
Own business: sports and entertainment complex. Sports club business plan

sports club business planWITHToday it is not fashionable to smoke long Cuban cigars and languidly sip cognac. Our prompt century dictates completely different criteria by which the most successful and fortified people are identified.


And one of these criteria is a sporty and fit body.

We invest in sports and get rich?

Therefore, now with a certain amount of money and a great desire to start a business, a business related to fitness seems promising. With such a crazy promotion of a healthy lifestyle, which is deployed on almost all channels, your sports and entertainment complex will never be empty. Therefore, if you have free financial resources and you are eager to start a new business, then this direction can be considered as one of the most promising.

However, you should not lose your head and rush to buy the necessary equipment right away. Start by writing a business plan for the entertainment complex, which will include the sports part. Weigh your possibilities in this way. Try to allocate funds as efficiently as possible. If you fit into the budget, and you have money in case of force majeure, then in this case you can proceed with the implementation of your project.

Main question

sports and entertainment complexWhat difficulties can a young entrepreneur in this business field encounter in the first place? In principle, the problems are the same as in any other business.

At the first stage, you may simply not have the necessary number of customers in order to develop your sports and entertainment complex. Why is this happening?

It is clear that the institution is new, many customers may still not know about it, not represent your level of service, equipment of the hall. And it's not just the lack of advertising or poor marketing. In fact, everything lies on the surface.

You may not be visited simply because your business plan for the sports complex did not take into account the fact that you are located away from the homes of your potential customers. They are not comfortable getting to you, so they choose similar establishments, but located near their apartments or houses. You must admit that not everyone will be ready to cross half a city in order to practice at your sports club. So think over this moment.

We adapt to the client

Otherwise, your entire advertising campaign and the money invested in it will simply go nowhere. The business plan of the sports club must take into account the proximity to your institution of a large sleeping area or a huge skyscraper with a large number of residents. The best thing in this matter is to put myself in the shoes of the client and ask: "Would I go to train in this gym?" Yes? Not?

If you receive a negative answer, review your plan, change the place of rent or erection of your building to a better one. In addition to a fitness room and an entertainment center with cinemas and bowling, maybe it is worth adding sports entertainment for your customers here? Set up playgrounds, equip game rooms. After all, you already want to go to such a hall, right?

Understand the main thing: a club in modern competitive conditions should be as attractive as possible to your customers. To increase attendance, hire a qualified trainer with communication skills, sociability and great professional experience.A nutritionist will also be good for weak and beautiful women visiting your complex.

On the economic part and not only

What other factors can be noted as fundamental to the success of any new business? Besides location, this,sport club business planOf course, the most modern sports equipment and high service. Ideally, rent a good room in one of the sleeping areas of your city.

Consider enough parking space in front of the establishment. This circumstance will serve as an additional pleasant bonus to visit your complex.

You can rent a ready-made room (the business plan of a sports club must take this into account), or you can rent several apartments on the ground floor of a residential building. But in this case, you will need additional investments for the reconstruction.

We think over the location of sports equipment

In order for you to always be full of customers, you need to take care of high-quality simulators and other sports equipment. If you use the old equipment, this will give an extra reason to compare your club with the semi-basement “rocking chairs” of the nineties.

Do not risk your reputation. Keep your mark. Do not skimp on the good equipment of the hall. The business plan of the sports club should take into account the acquisition of a variety of equipment that will allow your customers to comprehensively pump all types of muscles.

If your room is quite spacious, then, in addition to installing exercise bikes and treadmills, you can also select separate tracks for jogging. They can be located around exercise machines. It will be very convenient for visitors who prefer running over activities with pieces of iron.

About staff

However, no matter how well your complex is located, and no matter how mega-modern it is, if it employs incompetent personnel who do not know how to communicate with customers correctly, then the person who made the business plan of the sports complex and put into him money. People decide everything. This is especially true of the service sector. Therefore, it is extremely carefully and scrupulously approach the issue of the correct selection of personnel.

For the position of trainers, choose not only beautiful girls and pumped up guys, but also, possibly, people of a more mature age so that the client always has the opportunity to choose. Many people come to train not so much because they really feel the need for physical exertion, but because they like the atmosphere of the complex that they fall into. They enjoy a social circle, a pleasant attitude towards themselves.

And now about finance

Probably, reading our material, you already guessed that you can’t do without investments here. For the opening of a serious complex, appropriate amounts will be needed. The very first clubs tried to open on the basis of a variety of sports complexes. Now there is almost no such opportunity. And, unfortunately, new halls and sports complexes need to be created, as they say, “from scratch”.

