
Business plan of a dance studio. How to organize a dance studio: where to rent a room, how to advertise your services and what documents are needed to start

business plan dance studio

The art of dance has been appreciated at all times. Even two hundred years ago, all the noble people, nobles and the "cream" of society, always invited teachers to educate their children, and from childhood they mastered complex pa and pirouettes.

Later they were replaced by circles at educational centers and houses of culture. However, now they are also a thing of the past - people prefer to learn dancing in a well-equipped room, with locker rooms and showers.

There is no doubt that the dance business can be a truly promising and profitable idea. But where to start work? How to organize everything in order to as soon as possible “Beat off” the invested funds and start making real profit?

Step 1. Marketing Research

Before starting to draw up a business plan for a dance studio, you need to conduct a minimal market research, at the level of the area in which you plan to work.

Try to find out as much information as possible about nearby schools, their pricing, class hours and teacher level. In addition, one should evaluate the advertising activity of competitors - many manage to "travel" just due to it.

Step 2. Choosing a basic concept

How to open your own dance studio? Be sure to define the general concept, choose the main dance style, and also determine the time of classes. The target audience is active working women who live nearby and plan to work out in the evenings. You should focus on the average income level of your customers.

Among the most sought-after trends, one can distinguish classical, ballroom, oriental dances (especially the belly dance popular in recent years), as well as strip plastic.

In addition to teaching specific types of dance, programs such as "Dancing for Everyone" are in fashion. What is their essence? Everything is very simple here - they are intended for people who do not know how to do it at all, but really want to learn how to dance in order to feel relaxed and confident in clubs and at parties.

It must be said that each school develops its own, exclusive program "Dancing for All." As a rule, it is based on modern trends, a bit of classics and thematic dances. With competent advertising, such programs instantly attract a huge number of comers - who will give up the prospect of learning to dance in a few weeks?

Your task is to make it possible for your students to see tangible results as soon as possible. Then additional advertising of your services will no longer be required: the so-called effect will work word of mouth.

how to open a dance studio

Step 3. Formation of the list of services

Analyzing in detail how to open a dance studio, you should immediately determine the main source of income of the institution. Depending on the work schedule and the number of groups, this can be an hourly fee or a subscription. In addition, the rental of halls for other dance groups and aerobics, fitness and other sports (in free time) will allow increasing the profitability of the project.

Step 4. Registration of activity

As a rule, the founders of dance studios and schools are registered as individual entrepreneurs.If there are several founders, it would be more logical to register a legal entity - for example, LLC.

Obtaining special licenses for conducting choreographic lessons is not provided.

However, it should be borne in mind that you will need to obtain permission to operate the selected premises (if it is not located on the territory of specialized complexes). Permission must be obtained both from the city administration and from other authorities - the fire service and the SES.

In addition, you must choose a tax system: general or simplified.

dance studio advertisement

Step 5. Search for a room

So, all the preparatory stages are already behind. How to open your own dance studio? First you need to choose a room suitable for all parameters. At the same time, you need to take into account not only your personal preferences, but also the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological service (you will need its permission to start work).

For a small dance studio school, it will be enough to rent a room with an area of ​​about 150 m2:

  • from 80 m2 falls on the dance class itself;
  • 15 m2 - locker room;
  • 15 m2 - shower rooms;
  • 20 m2 - restroom;
  • 20 m2 - hall.

To make your company profitable, the rental rate should not exceed 70-90 thousand rubles per month.

Separately, you should consider the basic requirements for the room:

  • accommodation on the ground floor;
  • the possibility of repair and conversion;
  • availability of air conditioning and ventilation systems, soundproofing and the possibility of placing showers;
  • the presence of a separate entrance (classes in the evening hours can interfere with the residents of the house).

As for the location, you should consider different options and clearly weigh the pros and cons, making a business plan for the dance studio.

