
Breeding birds as a business. Breeding of ducks and indolets at home

Poultry breeding as a businessPoultry cultivation is currently one of the most profitable sectors in agriculture, which is experiencing a rise in Russia today. At the same time, business in this area has become quite profitable, as more and more people are gradually choosing to buy natural products.

For this reason, as a rule, there are no problems with implementation at present.

It is clear that in a large metropolis, it is rather difficult to organize a duck or chicken business, since a certain place will be needed for keeping this poultry. You can rent a small suburban plot of land.

Which direction to choose

There are two main branches by which breeding can be organized as a business. You can only deal with the incubation of chicks for the purpose of their further sale. They are removed in an incubator, this usually takes up to a month, and then they are sold at the age of several days or two or three weeks. This direction is less labor intensive than the second, however, and the profit in this case is slightly less.

The second option for all those who decided to master poultry farming as a business is the cultivation of chickens, indole, geese or other types of meat. In this case, the chickens are raised to the moment when they gain the necessary weight, after which they are sold for meat.

The growing popularity of broiler breeds of chickens, turkeys, as well as meat varieties of geese and ducks is more popular. As a rule, many of these directions try to combine many: this not only expands the business, but also does not require the purchase of chicks for their subsequent breeding for meat.

Where to begin

The beginning of any business involves certain calculations. In this case, it is a business plan for raising chickens, ducks or other poultry. Breeding Indoor

Of the documents that need to be issued in order for the business to be legal, the registration of one's own farm is especially important, as well as several certificates issued by veterinary services.

The very first step is to determine where future pets should be kept.

Since it is necessary to start breeding laying hens or indolets with at least one hundred individuals of a certain species, the premises of the house should be spacious. In addition, it is good if the territory where birds can walk is also located there.

Then, based on the breed of birds and the goals of their breeding, the necessary equipment is selected. Usually they are heaters, as well as feeders, drinking bowls and those tools that will be necessary when cleaning the room. And those who decide to take up the full cycle of this business will need incubators.

Once the house is fully equipped, you can begin to purchase young individuals, the age of which depends on their price. For example, three-day-old chickens are cheaper than their three-week-old counterparts. However, when birds are acquired at their earliest age, there is a risk that some of them may die.

Then you need to start buying feed. It is most beneficial to buy it in bulk so as not to periodically worry about the fact that the pets will remain hungry. In addition, the purchase of a large batch will save significantly.


Breeding indochok or chickens requires a certain initial capital.Most of it will be spent on the purchase of a plot of land or on its lease, as well as on the construction and purchase of equipment for the house, for which the estimated costs are at least one hundred thousand rubles.

As for the amount of costs for the chicks, there are various figures. For example, a daily chicken broiler chickens will cost from twenty to thirty rubles. The cost of a weekly chick reaches fifty rubles. The advantage of this breed of chickens is their fairly fast weight gain. In just one and a half or two months, the chicken can grow up to two kilograms. The price of chicken meat in the store is from one hundred rubles, so the benefits of the poultry business are obvious, even despite the cost of feed.


Poultry Growing

You can sell chicken, goose or indochka both on the market and through natural food stores. At the bazaar, this can be done independently or with the help of hired sellers.

Some poultry producers prefer to work very closely with farmers.

Breeding laying hens or geese as a well-organized business after the first year will begin to give stable income. Further, it will already be possible to think about its expansion.

There are several options for this: increasing the number of poultry stock, acquiring chicks and other breeds, opening your own meat processing workshop, etc.

Breeding indochok as a business

Musk, or indochki, as they are called in other words, gained particular popularity among buyers, in European countries they are distinguished from other breeds for excellent meat quality. They are bred not only for meat, but also for the purpose of obtaining a fatty liver, which is a delicious product.


Musk ducks are not demanding on the conditions of detention. Under their cultivation, it is possible to use any room in which it will be warm and without drafts. Indoor women are quite viable birds. Under normal conditions, safety in adults reaches ninety-five percent. The same safety is typical for young animals. Moreover, the presence of a nearby reservoir is not necessary.

They can be kept in small areas in the garden. In general, breeding ducks at home is beneficial, and musky especially. This bird is unpretentious in feeding, eats a wide variety of feeds well. Having bought one hundred heads of this breed, you can safely start your own business even on a personal plot.

Over time, the number of stocks will increase and profits will increase. Since the Indians are completely unpretentious, they do not require careful care. And if you draw up the right business plan and strictly observe it, then their breeding will bring a good stable income, becoming an excellent solution for owners of private houses.

Growing laying hens

Today, entrepreneurs again have an interest in opening business in the village. Finally, they realized that doing this work can make great money. One of the most profitable and widespread areas for business development has been the laying of laying hens. Experts say that its profitability under optimal conditions is more than one hundred percent. This amount of income is possible, even if you buy ready-made feed. And if you use leftover food from your table as feed, then the percentage will increase even more.

Before you buy a bird, you need to build a chicken coop. The necessary cells can be purchased at the factory. The main requirements for them are spaciousness and temperature conditions not lower than seventeen degrees, even in winter. The walls of the room must be carefully insulated. This condition is necessary, because when the temperature drops below normal, egg laying of hens will drop sharply. In addition, do not forget about the ventilation system.


When buying chickens, you should pay attention to their breed. For example, Loman Brown laying hens are capable of carrying up to three hundred eggs during puberty.

The budget of the business plan of laying hens is as follows: the cost of each chicken is not more than one hundred rubles, the nutrition of one bird per day is 95 kopecks. For example, for five months, twenty chickens will need about three hundred kilograms of feed for ten rubles per kilo.

This means that this item of expenditure reaches three thousand. It turns out that in order to start a business consisting of laying hens, it is necessary to have an initial capital of about five thousand rubles. You can reduce costs by a quarter by self-producing pet food. The following calculation: one egg is sold for three rubles on average.

From selling eggs for a week, you can earn about one and a half hundred, therefore, all investments will easily pay off within one year. In addition, you can implement chicken droppings, which is a wonderful fertilizer for personal plots.


Breeding hens

To confirm that raising chickens or raising ducks at home or on a farm today is highly profitable and profitable, even a person who is not connected with business and does not have market or any economic knowledge can.

And this is understandable, since each of us probably knows how much poultry meat and eggs are in great demand, especially if they are high-quality and tasty. Hens, ducks, geese and other domestic animals are products for which there is always a steady demand. Therefore, with the proper construction of your own poultry breeding business, you will have a good income.

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