
The list of products subject to mandatory certification. A single list of products subject to mandatory certification. List of goods subject to mandatory certification

The approval of a single list of products subject to mandatory certification is the responsibility of the Government of the Russian Federation. In pursuance of the provisions of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", a corresponding resolution was issued. Let us further consider in detail which products are subject to mandatory certification. list of products subject to mandatory certification

Government decree

The normative act established not only a single list of products subject to mandatory certification, but also defined a list of objects for which the adoption of the declaration of conformity is provided. In addition, the government decided the Ministry of Industry and Trade to develop and adopt, within a month from the date of publication of the document, the procedure in accordance with which information is provided on the relevant categories by executive structures. The annually compiled list is revised. The issue of which products are not subject to mandatory certification is decided by the Technical Regulation Agency and agreed with the government. The Ministry of Industry and Trade is obliged to publish information received from the highest executive body. The organization of activities for mandatory certification was entrusted to the authorized federal body - Rosstat. In some cases, these powers may be granted to other executive structures.


The participants in the mandatory certification process are:

  1. The authorized body of federal authority and other competent structures.
  2. Testing laboratories or centers.
  3. Certification Bodies.
  4. Sellers / manufacturers of objects or performers of related services.

Admission to the procedure for conducting events of organizations, regardless of their legal form and type of ownership, is carried out if:

  1. They do not act as performers, manufacturers, sellers and consumers of services / objects included in the list.
  2. They are accredited in accordance with the procedure established by law. list of goods subject to mandatory certification

Event specifics

Work on the certification of certain types of products is carried out as part of the relevant regimes. They may be voluntary or prescribed by law. A single list of products subject to mandatory certification acts as the basis for the publication of information about objects undergoing confirmation:

  • according to regulatory documents defining the relevant requirements;
  • when placed under customs control regimes providing for the possibility of using or disposing of them for their intended purpose on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, the TNVED codes are indicated.

Additional Provisions

Certificates issued before the date of entry into force of the government decree are considered valid until the end of the period specified in them, within the service life / shelf life of products approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The normative document does not apply to relations that arise in the process of assessing the conformity of objects, the requirements for which are defined in Art. 5 Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".

Confirmation of compliance

Mandatory certification refers to the procedure during which the level of product safety is checked and evaluated. This process is regulated by law. Mandatory certification is used to confirm the safety and quality of both domestic and imported products. According to the results of the procedure, a corresponding document is issued. The mandatory procedure is established for goods that, to one degree or another, can affect the health status of citizens, their property and the environment. The procedure involves the use of various schemes. The most common include the execution of a document for a contract, a specific batch, serial production. a single list of products subject to mandatory certification

List of products subject to mandatory certification

The list of objects is quite extensive. In some cases, the list of products subject to mandatory certification is divided into groups. However, one list of objects has been officially adopted. The list of products subject to mandatory certification includes:

