
Business plan: recycling plastic bottles. Equipment for the processing of plastic bottles and a list of necessary documents

It’s not news to anyone that a plastic bottle has decomposed for several decades. And it is already impossible to remember how they used to live without them. Meanwhile, they lived perfectly. Drinks were sold in glass containers and often, in order to buy milk, kefir or lemonade, it was necessary to hand over the same number of bottles that I would like to buy.

Young people think that this is some kind of medieval savagery. But only some 25 years have passed since the day when plastic poured into our market. Therefore, the question of how to recycle plastic bottles is quite important.

Global environmental issue

plastic bottle recycling business planAnd before, the approach was much more civilized than what is happening now. It is enough just to take a look at the landscape on any city beach, park or even in the forest many kilometers from the city.

In the Moscow Region, only unauthorized landfills occupy 1.5 thousand hectares.

About 10 million tons of PET are produced annually in the world. In Russia, tons of PET bottles are transported to a landfill, where they are burned and buried.

This waste accumulates, poisoning the air, soil and water. This is a global environmental issue. Europe has already begun to deal more or less with this problem. By the way, PET packaging is not so good. It transmits ultraviolet and oxygen, and also does not hold carbon dioxide inside, and this greatly reduces the shelf life of the product.

A similar market has not yet been fully disclosed.

But there is a plus: PET packaging is recyclable. From recycled materials, insulation for jackets, filler for soft toys, the so-called artificial wool, which is used to produce knitwear, etc. is produced. So in the UK about 70% of bottles are processed, in Germany - 85%, and in Sweden - 95%. And in Russia only 6%. This suggests that this market is still very far from saturation. Thus, this is a tidbit for investors. Therefore, it is worth considering a business plan.

The processing of plastic bottles, namely the organization of this business, should begin with the following: you need to find out if there are any giants in the region of interest or any government support for this type of business. Then you need to register a legal entity and you can begin to search for production facilities and an office.

Search for premises and obtaining documents

plastic bottle recycling equipment

For a manufacturing enterprise for the processing of PET containers, it is necessary to find a room with an area of ​​at least 3 thousand square meters. m. It is best to look for him in the suburbs. Abandoned factory, warehouse, hangar. If only it would fit in the area, as well as communications would be summed up. The room will have to be divided into three parts: a production workshop, a warehouse of raw materials, a warehouse of finished products. This must be taken into account when designing a business plan.

Recycling of plastic bottles is possible only if there are certain licenses and various approvals from services such as SES and the fire organization. Obtaining all the necessary documentation will require about 200 thousand rubles.

What equipment will be required?

Equipment for the processing of plastic bottles will cost approximately 4 million rubles. Another 400 thousand need to be ready to give for its installation and commissioning. The list of necessary equipment includes a granulation line, a rotary grinder and an agglomerator.

You can do with domestic equipment.Such a line for the processing of PET bottles will cost approximately up to 1 million rubles. But then you need to be prepared for small production capacities and frequent breakdowns of the line.

However, it should be borne in mind that bottles can be sent not only to the production of any other goods. Raw materials can be directed to receive energy. This is the so-called pyrolysis processing of plastic bottles. But this process requires the purchase of additional equipment.

What nuances do you need to consider when drawing up a business plan?

Recycling plastic bottles without raw materials is not possible. Therefore, you must purchase it. And this is a difficult question. Raw materials can be purchased at landfills. We'll have to go round a certain number of such places, agree on a price, and discuss the presence or absence of caps on bottles. You can organize points of reception of plastic containers. Well, if one of these points will be right next to the workshop. This will save transportation costs.

Why should you discuss traffic jams in advance? The thing is that the complexity of the pressing process will be increased due to the presence of air in the bottle. Given the fact that many start their activity on weak lines, their breakdown is possible.

Accordingly, it will be necessary to hire employees who will manually check the bottles for plugs. And this entails additional costs. Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that such an important aspect is required to be provided in advance with the supplier. Otherwise, recycling of plastic bottles will be complicated.

Garbage sorting technology

The habit of sorting garbage in Russia has not yet formed. But, for example, in England it is as natural as breathing. But how could it be otherwise if the fine for the wrong sorting of garbage is 1000 pounds? Each type of waste (three of them) is taken out only on a certain day of the week. And if the owner of the house mixes up the days and sets up the tank with the wrong kind of garbage - again, a fine. The Germans also sort the garbage.

The first type of waste is food. Livestock is fed with this waste, and also used as fuel at some enterprises in the energy sector. Paper is thrown away separately from cardboard, as the methods for processing this waste are different. Glass bottles of different colors - in different tanks.

Old clothes and shoes are stored in special containers at shops, churches and in parking lots. The batteries will have to be taken to the nearest supermarket and disposed of in a special battery bin. Another tank for plastic and metal. And one more for the "rest."

Everything is not as absurd as it might seem at first glance

At first, it may seem to our person that he has fallen into the "world of the absurd." No joke, about 10 different garbage cans. And in Germany, a deposit is taken in stores (about 25 cents) for each bottle. If you hand over the bottles, you get your money back. And so in almost all countries of Europe. There is hope that the rest will soon “wake up”. In the meantime, residents of high-rise buildings do not really understand why instead of one tank in the yard there are now two.

Capacity Planning

You can plan labor costs based on production capacity. That is, it is necessary to answer a number of questions. How many workers do you need at full load and shift work? How many drivers for the delivery of raw materials and the shipment of finished products? Do you need an electrician, plumber, janitor? And also plan the wages of the storekeeper, receiver, movers, accountant, sales manager.

Sales of products

It remains to establish sales. Out of 50 tons of PET waste, about 40 tons of recyclables will be obtained. Recipients of the commercial offer may be manufacturers of disposable tableware, packaging film, manufacturers of fiber for weaving factories, soft toy factories and many others. A list of potential customers with contact details can be found on the Internet.And then form a price offer, a discount system, a payment method - and the commercial offer is ready.

It is necessary to assess the competitiveness of this area

In order not to sit and think after why sales are not going, you first need to familiarize yourself with the offer of competitors. In a good way, this should be done when designing a business plan. Recycling plastic bottles requires clear answers to the following questions: what are we selling, to whom, at what price?

The amount of initial capital

Summing up all of the above, we can note the factor that about 5 million rubles will be required to organize your own bottle processing business. This amount will include equipment for the processing of plastic bottles, and rental of the necessary premises, and personnel search. However, it is worthwhile to understand that your own enterprise must be constantly improved. Otherwise, it will not bring the expected income.


how to recycle plastic bottles

If a plastic processing, the business plan of which was described above, will be organized competently, then such an entrepreneurial idea will pay off within two years. Plus, satisfaction from the fact that this is an extremely important business for ecological recovery. We still can not change the planet as an apartment. Therefore, it would be nice to learn how to live on this.

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