So, for example, in Moscow, in order to equip a medium-sized hall, you need to spend at least 100,000 rubles. In addition, it is imperative that the quality of the services you provide is commensurate with the price. Experts in this area have already calculated that, as a rule, the profitability of such a case is from 20 to 30%. What does it mean? And the fact that your investment in a club (for example, 30 million rubles) located at 1,500 meters will pay off in 2 years.

sports complex business plan

How to deal with competition?

Let me once again draw your attention to the fact that you will encounter fierce competition from the complexes that have already declared themselves on the market. Therefore, a place in the sun will have to fight for real. Open your business in sleeping areas or in the city center. But in this case, you have to compete with the “bison” of this market, and this is a costly and troublesome business.Therefore, make sure that the business plan of the sports club takes into account the population of the area or the high traffic of potential customers.

Below are the main cost items for opening a gym:

  • Payment for the premises - from 100 thousand to 150 thousand rubles.
  • Possible repair - 100 thousand rubles.
  • The acquisition of modern sports equipment - 300 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of advertising and PR is from 20 thousand rubles.
  • Miscellaneous small expenses - approximately 50 thousand rubles.

Total amount: 620 thousand rubles. As you can see, this money is rather big. Therefore, a sports and entertainment complex, the business plan of which does not provide for a detailed distribution of funds, runs the risk of "failing". It is important to understand that planning serves as a kind of guide in the business world. Without it, you simply can’t start a business.

Rules for writing a business plan

We have repeatedly said that it is necessary to calculate your financial capabilities and correctly distribute forces to achieve the intended goal. However, few people know how to correctly describe the sequence of their actions in business. You must always see the goals that you set for yourself. They should be a kind of beacon that will lead you in the right direction.

When deciding to do business in the field of fitness, carefully consider the plan of the sports complex. Renting a room can cost you a good penny. And this means that you must use all the available meters to the maximum.

In addition to the most compact arrangement of simulators (without prejudice, of course, to customers), think over a small recreation area where your visitors can relax, relax, chat and order refreshments or health drinks that you can sell to them here, earning even small, but still extra money.

No way without a governor?

layout of the sports complex

Experienced entrepreneurs advise newcomers to enlist the support of local and federal authorities before starting a business project. Their approval will mean that no one will put sticks in the wheels, and you can safely move towards the realization of the goal. In addition, the type of business you have chosen fully meets the requirements and modern requirements of a society that wants to be healthy, which means that you may be entitled to tax concessions and some preferences.

Do not forget about advertising and PR. They should talk about you constantly. For this, ideally, it is worthwhile to establish the stable operation of the corresponding service. Advertising should be systemic. In addition to television, advertising is very effective on radio and the Internet. Use all possible levers. Do not forget to evaluate the results of such work in order to adjust actions and achieve maximum in this direction.

We think big

In order for your business to "shoot", of course, it would be nice to find an excellent sponsor. Calculate the possible profit from the case, interest her an influential person. His finances can quickly lead you to the leaders of this market. And then you give back the money invested by third parties and work for yourself.

In another case, you can continue to work together with the sponsor, but in this case, of course, you will greatly depend on the mood of your financier. Ideally, you should conduct your own business: from the idea of ​​the project to its writing and directly implementing. This, of course, will require serious investment and risk from you, but in case of a successful outcome, you will be the full owner of the sports complex. Companions, sponsors and others will always make adjustments to the work of the common cause, which may not always be beneficial.


We mentioned that the hall should be equipped with modern and high-quality equipment. Currently, due to the large number of manufacturers of sports equipment and exercise equipment, you can find a good offer.

You can purchase new equipment.However, if finances do not allow you, you can buy what was already in operation. The main thing is to carefully examine it for breakdowns and defects. If outwardly everything is in order, in this case, you can safely put the simulators in the gym. For the first time, they can become a real lifesaver for you.

As you receive finances, you can seriously engage in re-equipping the hall and, naturally, increasing the cost of classes. Think about this moment when you are writing a sports club business plan. Perhaps this way you can save a lot. Also pay attention to the fact that the layout of the sports complex, on the one hand, allows you to place all the simulators and equipment, and on the other hand, does not make the room too crowded.

A bit about profit

And in conclusion of our material, let me give you a few figures. Of course, they are given very tentatively, since correction is always possible both in the direction of reduction, and vice versa. So, per month with an average cost of a subscription to classes of $ 50 and with 70 visitors, you can have $ 3,500. From the so-called "one-time" customers (in the future they may become permanent), the number of which is 7, when paying $ 4, your budget will replenish by $ 840 by the end of the month. As a result, you will receive $ 4,340.

However, it all depends on the initial investment, the level of service and your individual abilities as an entrepreneur. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks. Invest in your own business, and it will certainly bear fruit.

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