
Goose business: a business plan - breeding geese. How to breed geese for meat: costing and SES requirements

goose breeding business plan

Today, an increasing number of our fellow citizens contain various birds at home only to receive positive emotions (for example, parrots or canaries). These types of birds do not require any special care - to feed, drink, and your chick is satisfied.

But it is worth paying attention that on breeding poultry you can get a good monthly income without putting much effort. Of course, not all species of birds are suitable for this type of earnings. From a visionary perspective, income geese can be very attractive.


For people living in rural areas, there is a great chance for the development of their business.

And here we will talk about such an attractive, and most importantly, quite profitable form of our own business, as the creation of a goose farm and breeding geese. If you study this market segment, you will find that the competition here is quite low. Experts came to a common opinion: if there is a need to expand the business, serious financial costs will not be required, and that is why the project can be considered very attractive.

Breeding geese as a business does not require large initial material costs, you do not need to make the purchase of special equipment, give the case a lot of time. However, it is considered quite effective and generating good income.

Profitable or not

Let's consider a business plan. Breeding geese - profitable or not? We need to know all the pros and cons of a family project. Geese were trained by people in ancient times and were one of the first birds that our ancestors bred in their courtyard. Today there are several varieties of geese. During the Neolithic period, the first domesticated goose was the gray goose, which is considered to be the ancestor of all modern geese.

You yourself will see that it is worth breeding geese even in order to enjoy dietary poultry meat - this is the only product that is absorbed by the human body by almost ninety percent and has a large amount of protein. This product has an optimal balance between organic and inorganic substances.

Goose meat is a healthy enough food for a healthy person. Birds grow fast enough. To be more precise, a thoroughbred bird gains on average about four kilograms in weight over several months.

Thus, if we take into account the offspring of a goose for the entire season, you can have a quantity of prepared meat of the order of seventy kilograms. Another distinctive feature of this type of poultry is considered to be a rather high coefficient of resistance to various diseases, as well as the unpretentiousness of geese to the conditions of keeping and types of food.

Goose business implies the main point - breeding poultry in order to profit from the sale of meat of geese, insides of poultry (offal). Additional income brings down (it is taken both wholesale and retail) and goose eggs. A person who has decided to start a business and start a business does not have to have a special education.

Production steps for breeding geese

The first step (step) that you have to take is to buy a room for keeping geese. If there is no financial opportunity to buy, you can draw up a lease.Initially, it is worth purchasing one thousand heads of poultry, therefore, the premises should be selected, taking into account the comfort of the “residents” and the ability to expand the volume of the occupied area.

Best to find old collective farm buildings that housed poultry houses or pig farms, granaries, etc. With this approach, one of the financially intensive problems of this business can be solved without resorting to the services of investors or creditors.

breeding geese as a business

The second step is to equip the house, if necessary, it will be necessary to make redecoration and purchase drinking bowls, layers and other necessary small equipment.

The next stage in the development of your business will be the steps to obtain the relevant permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station, the fire department, a package of documents from veterinarians. When selling meat and other related products, you need a certificate - a document that confirms the quality of your products and guarantees all the necessary indicators. The entire package of documents is collected quickly enough and does not imply any particular problems, financial costs are small, according to the price list of services.


And now you have received all the documents listed above in your hands. Now you can go to the next step - to buy goose stock. In this case, it is best to contact the specialists of any goose farm or goose breeding club. You can also buy poultry at factories specializing in breeding breeding or use the Internet resource, however, you can choose it - here we will not dwell on one or another option.

Learn more about costs.

Business plan (breeding geese) after the purchase poultry provides for the stage of direct livestock rearing and further implementation. To grow a small goose to the necessary state and go on sale, it takes about 3.5-4 months. The cost of a single goose will be: ten to twelve kilograms of grain feed, about thirty kilograms of greens (grass, hay) and about two to three kilograms of fodder from the legume family.

Breeding geese is not burdensome for the entrepreneur also because the goose is a fairly hardy bird, it can easily endure the weather and other climatic cataclysms. The main part of the daytime geese spend in the open space, directly on the street, and only in case of severe frost they need to be driven into the room.

