
What is the temperature regime? Temperature Log

The temperature regime is nothing more than a comfortable atmosphere in a certain place for people or objects located there. The concept of “right temperature” is often used when examining rooms of an educational nature. There is a strictly established temperature norm for different institutions, but these are not the only places where this factor is monitored. They carefully monitor the state of the air during storage of products, growing plants, and this is done regularly by the appropriate services. Especially carefully monitor the maintenance of the correct microclimate in the premises where the children are. This is mainly done because the health of the younger generation is directly dependent on compliance with these standards.

Concept of temperature

The correct air temperature in any place directly depends on what sensations a person experiences. This factor strongly depends on what we evaluate and what result we are expecting.

temperature condition

There are many different standards for assessing the temperature state. For example, temperature condition equipment work. This norm is monitored in industries where the correct operation of devices is directly related to the quality of products or to the safety of work. Or temperature conditions of storage of various products. This applies to the work of the food industry, as well as the problems of selling both perishable and long-term storage products.

Today we will not consider absolutely all modes. Let us dwell on some of them. To begin with, we’ll figure out what the concept of “temperature regime” means. So, in simple words, these are the boundaries that should not be violated under certain conditions. There are different standards depending on what we consider and evaluate. It is understood that the air temperature at the school may differ from the norm at the factory, and this is absolutely normal, since there are different conditions in these places, and they perform different functions. In the article we will consider those content standards that must be maintained in schools, kindergartens and industrial enterprises. At all these facilities in the first place are people, which means that the temperature should be comfortable primarily for them.

Climate dependence of air

Temperature estimation is highly dependent on the climatic conditions in which the enterprise is located. Depending on the region in which the school or office is located, you need to consider the air regime differently. To fully assess the condition of the room in terms of temperature, you need to find out not only degree parameters, but also measure humidity and pressure. All of them together show the final result, and only after evaluating all the indicators is a conclusion made about compliance.

It is worth noting here that all quantities are strictly defined by sanitary standards for each region. These norms are spelled out in a special document, which many call "SanPiN". The temperature regime of all educational organizations is clearly defined and must be maintained, otherwise administrations will face fines.

It becomes clear to everyone that in the southern regions the temperature range differs from the parameters in the northern part of the country.

air temperature

Room atmosphere

The atmosphere in the room should be such that a person is comfortable in it. The individual characteristics of each person affect his perception, so the modes depend on who is in the room.For example, scientists have found that a woman prefers a warmer atmosphere than a man. And young children generally do not know how to regulate the condition and can suffer from overheating or hypothermia much faster than adults. Just these differences are taken into account when the temperature is set in a particular place. Depending on the type of room, different requirements can be distinguished:

  • Bedroom. The ideal temperature is 18 aboutC. In such an atmosphere, a person sleeps great and feels good and cheerful.
  • Bathroom. In order for this room to be comfortable and there are no fungal formations, the indicator 25 is considered optimal aboutWITH.
  • Kitchen. Due to the fact that household appliances are constantly working in this room, 20 is considered the best temperature aboutWITH.

It is important to remember that, whatever the temperature regime in the apartment, the human body should not be exposed to changes of more than 2 degrees. He does not like drops, as this leads to poor health and wear of the heart system.

Human health

Despite the fact that some people prefer non-standard living conditions, there are universally accepted standards that need to be adhered to. It is especially important to do this during a period when weather conditions lead to heating or, conversely, to cooling the premises. In this case, the climate in the room should be maintained with the help of auxiliary means: in the winter, heating appliances work, in the summer - cooling, for example, air conditioning or a fan. If this is not done, then a violation of the norms will lead to overheating or cooling of a person, and this is quite dangerous for health.

No overheating!

