
Skate park business plan: necessary equipment and costing

business plan skate park

Skateboarding is a popular hobby among modern youth, to which its representatives themselves take very seriously. Often, starting with an ordinary hobby, it turns into something more.

Experienced skaters with many years of experience compete and ride for various brands sponsoring them. It becomes a way of earning and a lifestyle. However, the young generation, seeking to learn and develop, lacks quality sites equipped with the necessary equipment for practicing skills.

As a result, you have to ride in city squares, and hone tricks on the stair railing in places not intended for this. There is a demand for specialized sites, but there is no supply. Resourceful entrepreneurs can catch the wave, thereby doing a good deed for young people. How to develop a business plan for a skate park that will be in demand and will be able to bring profit to its owner? In this we will try to figure it out.

Which park to build?

Before planning the construction and calculating the necessary investments, two important nuances should be considered. The first is whether it will be an indoor skate park or an outdoor playground. Both are in demand, however, in the latter version, your park will be empty in winter and in rain. Yes, and guys need somewhere to ride, when the window is minus 30. Therefore, if financial opportunities allow, it is better to organize a full-fledged area closed from the wind and cold.

The second question is to focus on equipment or to go further by opening equipment rental, a cafe and a first-aid post in the park. Here a lot depends on your target audience, because advanced skaters will be quite happy with the availability of space and ramps for tricks, and beginners will like a full-fledged park with everything necessary for training and relaxation. If you want to accommodate both those and others - get ready to look for a large enough room so that representatives of different masses do not interfere with each other.

how to make skate park

Where to build?

If you decide to build an indoor skate park, you will have to work hard and find a room suitable for all parameters. The main requirements: a large area (at least 400 squares), the presence of a heating system, ventilation and electricity. It should be warm and light in winter, cool in summer. As for the location, it depends on the availability of options. It is advisable that the park is located near the center and within walking distance from the stop.

What to equip?

Having decided on these points, we can proceed to the key question: how to make a skate park a full-fledged place for skiing? To do this, you should definitely enlist the support of one of the experienced skateboarders. How will it be useful? Yes, many.

The main thing is to help you understand exactly what equipment must be present at your site, and what you can refuse. The business plan of the skate park must necessarily include the calculation of costs for these purposes, since it is the ramps that are the trump card in the entire deck. Without them, the value of your site will tend to zero.

equipment for skate park

The list of necessary equipment should include:

  • one or two large ramps;
  • half-ramp ordinary and double;
  • a pyramid large and small;
  • border and skliz.

You may need something else, the full arsenal can be discussed with your adviser-skater.

In addition, it is important to determine the material. Typically, the construction of skate parks is based on the use of two types of structures: wood and concrete. The latter will come out more expensive, but also last longer.American and western sites mainly use concrete.

How much will it cost?

The final business plan of the skate park will reflect all the costs. By the way, you can slightly reduce costs and get financial support by contacting the Youth Policy Committee. Of course, it will be necessary to justify the need and importance of your work for young people, but it's worth it.

construction of skate parks

In general, the initial investment required to open a skate park will amount to about 500 thousand rubles. This includes the following expenses:

  • rental of premises - from 60 thousand rubles;
  • repair, flooring (depending on the initial condition) - about 50-100 thousand;
  • equipment for a skate park - from 100-200 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (at least you will need to hire an administrator, security guard) - about 40 thousand;
  • advertising and other expenses - 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • registration of a legal entity (LLC) - about 20 thousand.

At the same time, the cost of entry should be low, because the main target audience is schoolchildren and students who do not yet have their own full-fledged income. On average, the entry price should not exceed 100-150 rubles for the entire day of skiing. Equipment rental (boards, rollers) and a small cafeteria can bring additional income, but they will require additional investments.

How to advertise?

You can tell about yourself in various ways. Of the most effective, the Internet. Create groups on social networks and promote them on thematic resources, invite youth from your city to join.

Another option is advertising in specialized skateboarding stores. There are such in almost every city. You can negotiate with the administration and leave your flyers that will fall into the hands of your potential audience when visiting a skate shop.

It is also a great idea to organize a variety of events with competitions and prizes. By the way, you can make good money on them: by placing ads and setting a small fee for viewers. The mass of options - you just need to look.


Before deciding to implement the idea, make a detailed business plan for the skate park specifically for your city. Analyze how many people, on average, will come to ride every day, what methods of additional income in the territory can work, and which are better to refuse immediately.

The construction of such a park is a noble cause. Skaters of your city will often say “thank you” for the opportunity to hone their skills in the equipped area. However, if you miscalculate the costs and planned profits, then the business can quickly become unprofitable. Therefore, plan correctly and only then implement it. Good luck!

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