Moreover, due to the abundant down cover, the bird does not freeze, only paws and beak can freeze. In order to avoid frostbite of your livestock, you should take care of the warm underlying layer in the house. Such thermal insulation of floors can be provided with boards or thick litter.

The optimum temperature in the house is eighteen degrees. The room for finding geese should not have drafts and gaps that allow air to flow, it should be dry, the air temperature should be stable, temperature drops should not be allowed.

The goose herd is grazed on ordinary meadows or pastures, they can graze on their own, special feeds can be poured into the designated fence. A large number of herbs growing in our country are a good source of vitamins for poultry, geese usually prefer yarrow, dandelion, plantain, young nettle, sour sorrel, field bindweed, thistle, and buckwheat.

To feed your pets you will need a cake (waste from the processing of sunflower, soybeans, flax) or plants belonging to the legume family. As well as the main food for geese, it is advisable to always have a supply of mineral feed in the form of river sand, eggshell or shellfish in the house.

We breed offspring

premises for geeseIn order to grow small goslings, you need a room that must be clean, whitewashed with lime, have a dry, warm litter.

You can apply straw, sawdust, hay, turf. Goose, torn from the goose, is warmed with an ordinary heating pad, convector or other equipment that maintains a constant temperature regime of air.

When the goslings reach the age of three weeks, the heating can be turned off. In the evening and at night, dim light should be maintained in the house. Toddlers require a lot of clean water. This is necessary for the chicks not only to drink, but also to wash the beaks.

How to breed geese so that the business generates income? One of the main rules is the maintenance of the room in which you settled the birds in perfect cleanliness and order. The rule applies to bedding, feed, water and everything you need.

Although in other moments the goose is not a whimsical bird. When the time comes for slaughter, you should not kill all adults, it is better to make a selection of healthy males and females for reproduction of the subsequent livestock. One secret - the first time the goose rushes poorly, but in the next four calls the number of hatched eggs will constantly increase.

Financial costs for breeding geese for the sale of meat

Buying or renting a bird house is the main cost part of the business plan. Breeding geese, based on the region where the entrepreneur is located, on investments will range from one hundred fifty to three hundred thousand rubles for the rental of premises, repairs will cost about the same amount.

If the premises are nevertheless bought, then the costly part will be (depending on the region) 500 - 600 thousand rubles, legal registration of entrepreneurship - about one and a half thousand (registration of IP in this case is quite enough), registration of permits - from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles, the purchase of livestock will cost fifty thousand rubles per thousand heads of poultry. The amount required for the purchase of feed and wages of employees depends on the region.

Business or hobby

breeding geeseHow to breed geese and get income from business? Selling meat, fluff and poultry eggs. The cost per unit of bird, depending on the place of your residence, varies between five hundred and thousand three hundred rubles (bird weight 7-9 kg).

During the life of a goose, it can lead and raise up to fifty eggs, which will lead to the birth of thirty chicks. A female, if she is healthy, is able to bring about eight chicks per year.

In the case of its sale for meat, you can get nine hundred rubles, with the sale of the liver - five hundred rubles, for the sale of fluff - twenty-five rubles.

After a fairly simple mathematical calculation, we get the amount of ten thousand rubles, which can bring only one female goose per year. With a herd of a thousand geese, you get an annual income equal to ten million rubles!

To summarize

An additional source of income is goose droppings (you will need a certificate), and a business plan also provides for it. Breeding geese, as we see, is a very profitable business. Bird droppings are used on sites by gardeners and summer residents. Each year, each unit of poultry gives litters an average of one thousand rubles or more.

Goose meat and eggs can be independently sold in the nearest markets to the population, delivered to supermarkets or catering establishments. With additional investments, you can organize a mini-factory for meat processing and produce products in the form of stews, canned goods, sell fluff to manufacturers of clothing and textile products.

If you approached the organization of this business correctly, then you can recoup the costs of opening a farm in a year, all subsequent years you will receive a net profit.

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