
Business plan tire shop from A to Z

First of all, we want to note that our local authorities have done everything so that your future tire fitting point will bring you maximum profit, because the condition of our roads is able to “kill” even premium class tires from the best world brands in the shortest possible time.

But this does not mean that you absolutely do not have to do anything, because water does not flow under a standing stone! But if you consistently follow all the points of our business plan, then we are sure that your business will become profitable and successful.

[caption id = "attachment_4782" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]tire fitting tire service [/ caption]

Please note that this type of activity is no longer subject to state licensing; to open a tire fitting station, it will be sufficient for you to open only an individual entrepreneur or legal entity of your choice.

1. Choosing a place.

In large and even medium-sized cities, places around busy motorways have already been bought out, leased and built up. It doesn’t matter. After all, you are dealing with motorists, for them to drive toward five hundred meters is a two-minute affair. But the difference in rent directly near the highway and 500 meters to the side can be very, very significant, which will most beneficially affect the payback of your business. And certainly you will have additional funds to advertise your opened tire fitting station.

2. The choice of premises.

The best option for your tire fitting station should be a small non-residential premises with an area of ​​about 50 square meters. m. - a small workshop, warehouse or garage box. The rental cost is small, and the need for alteration of the interior space to fit tire needs is minimal.

3. Services that your station will provide

Tire service is far from the only service that your employees will provide. In addition to changing the wheels of car owners, the most popular service is checking car balancing and tire inflation. These are the so-called “five-minute services”. You can also offer the owner a cup of hot coffee at the expense of the cost of services.

4. Equipment you need

We offer you a list of equipment that will be in demand:

  1. Tire fitting equipment:
  • Semi-automatic tire changers for various types of cars motorcycles and buses;
  • Bath for checking the tightness of the wheels;
  • A device for washing wheels;
  • Tool kit for manual mounting / dismounting of tires.
  1. Balancing equipment:
  • Centering systems;
  • Balancing machine.


  1. Lifting Equipment:
  • Jacks;
  • Lifting equipment;


  1. Equipment for straightening discs.
  2. Vulcanizers and accessories to them.
  3. Tire repair materials and tools:
  • For tubeless tires;
  • For cameras;
  • Tool;
  • Repair kits;
  • Process fluids and materials;


  1. Tools for repair and maintenance of wheels:
  • Tread cutter;
  • Wrenches;
  • Grinding tool;
  • Hand tool.


  1. Balance weights.
  2. Accessories for wheels.
  3. Spikes.
  4. Nitrogen generators of various capacities and components for them.
  5. Cameras rubber seamless.
  6. Personal protective equipment:
  • Glasses;
  • Respirators
  • Gloves;
  • Knee pads;
  • Footwear;
  • Costumes
  • Other remedies.
  1. Studding equipment.
  2. Compressed air distribution systems:
  • Pistols for pumping tires;
  • Pressure gauges;
  • Flexible hoses and other connections.

We have provided you with the most comprehensive list of equipment that may be in demand at your future tire station.However, the final choice of a specific model and a specific type of equipment must be made after consulting with the seller of a specialized store and determining the budget of the enterprise and its range of services.

5. Tire station staff

No special or specific skills will be required from the tire station personnel. Of course, they must take a certain training course, but it can be accommodated as part of the candidate's internship. The skill of the staff is more important here, so that clients do not have to wait half an hour to be served.

The number of employees - 4 people: 2 craftsmen and 2 tire technicians. Work on schedule 2 days in two. Salary is calculated as a bonus on revenue: for craftsmen - 20%, and for tire workers - 10%.

6. The expected profitability of the tire fitting station

The profitability of your enterprise will be determined by two peak seasons - spring and autumn. Autumn peak will last 10-14 days, while spring peak will be longer - about a month and a half. Although everything, of course, will depend on the weather. In the rest of the time, 5-7 cars will appear at the station every day with minor problems - express puncture repair, etc. The cost of maintenance at the station depends on the dimension of the tires - the larger the tires, the more expensive it is to replace them.

In total, if the annual revenue of the station will be one million rubles, then 650-700 thousand rubles will be earned precisely during the peak periods of the massive “re-shoe” of cars.

And from this follows, probably, the main difficulty that awaits you after you open the tire fitting station. The main revenue will come to you during two peak seasons, and you will have to pay your staff salary, pay taxes and rent a month. Therefore, you need to very carefully spend the proceeds so that you don’t suddenly find that next month you have nothing to pay for rent and salaries for staff.

We suggest that you make the following calculation of estimated tire costs per year. With revenue of 1 million rubles, you, being on the “simplified account”, will pay in the form of tax 6% of revenue or 60,000 rubles. Boxing rent per month - 32,000 rubles or 384 thousand rubles. in year.

If all these expenses are put aside in a separate pile, then you still have 556,000 rubles in your hands. Now let’s recall the salary of employees who receive 30% of each check (10% tire fitting and 20% master). Consequently, 30% of a million - 300,000 rubles will be spent on staff salaries. Or 25,000 rubles a month, but, again, your employees, like you, will receive the main income in peak seasons. Sometimes for a week they will receive $ 1,500 each, which, in general, is not bad for a schedule of two in two.

And the bottom line is 256,000 rubles. Finally, the payment of consumables and the payment of electricity should be deducted from this amount. In a year it comes out to about 32 and 35 thousand rubles, respectively.

Consequently, the net profit of tire fitting for the year will be 189,000 rubles.

It seems to be very little. An average manager receives even more a year, but investments in tire fitting equipment rarely exceed the bar of 200,000 rubles, since the main expenses will be on the purchase of equipment.

Therefore, your company will pay off in a year and will start working in net profit! And this is without related services!

Under the related services should be understood the sale of oils, shampoos, ice-cream, all those necessary trifles for which the driver will be reluctant to go specifically to the auto parts store.

And in a year or two it will be possible to think about expanding the business. If opportunities allow, it is best to open a car wash nearby. This would be the perfect option.

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