
Garage car service opening

[caption id = "attachment_4794" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]car service in the garage car service in the garage [/ caption]

Some car owners are engaged in the maintenance and repair of equipment on their own, using premises adapted for these purposes. A logical question arises, how to open a car service in the garage in order to earn money using your skills. It would seem that this is complicated: I advertised in a newspaper or on the Internet and meet customers. At first, this may be over, but over time, your company will inevitably come into the view of the fiscal authorities.

In order to do everything legally and legally it is necessary to take a number of steps. Every big and complicated business starts with planning. First of all, you should decide what kind of repair or maintenance of machines you really can do. In this matter, it is necessary to assess their capabilities, including the size and characteristics of the room.

The general rule for any business is to go from simple to complex. You can recommend opening your car service in the garage for carrying out at first such types of repairs that do not require large investments. It is about restoring the performance of the suspension, transmission, interior equipment and the like. For works of this kind, you only need a universal tool, which is in any garage.


Having decided on specialization and priorities for the near future, you need to take care of the legitimacy of your business. For a small business, there are two legal forms: registration of a limited liability company or individual entrepreneur. Each option has its own advantages and features.

In order to answer how to arrange a car service in the garage, you need to know whether you are going to work independently or there will be hired employees. In the first option, a rational decision will consist in becoming an entrepreneur with the payment of monthly fixed payments for imputed income. The procedure for processing the necessary documents can be found at the tax office of residence.

The process of preparing documents is simple and does not take much time. An application of the established form with a package of documents is submitted to the tax authority. After receiving the certificate, it is necessary to apply to extrabudgetary funds and register with them. If there is no desire to do this yourself, then you can contact a law firm. These organizations are involved in preparing documents and representing clients in government agencies.

Room and equipment

[caption id = "attachment_4795" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]Car repair Own business: Car repair [/ caption]

Making a car service from a garage that belongs to you is not difficult at all. In the absence of the necessary premises, it can be purchased or rented. Buying will require a one-time significant cost. Rent in this regard seems preferable. To avoid collisions, you need to issue a sub-garage with a contract with notarization.

The agreement should stipulate the validity period and the possibility of its extension. Given the fact that large equipment will be installed in the garage, it is advisable to fix this issue on paper. When the problem with the working room is solved, it needs to be equipped with everything necessary for organizing maintenance of equipment and its repair.

As noted above, it is difficult for a start-up enterprise to organize a comprehensive restoration of the operability of all vehicle systems with a limited production base.It is recommended to single out one or several promising areas and work on them. Over time and as the business develops, you can add new activities. Suspension and transmission repairs automatically entail the organization of an engine and engine systems repair post.

Financial issues and development prospects

Using your own garage for car service is the logical beginning of a new business. However, at first, the issue of financing was becoming acute. The ideal option is when your own funds are enough to organize the matter, but this happens extremely rarely. Only borrowed funds remain, according to the most conservative estimates, allocations in the amount of 400 to 600 thousand rubles will be required to resolve all issues.

This money can be requested from the bank, but, as a rule, loan conditions require a security deposit. The garage and equipment for a financial institution are uninteresting; residential property is most likely to be taken as collateral for a loan. You should be extremely careful with loans and rely more on your own strengths and relatives.

In conclusion, a little useful advice: opening a car service in a garage is a complicated and troublesome business. Its success largely depends on whether it will be possible to find its own niche in this market of services. The most universal type of activity is body repair and painting. Such works require the same equipment for both Mercedes and Lada, which means that the customer base will be the widest.

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