The advantages of sleeping accommodation are obvious: a lower rent, a larger number of housewife clients who prefer to work in the morning and afternoon, and also the lack of competition. However, in terms of prestige, your school will be significantly inferior to those located in the center, and the cost of classes will be lower. In this case, counting on crowded halls is also not worth it, but in order to attract customers, you have to constantly spend money on advertising.

Accommodation in the city center also has its pros and cons. The disadvantages, first of all, include the fact that the rent will be too high, and customers who live on the outskirts will most likely decide to find an institution that is closer to home. But there are pluses - prestige, the high cost of classes, low advertising costs and convenience for working customers.

Step 6. Equipment

It is imperative that you include an expense item in the business plan of the dance studio related to the purchase of all necessary equipment. First of all, we are talking about specialized flooring and ventilation. The average cost of a special floor covering for dancing (a board, typeset parquet or laminate) ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand rubles per 1 m2.

But arranging good ventilation is not cheap. Therefore, it would be more logical to initially find the room in which it is built.

Special lighting is not required. The main condition is that the light in the dance class is not too bright. Best of all, if it is possible to adjust the brightness and intensity of lighting.

To purchase mirrors, as well as equipment for the locker room, lounges and reception, you will need to additionally allocate about 80 thousand rubles.

Step 7. Search for staff

To organize the work of a small dance studio you will need:

  • administrators (2 people) - $ 600 per month;
  • teachers (5-6 people) - from 300-400 rubles per hour;
  • cleaning lady - from 200 dollars a month.

On average, about 100-120 thousand rubles must be allocated for the remuneration of employees.

dance studio business plan

Step 8. Promotion and advertising

The next item that we will include in the business plan of the dance studio is the cost of organizing and conducting an advertising campaign.After all, it is in your interests that people find out about you as soon as possible and come to you.

As part of the campaign, you can use the following ways to promote your services:

  • printing and distribution of printing products - leaflets that can be handed out on the streets and stops, as well as put in the mailboxes of nearby residential buildings;
  • distribution of leaflets in local beauty salons and hairdressers;
  • posting at public transport stops, in elevators and near the shops of advertising posters.

Advertising a dance studio on the Internet can be very effective - on the sites of your city and on social networks.

Other options for attracting people are the organization of free trial master classes (especially for those who have never learned to dance) and themed dance parties with the opportunity to take dance lessons from the best teachers.

By the way, subsequently from such events is also not worth giving up. To motivate your clients, you should have a party at least once a week at which anyone can demonstrate what they have learned. Such meetings can be held not only on the territory of the dance studio, but also outside it - for example, in a club or restaurant.

The rental price of such institutions in the evening is about $ 150 per 1 hour. Due to the paid entry (from 150 rubles) the party will pay for itself, but will not bring any profit. But there is no need to increase the cost of entry in order to “warm up” at the holding of such an event. After all, your goal is not at all in this - people should have a good rest, once again feel how much they were given classes in your studio and, of course, bring their friends, who in the future can also become your clients.

Step 9. Cost-effective support

Profitable are groups of 10 to 15 people. As a rule, their classes are held in the evening. And day and morning time can be filled with lessons on individual programs. Due to such classes, you can get from 5 to 20% of the total income. To reach a good level of profit, it is necessary to provide daily attendance at school 3-4 full groups.

dance business

Step 10. Financial analysis of the project

Let's try to summarize all of the above and find out how much a dance studio, whose business plan we are currently drawing up, can bring you money. To begin, consider the primary costs:

  • rental of premises for a dance studio - from 70 to 90 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of additional equipment - 80 thousand rubles;
  • salary to employees - 120 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - 330 thousand rubles - the amount needed to open a dance studio.

In the future, monthly expenses will decrease to 200 thousand rubles, and the monthly turnover of funds will reach 350 thousand rubles. That is, the net profit that you can get from the dance studio will be from 150 thousand rubles and above.

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About a year. It also depends on the location of the studio and investment in advertising, the presence or absence of competition.
And how much time is needed to get 3 full-fledged groups to provide 350tr / month?


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