
Business plan: sheep breeding from A to Z. Romanovsk sheep breeding as a business

sheep breeding business planIn recent years, there has been a clear trend that many of our fellow citizens are starting to do business. This is due to the fact that people want to have more income and (oddly enough) the confidence in the future that a job in an office or government agency cannot give.

Various livestock industries are becoming very popular. However, it is not surprising, given the historical background and the amount of abandoned land in our country. As a rule, the leadership of local municipalities provides assistance if you wish to engage in farming. In this article, we present a simple business plan. Sheep breeding will be our focus.

Why sheep?

The fact is that this livestock industry is very profitable, as it is characterized by excellent profitability. Sheep are pasture animals, and therefore they are easy to feed. They are extremely unpretentious, can dig up food directly from under the snow, and cases of death are extremely rare.

Their offspring happens once every six months, and the uterus may well bring up to four lambs in one lamb. By the way, precisely because of the large number of offspring, we can recommend the breeding of Romanovsk sheep. This is a domestic breed, characterized by an extreme degree of unpretentiousness, excellent taste of the resulting meat, as well as excellent wool and skins, which are readily purchased by procurement organizations.

Some disadvantages of the Romanov breed

These animals feel excellent in the central and even northern regions of our country. As we already said, up to four lambs can be obtained from one uterus.

Note that a large number of offspring still has drawbacks: there is not enough milk for everyone, and therefore you have to feed the lambs with special mixtures or goat milk. In addition, the meat of these sheep is not liked in the Caucasus, and therefore it can be sold only in the Central regions and in the Far East.

Profitability and what affects it

 sheep breeding as a business

We continue to discuss our business plan. Breeding sheep in any case will be cost-effective. We will not promise the golden mountains: in the early years, the profitability of this kind of business rarely exceeds just 25%.

But this is a stable profit that you will receive almost guaranteed. In the case of the same dairy cattle, one sometimes only has to dream about it.

Since we take land rent as an axiom (since few people have money to buy it), it’s difficult to say about the specific amount of expenses for it: in different regions of our country, the cost varies greatly.

Pay attention to the distance to the nearest settlement: the farther it is, the lower the rental price. Two main factors affect the scale of receiving money at once: the availability and quality of the food supply, as well as the number and reproduction rate. In general, sheep breeding (as a business) has a high chance of payback only if you have large enough pastures.

How to calculate the required number of pasture land for grazing?

It is very important to immediately calculate how much specific pasture you will need. Otherwise, the profitability of your production will be in serious danger. To do this, take the classic formula that was developed by the Soviet luminaries of sheep breeding at the dawn of the formation of the entire industry.

G = Y / N x P. What is what in this expression? Let's look at this important issue in a little more detail.

  • G - this is the number of sheep that will fall on one hectare of pasture.
  • Y is the amount of grass that grows on a particular land, multiplied by the percentage of maximum possible feed use. This value directly depends on the type of pasture you use. If it is natural, then sheep can eat up to 60%. On pastures of improved natural type, they can eat about 70-80% of the grass stand. Artificial allotments are the most productive: more than 90% of the grass stand can go to feed them. If we talk about productivity, then on average this indicator is within 100 centners per hectare.
  • N is the normative consumption of grass by one sheep per day. In the case of the Romanovskaya breed, this figure is 10 kg.
  • P - time during which they used this pasture.

What natural pasture types are best suited for Romanov breeds?

Since there is often no money to "ennoble" natural pastures, and even state-owned sheep-breeding companies often do not have them to create completely artificial allotments, you have to do with what is available.

But if there is at least some choice, it’s better to use it. After all, but our business plan (raising sheep in which is paramount) is designed for profit, but without a feed base it will not be in any case.

For early feeding, virgin steppe pastures are ideal. Grass on them is diverse, but actually appears with the first rays of the spring sun. In summer, pastures of this type completely burn out, but by autumn a second crop appears on them. Thus, they can be used for early and late fattening. One animal should account for an average of 0.1-0.2 hectares.

Hereditary sheep farmers say that the best allotments are mountain pastures with an incredible variety of grass stands and high nutritional characteristics of plants.

Artificial Pasture Tips

As you can see, in 99% of cases in our country you will not find anything like it. Therefore, we will include some tips for creating artificial pastures in our business plan. Breeding sheep in this case will be much more profitable.

breeding romanovskih sheep

Remember what we talked about the high costs of this event? But they can be reduced to a minimum if half-abandoned agricultural fields are used.

Firstly, this way you will be able to significantly restore their fertility. Secondly, on an artificial pasture you can feed a lot more sheep.

First, the field should be sown with alfalfa. Closer to lunchtime, it is necessary to fence off a certain area, mow grass on it, which should be laid out in feeders. Animals are kept in this pen until night. With the sunset and until 11 am they are released on the "free bread".

By lunch, the whole procedure is repeated. Such a regime will not only allow rational use of pasture resources, but also increase the gain.

Cost and Profit

Now let's calculate whether it is profitable to breed sheep in this way. From one hectare we get an average of 100 centners of alfalfa. Since one animal eats only 10 kilograms per day, 1000 animals will be easily fed per hectare. However, we have already agreed on the rational use of land.

To use the scheme with enclosed areas, 50 ha is enough. A thousand goals in just a day gives a gain of no less than 20 thousand. In a couple of years, profits will exceed three million. In addition, by the end of the season the field will be plentifully fertilized with manure, and therefore next year will yield a plentiful crop.

Hay costs

In winter, animals are best fed with hay. On average, a kilogram costs about five rubles. It is best to use hay from legumes and meadow grasses. Food made from forest crops, herbs grown on acidic soil is unsuitable. About one kilogram of hay per day takes up one ewe.Keep in mind that the livestock will consume a certain amount of feed per day, and nursing animals must also be fed bran.

Where to keep the sheep?

In most regions of our country, for their maintenance it will be necessary to build a simple corral of wood. There is no need to even carry out heating in it, since these animals perfectly tolerate even quite severe frosts. Buying one purebred sheep will cost you at least 10 thousand rubles.

Which products are best sold?

We have already said that the Romanovskaya breed gives excellent skins and wool. But at present, the demand for them is far inferior to the needs of the population in meat. That is why our business plan for raising sheep involves meat production.

What kind of staff will you need to hire?

Professional shepherds are required. Also, you can not do without the services of milkmaids who will get milk for feeding lambs. Of course, you can also cut animals on your own, but still it will be much better to hire professional shears for the season. The cost of wool largely depends on the quality of its cutting, and therefore you yourself will clearly spoil it to a substandard state.

Also take care of buying at least one truck, since the same feed will have to be transported a lot.

How much money is needed to organize production? A little bit about profit

If you sell sheep live weight, then per kilogram you can gain up to 200 rubles. If meat, then in large cities for the same weight will give more than 400 rubles.

But with sheep’s milk and wool it is sometimes very difficult. If possible, then wool and hides are best sold to specialized procurement offices, and milk is sold at dairy plants.

 sheep business

Now about the costs that raising sheep requires. You will spend at least a million on the initial increase in the number of 300 animals, and the profit margin is unlikely to exceed 250 thousand. Thus, it is better to start at least 1000 sheep immediately.

Information on the form of business ownership

To engage in sheep farming, enough is enough. Less fuss with documents, and simplified taxation schemes are a nice addition. In general, a business on sheep, with proper organization, will provide you well!

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