
Bowling business plan. The cost of bowling equipment. How to buy the best bowling equipment

Recently, bowling centers have become a very popular place for recreation and leisure for people of different ages and affluence. Despite the fact that the first such establishments began to appear in Russia in the mid-1990s, they quickly fell in love with our compatriots. So, the number of bowling centers over nearly 20 years has increased several dozen times, due to which such entertainment today is available not only to residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also to most Russians.

If you are seriously considering opening such a center, the first step should be a bowling business plan, which will examine in detail the main stages of work, costs and the planned level of income.

bowling business plan

The history of the development of the domestic bowling business

The first bowling clubs that appeared in Russia were mainly designed for people with a very high income level. So, in those days, one hour of the game cost about $ 100. It is not surprising that the owners of such institutions literally "rowed money with a shovel."

Gradually, they began to create bowling centers with an orientation not only to rich people, but also to the middle class. Despite the fact that this led to a reduction in prices per hour of the game to approximately $ 25, entrepreneurs received a large influx of new visitors. In addition, it became possible to purchase bowling equipment at lower prices, which led to lower costs for opening entertainment centers.

This situation led to market expansion: according to statistics, the number of bowling players in Russia doubles annually. If 15 years ago a center with six paths was considered large, today it’s not enough to surprise anyone with thirty.

Taking into account all of the above, it is safe to say that this business in our country is only at the development stage, so that entrepreneurs have every chance to take their place in this as yet unfilled niche. About how to open a bowling club, we propose to talk in our article.

how much does it cost to open a bowling club

Where to begin?

Before you begin to draw up a business plan for a bowling club, you need to answer a lot of questions: find out about the features and specifics of running this business, the costs of equipping a room and purchasing equipment, options for generating additional profit, calculating profitability, operating expenses, payback period, etc. e. We offer a more detailed consideration of each of the items.

Selection and equipment of the premises

When drawing up a bowling business plan, you should take into account that, most likely, you will have to spend a lot of time finding a suitable room. This is due to the fact that it must comply with certain standards and have the necessary dimensions.

So, if you plan to open a club with 10 tracks, then you need a room with an area of ​​at least one and a half thousand square meters, there should also be no columns, pillars, etc. structures. Of course, you can build your own building for bowling, but this option is very expensive and involves a number of risks. Therefore, it is best to try to find a suitable room for rent in the new shopping and entertainment complex.

Also, when choosing a room, you need to keep in mind that the profitability of your business will largely depend on its location. A good solution would be to place a bowling club in the city center.

cost of bowling equipment

As for the organization of the interior space of the room, it should be borne in mind that the length of each track should be 26 meters. Plus, it will take another 4-5 meters to take a run before making a throw. Also, keep in mind that the ceilings in your entertainment center should not be lower than 3.5 meters. To create a comfortable atmosphere for visitors it is best to use the services of an interior designer. After all, customers with great pleasure will come to a stylishly designed club.

Equipment for bowling center

The business plan of a bowling club must necessarily include the cost of purchasing the necessary equipment, which consists of a pinspotter - a device for placing pins on a track, a ball return system, monitors, a scoring system, track with a base. In addition, auxiliary equipment will be required - furniture sets, decorative panels, supplies, accessories and spare parts.

The cost of bowling equipment directly depends on the manufacturer. So, if you give preference to eminent foreign companies, you will have to pay a pretty tidy sum. If you prefer Chinese-made equipment, then you can count on quite good quality, and at a very affordable price. How much does a bowling lane cost? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, but on average it will cost from 25 to 40 thousand dollars.

The cost of bowling equipment can be significantly reduced if you buy used products that are, however, of good quality and working properly. In this case, you can save up to 40%. And if the maintenance of the coating and automation is carried out correctly and on a regular basis, then their service life can reach 20-25 years.

