
How to open an antique store. Antique Bench Business Plan

Connoisseurs of beauty have existed at all times. The 21st century is no exception. In this regard, by opening an antique store, you can be sure that it will be in demand among potential buyers. It should be noted right away that such a business cannot be called simple, but its inalienable advantage is its low competitive activity, as well as the ability to touch the beautiful through everyday communication with unique objects and their connoisseurs.

So, we offer to understand how to open an antique store.

how to open an antique store

Registration and registration of business

Previously, any business plan of an antique store must have included a clause providing for a license for this type of activity. However, in 2000 this rule was abolished, which greatly facilitated the lives of entrepreneurs who want to try their hand in this area.

Now it is enough to register as a legal entity, register with the tax authorities, and you can begin work. I would especially like to note that if you are thinking about how to open an antique store, you should not forget about the possible occurrence of problems with the internal affairs bodies.

To avoid such troubles, you need to carefully approach the issue of buying products for your shop. So, it is recommended that you always have at hand a list of antiques that are on the wanted list. It can easily be found in open sources.

antiques store

How to open an antique store: selection of premises

It is strongly discouraged to rent a department in a trading house. After all, the antiques store is a special world that does not tolerate foreign elements. It should provide the client with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the amazing and bewitching atmosphere of magnificent antique items.

In this regard, in order for your business to be successful, it makes sense not to skimp on rent or purchase premises for a separate store. An option in the form of the first floor of a residential building is great. It will cost less than a separate building. Since real collectors are ready to go for the little thing they are interested in to any district of the city, there is no need to overpay for the rental, placing their shop in the center.

Design and equipment of an antique store

A very important element in the shop of antiques is the atmosphere. Therefore, you must make every effort to create the appropriate design for your store. It is best to hire a specialist for this purpose who can recreate the old era.

And as elements of decor, you can use some items for sale. As for the equipment, its list is standard: racks, tables, etc. However, everything should be styled antique, so that in your antique shop a potential buyer has the impression that he has magically moved in time and become a thing of the past.

antique store business plan


Thinking about how to open an antique store, a lot of attention should be paid to the actual antiquities that you plan to sell. To do this, keep in mind that the global market in this area is distributed as follows:

- objects of painting and sculpture account for about 40% of the total volume of antiques;

- 20% of this market consists of old coins, awards and insignias, as well as prints;

- furniture and other furnishings - 17%;

- jewelry - 15%.

antique store

How to open an antique salon: staff recruitment

Regardless of the size of your antique store, you will need to hire the following employees:

- Sales consultants. Candidates for these vacancies must have experience in trade, as well as good taste and knowledge in the field of art.

- Expert. The duties of this employee include giving an assessment of the authenticity and value of a work of art. You simply cannot do without such a specialist. After all, he will be able to find out if you really have a valuable antique item in front of you or just a quality fake.

- Restorer. You probably will need the services of a specialist of this kind, because not all products that fall into your hands will have an ideal appearance. In this case, the restorer, as well as the expert appraiser, is not necessary to hire a staff. The best option would be to find such specialists and arrange with them for the provision of services as necessary.

- Purchasing Manager. If you wish, and in order to save money on the initial stage of starting a business, you can perform the duties of this employee yourself. A person’s work on this vacancy comes down to trips around your city and other settlements in search of ancient gizmos stored by the population, the values ​​of which people do not even suspect. In any case, it is necessary to undergo special training in order to have an idea of ​​the antiques market and to be able to quickly determine the value of an item by eye.

- Perhaps in the course of your activity you will need to involve a driver with a truck and movers in order to deliver a cumbersome purchase to your client (sofa, wardrobe, piano, etc.).

- Accountant. Not always, and especially at first after starting a business, it makes sense to hire this employee full time. It will be much simpler and cheaper to resort to the help of outsourcing firms providing such services.

how to open an antique salon

Advertising and business promotion

At this stage, your main task will be to attract new customers with whom you need and subsequently maintain relationships. At the very beginning of work, one cannot do without even a small advertising campaign. So, place ads in the print media, as well as, if possible, on television (as a ticker). In addition, contextual advertising on the Internet also gives great returns.

Customer service

Also, do not forget that it is important not only to attract a new customer, but also to retain it, make it come back to your store again and again and make new purchases. Therefore, invite your customers to fill out a short form indicating their contact details and areas of interest. Subsequently, when replenishing the assortment of your store with items that may be of interest to a particular client, you can send him an SMS message or call in person and inform about the new product.

how to open an antique shop

The financial side of the business

If you are seriously thinking about how to open an antique shop, then, of course, a very important point is the question of the necessary starting capital, as well as what income you can count on. As for investments, according to experts, in order for your store to have a wide enough assortment, you will need to invest at least 800 thousand rubles.

As for profitability, it will directly depend on how you build this business. However, it should be noted that often the profit of the owners of antique shops is measured by more than one thousand dollars of profit per month. Therefore, with certain efforts, you can always provide yourself with a very decent income.

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Good day!
I would like to chat with people who open or already have an open store associated with antiques.
There is an idea of ​​opening a small wholesale store of numismatics and bonistics.
Engaged in numismatics and a half years ago and became involved)
More like not to collect, namely to resell coins)
Many people now prefer collecting coins and banknotes as a hobby, and there are a lot of outbid in this regard.
But as such, there is no supplier of coins, you need to constantly look for replenishment from different people.
So the idea of ​​opening an online store with an emphasis on small wholesalers has ripened.
Roughly speaking, buying bags of coins is cheaper and selling with a minimum margin to small wholesale.
Now there are some coins in the amount of about 100 tr. but that’s not even half what it takes.
But I think a rather promising business in connection with the possibility of wrapping up goods from 25 to 100%
However, for a good promotion and to attract fellow collectors you need a pretty large assortment.
Therefore, if someone has ideas or suggestions for joint purchase of bags (in order to bring down the price per unit), I would be happy to talk with such people.
I have trading reviews on various resources.
I will be glad to any communication with like-minded people!)
My mail: akiraalt@gmail.com
With uv. Igor. Penza
Alexander Igor
this is utopia. extended for a long time. in this case there is no wholesale


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