
Medical business: how to open a medical center. Medical Center Business Plan

medical center business plan

Until recently, it seemed that the business of medical care would not be in demand by the population, because it is difficult to compete with a powerful system of free medicine. However, more and more people are eager to see private doctors. Therefore, the question of how to open a medical center is becoming increasingly popular. With the proper organization of the business, this business can bring not only moral satisfaction, but also material reward.

Who can do the medical business?

It is generally accepted that only people with higher medical education can create a clinic. Of course, having experience and specialized knowledge will be a plus for you. But when planning, and when you begin to draw up a business plan for a medical center, the skills of a talented manager and organizer will be much more needed. Often the founders are people who had no relation to medicine before. Only as patients.

Another scenario is the organization of a clinic initiated by an insurance company engaged in medical insurance.

In any case, the creation of a private clinic is a titanic work. There are a number of conditions that are mandatory. This is licensing, the collection of permits. All restrictions are designed to protect people. It is dangerous to admit to treatment those who are not able to monitor the quality of medical care provided. That is why the opening of a medical center will require you to take a responsible approach and comply with all established sanitary and legal standards.

Management form

When a center is opened, they usually go through the process of establishing a limited liability company. This is somewhat more complicated than creating an IP.

It is necessary to prepare the charter of the LLC, the memorandum of association, collect the amount of the authorized capital, register in the Unified Register of Legal Entities. And pay the state fee established for the registration of LLC.

Of course, you need to register with the tax office, choosing the appropriate tax system.

Profile Definition

Before opening a medical center, determine the directions that will be presented in it.

Of course, it is easier to choose a narrow profile: dentistry, for example, or cosmetology. It is more difficult to pass licensing to wide-profile institutions. But then you can continue to provide a range of services.

However, the development of related areas in medicine can be included in your strategic development plan.

Licensing the medical business

how to open a private medical clinic

Now more about the procedure for obtaining a license. Please note that each of the selected areas of service is subject to licensing. Therefore, it is important to outline the range of these services at the preliminary stage.

To complete the procedure, collect the necessary documents, certificates. Papers are collected for each type of future medical services.

In the process, it will be necessary to confirm the availability of a room that meets all the requirements, list the equipment needed. For devices, accompanying certificates are required.

When passing licensing, you need to confirm the qualifications of the medical staff who will conduct the reception of visitors to the clinic.

If you intend to issue sick leave to patients, you should do another licensing process.

Permission Package

In general, the package of documents that you must have in your hands before opening a private medical center is very voluminous. It includes the following papers:

  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor. It establishes the compliance of the premises you have chosen with the sanitary and epidemiological standards adopted for medical facilities.
  • The developed regulation on production control.
  • Contracts for pest control, disinfection, disinfestation.
  • Contracts for the export, disposal of waste, including hazardous.
  • The contract for the disposal of fluorescent, neon, quartz lamps.

Issues of regulation of waste management should be addressed in a complex. It is unacceptable to get rid of them in a standard way. Even greater care must be taken when handling hazardous waste.

Immediately accustom yourself and staff to the careful management of documentation. Conclude agreements with dry cleaners, laundries. It will also be necessary before opening a private medical clinic to resolve all issues with the fire department.

We select a place and room

It is clear that the place that you designate for your center should be close to public transport. It is unlikely that your future patients will like to go to you from the stopping point for a long time.

opening of a medical center

Perfect location in the city center. So it will be easier to find you. Few will go looking for you in the suburbs. Not everyone has the time and personal transportation.

In the business plan of the medical center, include the financial reserve for the arrangement of the premises for the purpose of providing medical services. It will be better if you rent a detached building (there will be an opportunity to avoid possible claims from neighbors).

When determining the necessary space, your calculations will again come in handy for the approval of the main activities. So you will clearly understand how many offices you need to open. It will be clear to you how many square meters are needed to accommodate the purchased equipment, so that there are no complaints about non-compliance with sanitary standards.

When you start an x-ray, magnetic resonance examination, scanning, you need to carry out additional refurbishment of the premises in accordance with safety regulations.

Equipment purchase

The largest expense item before opening a private medical clinic is the purchase of all necessary equipment. As already mentioned above, the list of devices and devices is directly dependent on the chosen specialization.

how to open a private medical centerIf you plan to launch a narrow-profile medical institution, then your task is somewhat simplified. In the case of multi-discipline, extensive procurement lists will have to be prepared.

It is better to discuss and approve the list of necessary equipment with specialists. They will tell you which models to order, in what configuration.

Do not forget about small tools. It is also systematically purchased. Be sure to install apparatus for the disinfection of rooms and tools.

It is sometimes rational to equip your own small laundry and dry cleaning, especially if your plans include the organization of a hospital.

All devices must be certified. Do not buy equipment from unverified suppliers. Then there will be problems with the service. Contact your authorized dealer or directly to the manufacturers. As a rule, in these cases you are offered technical support and assistance in installation and training.


Finding high-class specialists is what you need to open a medical center. Patients appreciate the work of doctors. They turn to a paid clinic in the hope of finding attentive, sensitive professionals there. It is precisely dissatisfaction with the quality of service that averts people from free medicine. Most patients who are admitted to a private clinic complain of indifference to their problems in municipal hospitals.

When selecting staff for a job, ask applicants to show a diploma, certificates, and clarify the availability of categories and titles.And also ask for recommendations and feedback. Find out how patients and colleagues treated their work in the same place.

Be sure to find out if the specialist is able to handle the equipment that you purchased.

In addition to doctors, you will need to staff nurses and nurses. Administrative staff will be required. It is important to hire friendly and non-conflict registrars. They were the first to meet visitors, forming their positive image of your clinic.

The staff also needs an accountant to keep records. It is more complicated for LLC than for IP.

How profitable is the medical business

As you already understood, a substantial amount of expenses will have to be added to the business plan of the medical center. In this case, in the future, you will also have to incur monthly expenses for maintaining the clinic and staff remuneration.

And will there be a benefit? If you are able to attract and maintain a stable flow of patients (approximately 50 visitors per day), then the monthly revenue may well be about 20 million rubles. This is if the average check is equal to an average of 1000 rubles.

Undoubtedly, in some cases, the load can “float”. But with a good reputation, competent doctors and attentive junior staff, you will only increase your client base. This will allow you to return the money spent and go on generating income.

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something arithmetic let us down, with an average check of 1000 rubles, when the center works seven days a week, the turnover is far from 20 million, but only 1,500,000 rubles. (calculation of 50 patients per day)


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