  1. Water, ice, heat and electricity.
  2. Petroleum products, oil, gas, alternative types of fuel.
  3. Combustible shales, peat, coal, processing waste.
  4. Ore, non-metallic, recyclable materials of ferrous metallurgy, coke.
  5. Steel, ferroalloys, ligatures, cast iron.
  6. Finished steel products, including those intended for export.
  7. Billets for further rolling redistribution, tilbepses, balls.
  8. Metal products for industrial use. Steel tubes.
  9. Other and substandard metal products.
  10. Refractory raw materials, including scrap, bulk semi-finished products.
  11. Fasteners for general engineering use.
  12. Tsvetmet, alloys, raw materials and compounds.
  13. Non-ferrous metal rental.
  14. Products of carbide and electrode industry, products from colormet.
  15. Inorganic chemistry blanks, rubbers, man-made fibers.
  16. Varnishes, paints, intermediates, photo, film, magnetic elements, household chemicals.
  17. Organic synthesis blanks, petroleum-forestry-coke-chemical products, synthetic dyes.
  18. Rubber elements, asbestos-free and asbestos-based friction, heat-insulating, sealing.
  19. High purity substances and chemicals.
  20. Parts, devices, actuators of pipelines and ship systems.
  21. Products of transport, energy, heavy engineering.
  22. Electrical installations.
  23. Electrical raw materials and equipment.
  24. Cable elements.
  25. Petroleum and chemical engineering products.
  26. Pipeline industrial fittings.
  27. Wood and metalworking equipment.
  28. Abrasive raw materials, technological equipment, tools.
  29. Computer Engineering.
  30. General engineering products.
  31. Means and instruments for industrial automation.
  32. Optical devices and equipment.
  33. Automotive products.
  34. Rolling bearings.
  35. Agricultural machinery and tractors.
  36. Products of communal, road, construction engineering.
  37. Hardware and lock elements, sanitary facilities, except for those intended for conditioning and ventilation.
  38. Information products and software for BT.
  39. Household appliances and technological units for the food and light industry.
  40. Equipment for regulating traffic on roads, servicing agricultural machinery, auxiliary communication devices, metal building structures.
  41. Raw materials of sawmill and woodworking and logging industries.
  42. Pulp and paper products.
  43. Matches, plywood blanks and boards.
  44. Furniture.
  45. Construction Materials.
  46. Prefabricated reinforced concrete parts and structures, including reinforced elements from cementless concrete.
  47. Products from faience, porcelain, glass.
  48. Fixed resistors.
  49. Capacitors
  50. Variables and other resistors.
  51. Ship equipment.
  52. Electrical engineering, with the exception of capacitors and resistors.
  53. Television, radio broadcasting and radio communications.
  54. Radar elements.
  55. Radio communication equipment, conductor means.
  56. Radio navigation elements.
  57. Nuclear technology.
  58. Firearms.
  59. Products of the nuclear industry.
  60. Explosives and explosive devices for national economic use.
  61. Ships.
  62. Aircraft technology.
  63. Specialized rescue equipment.
  64. Textile industry products.
  65. The fabrics are harsh.
  66. Non-woven materials, finished fabrics.
  67. Knitwear.
  68. Sewing products.
  69. Blanks of the leather industry.
  70. Sheepskin-fur coats, fur products, furs.
  71. Leather shoes.
  72. Products of the industry of film materials and artificial leather, saddlery and leather goods.
  73. Yarn.
  74. Food industry products.
  75. Medicines, chemical, pharmaceutical and medical products.
  76. Products of fish, dairy, meat, animal feed, flour and cereal, microbiological industry.
  77. Medical equipment.
  78. Printing products.
  79. Cultural and household, household, educational subjects, means for theatrical and entertainment events, auxiliary elements for light industry.
  80. Raw materials of forestry and agriculture.
  81. Livestock products. which products are not subject to mandatory certification

Feature Description

The list of products subject to mandatory certification includes food raw materials. Any objects in the processed or natural form used by man must pass the confirmation of compliance. This category, among other things, includes dietary supplements, diet food, alcohol, drinks (mineral, etc.).

The list of goods subject to mandatory certification includes items made for children. Among them are care products, food for newborns, clothes, shoes, hygiene products, toys, etc. In addition, the legislation prescribes conformity confirmation for items made of rubber. This, in particular, nipples, toys, shoes.

The list of equipment subject to mandatory certification includes medical equipment. This category, for example, includes means for rehabilitation, devices for diagnosis and treatment. Confirmation of compliance are sanitary and hygiene items, cotton wool, surgical and other devices.

The list of products subject to mandatory certification includes textiles. The quality check for compliance with existing requirements are blankets, knitwear, bedding, etc. A procedure is also provided for garments. Glove, hosiery, scarf and scarf items are included in this category.

Verification of quality compliance with standards is also necessary for hats. The list of products subject to mandatory certification includes shoes. The procedure for confirming the conformity of quality is provided for both household (home) and special purposes.

