
Vending business: receiving PET bottles. How to choose and where to install a machine for collecting plastic bottles?

taking pet bottles

Plastic is one of the main enemies for all living things. That is why for decades, humanity has been struggling with packaging and bottles that pollute the environment. According to the results of studies conducted by scientists, an unambiguous conclusion was made that the decomposition of plastic takes about two hundred years.

During this period, these wastes poison the territory in which they are located. It is worth saying that every year the production of plastic packaging around the world is increasing rapidly. This is the main reason for the increase in the amount of waste from this material.

Environmental solution

Today, in order to stop plastic pollution of the planet, it is necessary to completely abandon its production. However, this option is unrealistic. The fact is that plastic is a universal and cheap material that is used in almost all spheres of human activity. Moreover, at the moment there is no worthy alternative to it.

Reducing the amount of hazardous waste can help to limit the production of environmentally unsafe packaging. This method is currently used in many foreign countries. For example, in stores in Europe, plastic bags were replaced with paper bags that do not harm the environment and can decompose in two to four weeks when disposed of.

Reducing the amount of waste from plastic can be achieved by recycling this material. The bulk of packages to be disposed of are bottles. Almost all manufacturers of carbonated and mineral waters pour them into plastic bottles. In this regard, the disposal problem arises. Solving it, you can open your own business on plastic bottles.

Waste collection

Before organizing the reception of PET bottles, you should carefully study the experience of European businessmen. On the territory of outlets in most countries, special machines are installed. Their main purpose is to collect PET bottles. If you carefully study this issue, we can conclude that you can make money on such waste. However, this is not easy. At the moment, in Russia, the reception of PET bottles is carried out by the only company supported by the Moscow government.

Varieties of machines

The device with which PET bottles can be received is a special container for containers. At the same time, to determine the object, it is scanned. In world practice, there are two varieties of such machines. The first of them includes those that scan and receive PET bottles. The second type of machine is designed to collect aluminum containers.

Operating principle

Smart containers are called fandomats. Automatic machines for collecting plastic bottles and aluminum containers exchange the packaging to be recycled for money. In these containers, the volume and weight of the tare are determined, and barcodes are recognized to identify the object.

The machine for collecting plastic bottles and aluminum containers is equipped with a "microclimate" system, which supports certain values ​​of humidity and temperature and allows the device to run smoothly.


The production of such machines is established in Germany. In this regard, the price of this equipment is considerable. The cost range of fandoms ranges from four thousand eight hundred to seven thousand euros.

collecting plastic bottles as a business

To buy or not such a machine? Starting his own business, each entrepreneur draws conclusions about the payback periods of the equipment he purchases. Collecting plastic bottles as a business is not an easy task. That is why, before taking certain steps, it is necessary to enlist the support of state bodies.

Vending business will advance faster and bring real profit in the case when the collection of plastic containers will be combined with its processing. These two processes are practically inseparable from each other. In order to process raw materials, they must first be collected. In this case, the best place to place fandom will be the trading floors of stores or the territory in front of the super- and minimarkets.

Business profitability

Suppose the city has two thousand fandoms. The most profitable to take aluminum containers. The collection container can hold up to four hundred cans. Consequently, from all fandoms, the daily receipt will be 800,000 cans.

The cost of aluminum raw materials ($ 1.28 per kilogram) will allow you to get daily revenue of $ 25.5 thousand. Of these, the apparatus will be paid to those who dipped banks in it, 18.5 thousand dollars. As a result, the daily profit will be seven thousand dollars. But do not forget that the purchase of so many fandoms will take twelve million euros.

Thus, under favorable conditions, profit is possible only five to six years after the start of business. At the same time, we did not include administration, logistics, and technical support costs in our calculation. The conclusion is clear. In order to build a network of fandoms, state assistance will be required.

Collection and recycling

World statistics show that packaging and packaging are the most disadvantageous links in the plastic processing chain. This situation exists in almost all countries. For business, a prerequisite is a budget subsidy and support from the city authorities.

The next stage is more profitable - plastic recycling. There is a definite opinion of experts. According to him, the payback of a garbage processing enterprise is achieved within one to two years from the moment of its opening.

At the same time, on average, profitability indicators reach twenty-five percent. Higher income can be obtained by combining two processes - the collection and processing of plastic containers. However, to open such a business, state subsidies will certainly be needed.

In addition, some experts believe that fandomists in Russia are currently implementing the wrong reward scheme. So, in Germany, a person who throws a bottle or a can into the device is given a special ticket, which allows to reduce the cost of products purchased in the store. In our country, it’s easier for a person to throw an empty bottle into an urn than to make a path to a fandom who will give him some trifle in exchange for a container.

Some experts believe that you can draw attention to the device for collecting plastic bottles in another way. If a fandomat performs a musical composition in exchange for a container or “tells” a joke, then people will not walk to the ballot box, but to it. At the same time, significant cash savings can be achieved.

The use of waste plastic

Despite the difficulties of the business of accepting PET bottles, the expansion of the network of fandomates is planned in Russia. How is used plastic used?
Secondary PET serves as a material for the manufacture of synthetic yarns, fibers and geotextiles.

business on plastic bottles

Almost thirty percent of the waste is spent on these purposes. PET fibers are used for car upholstery.They make carpets for offices and homes. European standard PET finds its application in the manufacture of polyester fabric. This material is used as insulation for sleeping bags and sportswear, as well as a filler for soft toys. If the fiber is thin, then it is used in the manufacture of artificial wool for scarves, sweaters and knit shirts.


Creating a business for the collection and recycling of PET bottles and aluminum containers will require a lot of effort and time. At the same time, state support is important. However, having overcome all obstacles, you will be able to reach an unprecedented result, and then all costs will be covered by income. The most important thing is to believe in success, and then everything will certainly work out.

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