
Laundry business: how to open a laundry. Mini-laundry business plan: equipment and SES requirements

how to open a laundryUniversal laundries are very popular in some countries. And today, more and more similar firms appear in our country.

Therefore, many are interested in questions about how to open a laundry? How expensive will the first steps be? Can this business be considered profitable?

How to open a laundry? Where to begin?

In fact, in Soviet times, public laundries were quite common. And although today almost every house has its own washing machine, laundries remain in demand.

If you are interested in questions about how to create such an enterprise and turn it into a profitable business, then for a start you should decide what exactly you are going to open. For example, a large universal laundry requires much more investment than, say, a mini-laundry. A business plan should take into account all the nuances.

To begin with, it should be noted that today all such enterprises can be divided into two groups - these are laundries, where customers are provided with a full range of services, including ironing and dry cleaning, as well as small laundries that operate on a self-service system. Each of them has advantages and a target group of customers.

Full range of services

Such a laundry offers its customers not only washing, but also drying, ironing and even dry cleaning

laundry equipment

clothes. Such enterprises operate approximately like this - today a person brings laundry to the laundry, and after 2-3 days he takes back already ironed and “ready for use”.

If you are interested in the question of how to open a full-service laundry, you should be prepared for the fact that here you will need more money and more working staff.

By the way, the services of such laundries are widely in demand - for example, they are used by some hotel complexes, kindergartens, and sometimes private clinics, which need to constantly wash large quantities of bed linen, towels, uniforms, etc. Naturally, ordinary people can become yours regular customers.

Self-service laundry

Self-service laundries are very popular in foreign countries. The essence of the work here is extremely simple - at the entrance, the client buys tokens, which give him the opportunity to turn on the washing machine. You just need to load the laundry, add the required amount of powder and wait. Such a scheme has its advantages.

In particular, the client can pick up the clothes on the same day, and she certainly will not be lost. In addition, such laundries are much cheaper (this applies not only to the client, but also to the owner of the enterprise). And of course, in such production the number of workers is minimized. But there are also disadvantages - universal washing machines can not be used to wash all fabrics. In addition, some stains on clothing require manual cleaning.

Therefore, before studying the documents and buying washing machines for laundries, it is necessary to decide which scheme you will work on, which categories of customers your establishment will be designed for.

What documents are needed to create a “laundry” business?

In terms of official documents and permission, opening a laundry is a rather troublesome business. First you need to register with the tax office (in most cases, owners register an IP).

laundry requirements

In addition, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the requirements of the SES for the laundry. In particular, there are requirements for the area of ​​the room, the equipment used, working personnel, repair, wall and floor decoration, ventilation. Naturally, the laundry room should have electricity, gas heating, cold water, air conditioning, etc.

Laundry requirements are available from the fire department, labor protection service, power grid, water utility, gas service, as well as architects. Before you open your institution, you will have to go through a lot of checks and get permission from all of the above state organizations.

Where is the best place to rent?

If you are interested in questions about how to open a laundry room, then you probably thought about where it is best to rent a room. Everything here again depends on your target customers. For example, full-service laundries are best opened closer to hotels, entertainment complexes, kindergartens and other large organizations, which will subsequently become your regular customers.

Another good place is the large sleeping areas. Here, both universal laundries and those establishments that operate according to a self-service scheme will be appropriate. It is advisable to open a mini-laundry near student dormitories - statistical data indicate that it is students who most often become a regular clientele.

How to arrange a room?

It should immediately be noted that there are some generally accepted standards for the design of laundry facilities, which you will be told about in the sanitary and epidemiological station. For example, if we are talking about a universal laundry, then the reception of dirty laundry and the delivery of clean should be carried out in different rooms.

ses laundry requirements

As for design, the main thing here is the convenience of customers, especially when it comes to self-service laundries. Do not forget that customers will have to wait until the laundry is washed, so you need to arrange comfortable chairs or sofas.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to organize a laundry also depends on the type of your enterprise and the bulk of regular customers.

Some laundry owners arrange so-called waiting rooms, where there are tables, chairs, vending machines with coffee and snacks. If your main contingent is students, then you can provide them with wireless Internet access (in this way, young people will have the opportunity to study or communicate).

Laundry equipment

laundry washing machines

Of course, one of the most important issues is the technique that is necessary for the smooth operation of the enterprise. Laundry washing machines must be selected very carefully. Here, again, it all depends on the specifics of your institution.

If you cooperate with hotels and other organizations, it is best to take machines that are designed for large loads of linen. By the way, it is best to take modern devices that allow not only washing and rinsing clothes, but also twisting them. A well-wrung, almost dry cloth is much easier to dry.

In addition to washing machines, other laundry equipment is also required. In particular, do not forget about clothes dryers. If you offer a full range of services, then you will need equipment for ironing. Also, do not forget to include racks and hangers for clothes, bathtubs for soaking laundry, packaging stands, tables for spot dry cleaning, trolleys and mobile tanks (for washing solutions), compressors and steam generators in the shopping list.

Primary Supplies

For laundry, the main consumables are detergents and cleaners. And you should worry about this in advance. Particular attention should be paid to the powder - it is advisable to choose high-quality products. It is best if the powder is hypoallergenic.By the way, if you have a self-service laundry, then you should think about offering customers several types of powder - for example, you should have powders for washing colored clothes, as well as those that are suitable for cleaning children's clothes.

mini laundry business plan

Do not forget that one powder is not enough. Today it is difficult to imagine washing without bleaches, rinses, fragrances, amplifiers, softeners, so do not forget about these products.

In addition, purchase detergents and cleaners that are designed to care for washing machines and other equipment, clean rooms, disinfect, etc. It is best to find suppliers of household chemicals and conclude an agreement with them - so you won’t have to spend time independently purchase and transportation of products.

How many staff will be needed?

The number of staff, of course, depends on what services your laundry offers, and according to what scheme it works. To begin with, it is worth analyzing the needs of a universal laundry. Depending on the size and volume of work performed, you will need 2-6 workers who will be engaged exclusively in washing. In addition, personnel are required who will be engaged in the reception and delivery of things. A person who will iron the clothes is also needed.

You will also need a gasman, electrician, accountant and technical equipment specialist. Although these workers do not have to be in the laundry room all the time, they can be called upon as needed.

If you decide to open a launderette, the number of employees can be reduced. At full time you will need to hire only 1-2 people who will issue tokens, monitor the operation of the equipment and, if necessary, give advice to customers.

how to organize laundry

How profitable can such a business be?

Many people who dream of starting their own business are primarily interested in how profitable it can become. Laundry business with a successful approach becomes truly profitable. The fact is that this industry is just starting to develop, and therefore competition in such a niche is relatively low.

Naturally, the right approach is needed here. You must ensure trouble-free laundry. Friendly service and a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere are extremely important. And of course, in the initial stages of business development, customers need to be sought.

If you are interested in how to open a laundry room, then advertising costs should be included in the business plan. After all, you first need to provide your company with a flow of customers. You can hand out flyers, put up several banners, publish several ads in local newspapers and use the opportunities that the Internet provides.

As for the costs of starting a business, the exact amount is difficult to name, since it depends on many factors. If we talk about its average value, then it will take about 200,000 rubles to open. But income can be from 50 to 80,000 per month.

In any case, remember that the first six months are extremely important for building a good reputation and increasing the number of regular customers.

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