How terrible is overheating and when does it occur? The average temperature is above 25 aboutC indoor is considered unacceptable. Overheating can lead to problems with the work of the cardiovascular system. Another danger is the spread of pathogenic bacteria in such an atmosphere. Also, in extreme heat, your body quickly begins to lose moisture, and dehydration may occur. To prevent this from happening, carefully monitor the state of your body. Noticing a violation in the field of temperature, indicate an administration error.

equipment temperature

Harm from hypothermia

In winter, the optimal temperature regime must be maintained in order to avoid hypothermia. In an apartment, do not let the parameter drop below 17 aboutC. Why is it so dangerous for the body? Lowering the temperature leads to colds, and also negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. This situation is especially dangerous where there are newborn children. Of course, there are individual preferences, and some people like the cool climate in the room, but these are rare exceptions that cannot change the general rules.

temperature log [

Kindergarten and atmosphere

The temperature regime in the kindergarten is very important, since the health of young children is completely dependent on how carefully the sanitary norms in the premises are observed. The climate in the kindergarten does not depend on the wishes of the parents or the team, but strictly corresponds to the specified parameters:

  1. Zone: 21-24 aboutWITH.
  2. Bedroom: 18-21 aboutWITH.

The kindergarten management should carefully monitor the climate, conduct regular measurements and adjust the heating or ventilation of the premises for an ideal atmosphere. In this case, all actions to adjust the temperature must be carried out without risk to the health of children.

temperature storage

School, children, climate

The temperature regime in the school is no less important, because, despite the fact that the children in this institution are in the older age category, they still remain children, and their health can be affected if the administration does not properly maintain the microclimate in the school. There is a different approach when regulating temperature in different types of rooms:

  • Classrooms or classrooms, assembly halls, dining rooms, libraries, corridors - all these rooms should have a temperature of 18-24 aboutC. Also, a similar climate should be maintained in all rooms where children study, do laboratory work, undergo consultations, attend circles.
  • Sports halls, workshops and other facilities where children perform physical exercises have a temperature of 17–20 aboutWITH.
  • If there are showers in the school building, then they, as well as locker rooms, need to be maintained 22–25 aboutWITH.
  • At a time when there are no classes at school, and children are on vacation, you can reduce the mode to 15 aboutWITH.

Compliance with all standards is monitored by the relevant authorities, which can impose a fine in case of violations, and even close institutions if it is not possible to quickly rectify the situation and remove violations.


The norm exists not only for educational institutions. Any enterprise, whether it is an office or a factory, has its own temperature standards. Opening any room and putting it into operation, the owner must obtain permission from the station. It is this structure that indicates legal norms and monitors their compliance. There are different categories of rooms, and different requirements are distinguished depending on the type. The basis of the division is the type of activity of the enterprise and the intensity of the employees.

temperature norm

Different categories

So, depending on the above factors, there are categories:

  1. Category No. 1. It houses enterprises whose employees do not use physical labor. This applies mainly to office premises, workshops and other enterprises, where everyone works in a sitting position, and the energy consumption of the body is minimized. In such rooms it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 21–28 aboutC. If the employees of the enterprise use some physical force, and energy costs rise, then the norm decreases to 20 aboutWITH.
  2. Category No. 2. At such enterprises, employees do not particularly work physically, but nevertheless there is still a minimum load (for example, lifting a load to one kilogram), you must adhere to standards 18–27 aboutC. In the event that team members lift loads of up to 10 kilograms, it is necessary to maintain the temperature to 16 aboutC. An example of such a premises is the production of a rolling, mechanized, blacksmith character and others.
  3. Category No. 3. This includes enterprises where people constantly use physical labor in their work. At the same time, the mass of products exceeds 10 kilograms. Even taking into account individual characteristics, the temperature should correspond to parameters 15–26 aboutWITH.

optimum temperature


To properly monitor the climate in a room, you need to keep a temperature log. What needs to be logged? It contains all the indications that are inherent in a particular room or room. This needs to be done constantly and regularly depending on what type of enterprise we are considering. In order not to deviate from the norm, in winter it is recommended to comply with the maintenance standards not only of all rooms, but also of auxiliary devices. High-quality thermal insulation also helps to abide by the rules, so with the advent of winter it is better to seal the windows and check the vacuum closure of the doors. In case of violation of the norms, the administration of the enterprise will be punished. Recently, temperature norms are violated more often. It largely depends on the quality of thermal insulation. Perform a thorough check of all heat-saving elements. This will help you comply with all legal requirements to ensure the right indoor climate.

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