Bowling Center Staff

If you plan to open a small institution, then at the initial stage the bowling business plan should include the need to hire employees such as an accountant, cashier and an experienced instructor. If your plans also include opening a bar, then you will need a bartender and 1-2 waiters.

bowling equipment

Types of bowling centers

Unfortunately, it is not enough just to purchase equipment for bowling and bowling, as well as bowling alleys. After all, first of all, you need to determine the look of your entertainment center. So, there are four concepts for organizing a bowling club: sports, family, entertainment and designed for VIP-guests. We offer more details on each of the options.

Sports Bowling Center

This kind of institution makes sense to open at a fitness center, stadium or sports complex, where bowling will be one of the many sports programs, as well as act as a game addition to physical education classes and a cozy place where sports fans can have fun. In the sports bowling center, the bulk of visitors will be professionals and "advanced" amateurs. These people, as a rule, follow the established rules of behavior and game traditions.

Such visitors will not rely on alcohol, but they will spend on the game itself, delicious snacks, oxygen cocktails and sports nutritional supplements. For example, in the United States in institutions of this kind it is often possible to meet such stars as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and others. In Russia, regular stars of sports bowling centers are sports stars, for which, as a rule, their active fans and fans come.

Naturally, professional bowling players for training will also come to such a club. And not

buy a bowling alley

wonder if they will bring whole suitcases of equipment with them. To secure these regular and valuable visitors to your center, it is advisable to provide them with a place to store their equipment for a small fee.

In such an entertainment center, an accessories store and a driller (a person who drills holes in balls, adapting them to the player) will bring excellent income. Since this profession is quite rare, real professionals are highly valued in the world of bowling.

Therefore, do not skimp on the salary of this employee. In addition, be prepared that not only seasoned professionals will attend your club, but also beginners who want to master this exciting game. Therefore, it makes sense to hire sensible coaches who will deal with novice players.

In addition, from time to time it makes sense to conduct competitions with a good prize pool. Their organization will require a staff of experienced judges and organizers of such tournaments.

As for the promotion of a sports-oriented bowling club, it cannot be called very expensive, but it should, of course, be carried out only by an experienced PR specialist.

Due to the fact that this place will be visited by professional players, bowling lanes and other equipment must be of extremely high quality. Otherwise, you hardly have to rely on the sports elite.

Family Bowling Club

An institution of this kind, as a rule, is an entertainment center for both family and corporate leisure, the core of which is a bowling alley and restaurant. In general, diverse groups of friends and co-workers, as well as families with children, will come here to have fun on the weekend or evening after work. In such entertainment centers, birthdays and various holidays are often celebrated, as well as corporate parties and recently popular team buildings.

how much does a bowling lane cost

Since a rather serious load will be on the cafe and bar, an area of ​​at least 50 square meters should be allocated for them. The menu should consist of both fast food, which can be eaten in the playing area, and serious dishes for those who want to have a solid lunch after the game.

In a family-type institution, you can not only buy a bowling alley, but also slot machines, billiard tables, small attractions. In addition, you should definitely equip the entertainment center with a play area for the youngest guests.

Bowling club at the entertainment complex

This institution is multidisciplinary and is designed mainly for mass recreation of youth and students. A bowling business plan of this kind should include the organization of additional entertainment in the form of a computer club, slot machines, an American pool, a disco, a climbing wall, as well as fast food and a bar.

Bowling club for VIPs

This institution, as the name implies, is a closed club for the powerful and close. It should be located exclusively in a fashionable area, and its interior should be stylish and luxurious.

Bowling equipment, like all club equipment, must be expensive and very high quality. Such an institution receives the main income not from hourly surrender of bowling lanes, but from the sale of annual club cards, profits from a bar and restaurant. After all, customers come here not so much to play as to be in a comfortable, cozy atmosphere surrounded by the same successful people as themselves.

How much does it cost to open a bowling club

To start such a business will require quite considerable financial investments. The average cost of organizing a bowling center is about 400 thousand US dollars. The profitability of this business is at the level of 20-25%, and the payback period, as a rule, does not exceed two years. In this regard, it can be argued that an entertainment center of this kind is very profitable, despite a rather serious initial investment.

Today we learned about how much it costs to open a bowling club, as well as about the main aspects and details of this business. We hope that our information will be useful to you.

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We want to set a bowling alley in the basement.


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