As a rule, visitors will gladly purchase from you any souvenirs or cosmetic and medical products from an ostrich, as well as try scrambled eggs or another dish from the eggs of this bird.

As you can see, breeding ostriches at home is not very simple, but very profitable, promising, and most importantly - interesting.

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