The list of materials subject to mandatory certification includes the raw materials of the perfumery and cosmetics industry. The conformity confirmation procedure is also carried out for items made from it. This, in particular, soap, toilet water, powder, etc.

Quality control is necessary for fur and fur products. The procedure, including items of shoes and outerwear made of artificial raw materials.

The list of products subject to mandatory certification of fire safety includes objects made of flammable raw materials. These include, but are not limited to, varnishes, paints, cable elements, etc.

The verification procedure is provided for utensils, cutlery (children's and used in medical and chemical laboratories) made of earthenware, porcelain, stainless steel.

Personal and public transport are also products subject to mandatory certification. The verification procedure must go through the parts and spare parts for the vehicle. list of products subject to mandatory fire safety certification


As mentioned above, mandatory certification is provided for products that, to one degree or another, can affect the state of health of people, property and nature. For example, all devices operating from the mains must pass the verification procedure according to the GOST system. They also provide for a mandatory safety assessment, in accordance with the requirements of certain technical regulations. In the list, objects that fall under their action are marked with the abbreviation TP. Most of the products of the construction industry are not subject to declaration and examination. Moreover, its quality is important for consumers. Meanwhile, in practice, construction products are not accepted by companies if there is no certificate. This state of affairs is due to the high level of responsibility for the use of building materials, tools, accessories in the construction of buildings. Thus, if the company wants to implement such products, it must go through the certification procedure and receive a document confirming the quality and reliability.

The importance of the list

The list of goods subject to mandatory certification is compiled to ensure the proper working conditions of enterprises in one global market of the Russian Federation. The verification procedure for raw materials, tools, assemblies, items, tools and other objects is aimed at protecting consumers from unscrupulous manufacturers. The list of products subject to mandatory certification allows you to:

  1. Conduct quality control and reliability. Through the certification procedure, users receive safe products that do not adversely affect their health, property, life, and the environment.
  2. To carry out a competent selection of objects, objects, assemblies, devices, tools, tools, fixtures, etc. Consumers as a result acquire high-quality products that meet accepted requirements.
  3. Domestic enterprises to participate in foreign trade and international cooperation with other manufacturers. Having a product certificate, the manufacturer proves to the global world market that the quality criteria declared by him are officially confirmed.

The key objective of compliance verification is to prevent low-quality and harmful objects from entering domestic and foreign markets.

In what cases is the procedure performed?

The list of products subject to mandatory certification is used by various regulatory authorities. One of them is the customs service. When registering certain types of products exported or imported from / to the Russian Federation, along with the declaration, entities must provide a certificate of conformity. In some cases, the control service may additionally require a certificate of state registration. If products that are not subject to mandatory certification are transported, the declaration of conformity may be the regulatory document.

Distinctive features of documents

Product certification may be mandatory or voluntary. Based on the results of the check, a corresponding document is issued. Voluntary and obligatory certificates have practically no differences. Both documents confirm the quality of the facilities, their compliance with the established requirements and standards. The only difference is in the forms. If the product has passed the mandatory procedure, the certificate is yellow. The document issued according to the results of a voluntary procedure is blue.


The legislative acts establish the range of products that are subject to certification without fail. Annually, some objects are excluded from the list. As a rule, these products are transferred to the nomenclature, which is subject to mandatory declaration of conformity. It must be said that the established lists are updated by the Agency for technical regulation once a year.The availability of the certificate is checked by customs and other regulatory agencies in cases established by law. It should be said that currently strict requirements are imposed on raw materials and facilities made from it for a wide mass of consumers. The presence of a certificate, first of all, confirms the integrity of the manufacturer, his responsibility for the quality and reliability of the goods manufactured by him to consumers.

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Hello. All of course is correct. Question: Tell me, what kind of goods go through state purchases and tenders without a certificate, please list. Thank you 87477047172 vatsap


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