
Attraction business plan: equipment, list of documents and costing. How to open a rope park

business amusement plan

Currently, many began to talk about creating an entertainment business, and it’s not very common in the country. Therefore, those who want to take possession of this niche today will get a great chance to become a leader in their field.

It is worth noting that there will not be any problems with competitors, and this in turn will save money on advertising and invest them in improving the business. Now the most unusual type of business is an amusement park. So how to open a rope park?

Imagine a town that is completely made of ropes. This includes a variety of bungees, ropes for climbing and climbing, swings, roads made of ropes, suspension bridges between trees. In other words, this is a park in which everyone will have the opportunity to feel like Tarzan or Mowgli, get incredible pleasure from passing difficult obstacles.

For many, this type of vacation may seem strange and unconventional. But you just have to try, after a few minutes, interest becomes more and more, and the desire to leave the distance disappears. It's no secret that before the opening of such a park it is necessary to draw up a business plan of attractions.

A few words about the rope park

The rope town is an original attraction. A rope or rope is the main material for its construction. Supplements are various bungee lengths, bridges, you can also find artificial lianas, staggering passages between trees, nets and much more.

The rope city is popular not only among children, adults also come here with pleasure, and not as spectators, they take an active part in the passage of roads. Having been here for several hours, you will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions that will remain in your memory for a long time. And as soon as free time appears, you will spend it in this place.

Where is it better to open a rope town?

rope city

The attraction business plan must include a location section. It is clear that you will need a place to store all the equipment. The ideal option is a large area of ​​the city park where people come daily. This option will help you save money on advertising, and you won’t need to think about how to attract guests here.

Almost everyone has the word “park” associated with an open area, but there is a choice when building a rope town. It can be created both on the territory of a street institution and indoors. And in one, and in another embodiment, there are pros and cons.

If you open the rope city under the roof, then the main advantage will be absolute independence from the weather outside the window and the time of year. When located on the street territory, visitors can be received starting from the month of March until November. In addition, a little rain will cause a decrease in profits. It is worth remembering that the construction of a closed park will take more money, time and effort.

Nevertheless, no matter how many pluses and minuses the two options have, nothing can replace the wonderful atmosphere that constantly reigns in the open. The original town, completely made of ropes, surrounded by trees - it is so tempting and exciting. Believe me, emotions will overwhelm.

Customer base

Before you open the rope city, you need to think about potential visitors. Despite the fact that in European countries such entertainment is to the liking of both children and adults, it is still necessary to focus on the existing mentality. It is unlikely that business ladies and serious uncles will climb rope barriers. Therefore, when opening the park, focus on children and adolescents.

Financial side

The business plan of the attractions, of course, provides for such an item as the price of the issue. To create a traditional park of ropes with several levels of difficulty, you will need about 300 thousand rubles. This will provide an opportunity to organize an entertainment area, the territory of which will be about 500 square meters.

If the town is located in an enclosed space, then the cost part will increase by 60-70 thousand rubles. For construction, you can immediately choose an area equal to one hectare of land, but it will only be necessary to invest about a million rubles there.

Safety comes first!

The most important thing when creating such an amusement park is the integrity of all customers. Although it is considered quite a fun form of relaxation, it requires the use of exceptionally reliable and high-quality equipment. There is no room for errors! Equipment for rope parks, including ropes and ropes, should be purchased at specialized stores. When choosing an inventory, remember which ropes you had in your school, just the ones you need.

It is also worth remembering that you will need a certain contract with an insurance company. The ticket price must include a certain amount that insures the client against an accident. For example, if the ticket price is 100-400 rubles, then the amount of insurance is 15-20 rubles, respectively.

Rope Town Team

1) Be sure to have highly qualified mountain climbers (fallback - people involved in sports tourism). The approximate monthly salary is 10 thousand rubles.

2) Rope city should be controlled by one administrator. This person should thoroughly know the whole principle of work. The manager’s salary and responsibility is about twice as much as that of instructors. You can save on this position and hire yourself for this role.

3) Presence of security at outsourcing. Salary depends on the security company. If your park will be located in the territory that is under surveillance, then you can do without this item.

4) Agreement with the company responsible for security. The cost of the ticket for the rides must include the amount of insurance.

Payback period

equipment for rope parks

Absolutely any amusement rides business plan includes a profitability section. With the best development of the event, the park will begin to pay for itself after the second season (opening hours - from April to October). If the city is a resort, then this can happen after the first year. With effective advertising and the absence of competitors, about 50 people can visit the rope town per day. On holidays and weekends, the number of customers can increase several times, respectively, and the cost is also desirable to increase.


Today, ideas for parks are in great demand, the most important thing is their proper implementation. Entertaining towns are an excellent place for a wonderful pastime with the whole family. What could be better than outdoor recreation, and even for reasonable money. By the way, rope parks develop a love of sports for children.

International experience has shown that this is truly a profitable and working business. After analyzing the competition at present, we can conclude: in the near future, such parks will be able to bring good income to their founders, as well as the joy of all customers. In addition, it is a way to improve the city.

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Reason for complaint
A wonderful article, you just need to add companies that are engaged in construction, add only certified ones. And then people after reading light up, start looking and can burn out with poor quality service :(


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