
Seasonal business: top 10 ideas. How to make money in the summer

seasonal business

What people just can’t invent to ensure a comfortable life. Few people want to spend their whole lives on the state or on a private entrepreneur, because one wants to be free, a person who does not depend on anyone, and independently manages his life.

The surest and easiest way to get rich is to open a seasonal business. Many immediately come to mind chebureks with coffee in the winter and ice cream with beer in the summer. In fact, there are a lot of ideas, the easiest way to earn extra money in the warm season, during this period, businessmen have unlimited opportunities. With the skillful organization of their activities, you can get thousands of dollars, and this with a meager start-up capital.

Cold trade

For those who do not want to reinvent the wheel, trading in soft drinks and ice cream is ideal. No innovations, but this demand type of service uses and brings tangible profits. Start-up capital is needed, but small. At first, you can confine yourself to the equipment of a trading place with electricity, a freezing chest, and a shelter for equipment. It is also necessary to find a supplier of goods and a seller, if you do not want to stand behind the counter yourself.

Photo with a celebrity

Vacationers can take pictures of themselves against the backdrop of some kind of attraction, but skilled craftsmen will help transform into James Bond, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie or Cindy Crawford. This is a rather costly business, requiring about 40,000 rubles of investments, because it is necessary to buy a good computer, photo printer, digital camera, and a set of cliparts. But from those who want to take a picture in an embrace with George Clooney or try on the body of a model, there is no end. You can earn up to 300,000 rubles per season.

Earnings on the rides

business in summer

Summer is a carefree time of entertainment; skillful businessmen build a profitable and low-cost summer business on the rest and fun of other people. The ideas of quick seasonal earnings are very simple to implement if a novice businessman lives in a resort town. You can top up your budget at jet ski rental, water slides and skiing. Costs of equipment with high demand will pay off in a few weeks.

Arrangement of street catering

Depending on the size of the starting capital, you can open in a public place a regular platform under umbrellas, a cafe-veranda or a cafe-pavilion. The cheapest is the first option, the most expensive is the last. This seasonal business involves submitting an application to the district administration in advance. On open areas it is allowed to sell refreshments drinks, beer, nuts, chips, ice cream. At the cafe-verandas, visitors can order coffee or tea with pastries, and sometimes something stronger.

There are high requirements for barbecue or cafe-pavilions, the owner will have to negotiate with public utilities, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, architects. The costs are significant, so such a business should be opened with long-term prospects. For a summer cafe, you need to purchase plastic furniture, a tent, a counter or a bar, a spill installation, a refrigerator. In order not to overpay the extra money for equipment, you can negotiate with suppliers of beer or soft drinks.

The opening of the shooting gallery

To open a seasonal business in the summer is simple, you just need a little desire and entrepreneurial spirit. Children and adults with enthusiasm perceive "courageous" entertainment, the former want to seem independent and courageous, and the latter want to test their own abilities.You can open a mobile or stationary pneumatic shooting gallery.

To do this, you must register as an entrepreneur, the type of activity indicated is “the provision of sports and training services to the population”. A land lease is made for moving, and a lease of a room is made for a hospital. After completing all the documents, the businessman can only buy equipment, supplies in the form of bullets and begin to make a profit.

Talent Search Earnings

From April to September, you can open near cafes, attractions or karaoke beach. Our country is singing, and after a fun day and in good company in the evenings, many people are going to demonstrate their vocal abilities. Sometimes the ideas of seasonal business are striking in the ease of implementation of the plan. An entrepreneur only needs to choose a crowded place, buy equipment and find a well-singing person who would draw attention to entertainment. Equipment can be purchased for 15,000 rubles; businessmen earn about 140,000 rubles per season.

Earnings on landscaping

Gardening of personal plots is today a very profitable seasonal business, which, of course, requires not only certain costs, but also knowledge. Good professionals pay good money for maintaining in good condition city squares, flowerbeds, beautiful and unusual design of territories near houses and offices. If you have knowledge of landscape design and desire, then you can safely get down to business.

A team of four can plant an English lawn in a week, only the client pays up to $ 1000 for work. If you take into account that the owner buys the planting material, then the costs will be only the salary of the workers and funds for the purchase of the simplest tools - choppers, wheelbarrows, shovels, hoes.


The types of seasonal business are sometimes striking in their diversity, there is work for everyone. For example, you can do vermicultivation - growing California worms. Such income is suitable for rural residents, since it requires a land plot.

The worm brings three products on which you can earn - offspring, vermicompost and hood. The cost of the business is minimal, almost no preparatory work. The main thing is the availability of a warm and humid place for new settlers, the possibility of regular feeding of worms with vegetable cleanings, spoiled foods, cereals, and the search for points of sale.

Hotel for pets

An ideal seasonal business for veterinarians and animal lovers. Summer is the time for vacations, but what about the owners of cats, dogs, hamsters, parrots and other animals that have nowhere to put on? Here special nurseries or hotels for pets come to the rescue.

The owners give their four-legged friend into the hands of a professional, and with a calm soul go on vacation. Business can be organized in an ordinary apartment, but it is better to purchase a house with a range and aviaries. The owners pay for the feed, and the businessman receives a salary for the services of the "nanny".

Earnings from the gifts of nature

It is not a problem to open a profitable business in the summer, lovers of outdoor activities and nature can also replenish their budget. In rural areas, in forests, plantings, steppes, beams, you can collect medicinal herbs, berries, mushrooms, in the spring in a birch grove it will not be difficult to organize the collection of birch sap.

summer business ideas for quick seasonal earningsOf course, it is necessary to understand the plants, to know the different nuances of their collection and storage. This is mainly an export-oriented business, since abroad they pay more for such goods, and the domestic industry is not able to provide high-quality processing of raw materials.

Here are just 10 ideas for seasonal business. As you can see, they are all different, they require certain knowledge, skills and desires. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to make money, you just need to connect your imagination, really appreciate your strengths and capabilities.

A lot of successful people started small, nobody reacted to their ideas, but, as time shows, luck smiles patient, hardworking and resourceful. You just need to believe in yourself - and everything will work out.

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