
Styrofoam business production plan

[caption id = "attachment_4807" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]Styrofoam Own business: foam production [/ caption]

First of all, I want to start the article by determining what the polystyrene actually is. In fact, this is a polymeric material with a foamed structure, which has a phenomenally light weight, and is used in various fields. Namely: packaging - twelve percent, floats, placeholders for compartments of submarines and ships - eight percent. And also in construction - eighty percent, it is in this area that it is used as decorative and heat-insulating elements.

The main area of ​​application of the foam is considered to be construction, and competitors for such material simply can not be found. Most often it is used for thermal insulation of industrial and residential premises, pipelines, storage facilities. Its application will not depend on its location, whether it be a workshop or a factory. Given the fact that such a material is plastic gas-filled, its use is also found in the construction of wooden houses. Polyfoam is considered an environmentally friendly material, and this is perhaps its most important factor, due to which it is in great demand among many consumers.

Foam Production Technology

As for the technology for the production of foam, then, in fact, it is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The technological process consists of several stages, namely:

  • Polystyrene foaming;
  • Material aging;
  • Forming material;
  • Cutting material.

The technological process is carried out on professional equipment. Foam Production Equipment It is in stock, and has the necessary certificates and license. Now let's take a look at the business plan for the production of polystyrene foam for all of these steps. The basis is not to take a large production, in which you have to meet up to 600 000 rubles and no more.

Equipment for the production ofAt the first stage, raw materials for the production of foam are selected, here several elements are used. First of all, it is a pre-foamer; for small production, productivity from two hundred to four hundred kilograms per hour will be sufficient. To do this, you need to use up to one kW. The cost of such equipment will depend on the manufacturer and amounts to 80 thousand rubles. Next, use the receiving hopper, which has a built-in small fan, which is necessary for heating the material. for such equipment you will need an amount of 30 thousand rubles, and the price will depend on the manufacturing company.

At the second stage, we will need special bunkers in which there are 2 bags, 2 fans, and 2 Venturi pipes. A foam plant should have such equipment. Since at the second stage it is necessary to observe all physical, chemical and thermodynamic conditions, therefore you will need to use the services of a professional technologist who should work on such equipment.

The next step is molding, and for this process you need to have a block in the form of a mold, then you will need an intermediate hopper, the price of which should be at least ten thousand rubles. It is also necessary to have 1 vacuum pump, which can cost from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. At the fourth stage, you need to have a special machine for cutting material, which can be made in different versions and options, everything will depend on the power level.Any machine with a power of up to four kW can be suitable for polystyrene foam, and the cost of such a pump should be 15 thousand rubles. As a result of this stage, foam waste remains that can either be sold or used for other purposes.


The profitability of the production of foam takes care of the presence of a steam accumulator, the price of which is 85 thousand rubles, which is necessary to produce steam for technical needs, and it is also necessary to have pneumatic conveying with a crusher, the cost of which will cost you 40 thousand rubles. According to estimates, the production line can cost you 450 thousand rubles, for the production phase this is not such a large amount. In addition, you will need to take care of the construction of a small plant or rent a workshop. It is best to start from the workshop, and the business plan for the production of polystyrene will be considered approximate, therefore, the associated costs for personnel, utility bills, obtaining a license, taxes and premises, you need to calculate it yourself, it will all depend on available resources.

Now I propose to consider the following, namely what is the characteristic of foam. Given that the foam is a white-colored insulating material, it consists of 98 percent air, and is enclosed in billions of small thin-walled cells that are made of expanded polystyrene.

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