
Amusement park business plan. How to open an amusement park

amusement park business plan

In any free time, people want to have a fun and entertaining family holiday with their children! As for megacities, there are no problems with the number of spectacles.

But in small cities with a variety of entertainment things are not so good. Life in small cities passes quietly and peacefully without special recreational activities. That is why it is precisely such settlements that are ideal for the attraction business. Make a business plan for the amusement park, and you can begin construction.

Each type of business has its pros and cons, and this one was no exception. According to statistics, in the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 7 hundred amusement parks, more precisely, this figure is not possible to name, since this type of activity does not imply licensing and industry technical regulations. Therefore, it remains not entirely clear what exactly is meant by the name "Amusement Park"? Let's take this question a little deeper.

Types of amusement parks. Family business

water attractions

In order to figure out which one and in which place it is most profitable to build a park with attractions, you will have to classify them according to several types. How exactly?

In the summer (most often in the central part of the city), private entrepreneurs put up a children's attraction, such as a trampoline or air slide, in parks and squares.

He usually stands alone, most often it is a family business. A slide or trampoline costs no more than five thousand dollars. But keep in mind that such a sphere of earnings only works in late spring, summer and early autumn before the start of the rainy season.

Such attractions bring the most revenue in the south in resort towns, where water rides are also very popular. In the summer, children spend a family vacation with their parents and love to visit such amusement parks.

Profitable business. Advantages and disadvantages

The next type is already more expensive, but it allows you to earn several times more. This is a mobile amusement park. One or two carousels are not enough to create such a park.

To conduct this kind of business, you will not only need to draw up a business plan for the amusement park in advance, but you will also need to purchase several trucks (to transport all the equipment from city to city), attractions of various kinds and your portable power station.

A business of this kind has both many advantages and some disadvantages. The positive aspects include mobility and ease of installation, dismantling of the fleet and quick payback on all invested funds. Plus, the fact that the maintenance of such a park does not imply waste on the improvement of the surrounding area. But there are also drawbacks: it is not known whether it will be possible next time to obtain permission to install the park in one place or another. Local governments may simply not sign the contract.

The cure for boredom

Nevertheless, try to equip your own small but stationary park with attractions in a small town. To put game attractions for business in a small village, you will not need a lot of financial investments, 10,000 dollars will be enough.

The territory on which such a park will be located should not be large; one hectare will be enough. Before starting work, you will have to purchase at least a dozen different entertainment devices for both adults and children, do not forget about the coin attraction.

In a small town, such a park will simply be a “lifeline” from boredom. Coin attraction will be especially popular among the population.The only drawback of such a business is still a small prospect. Business growth will be limited by a small area within the city.

Classic version

For those businessmen who are still thinking about the future, it is worth stopping at a version of the classic large park. Before you start spending money, do not forget to draw up a business plan for the amusement park.

To build a large park, you will need an area of ​​land of at least four hectares, and maybe more. The choice of attractions now needs to be approached more responsibly, it is worth taking care of their diversity. You should definitely buy some extreme types of attractions that modern youth loves very much, and it accounts for 50% of all visitors to the park.

Authorities welcome

The entertainment area for business, although not young, is open to beginners. It is advisable to begin the construction of the park in a city with a population of at least 500,000 people. Why? Yes, because it is in it that the area allows the installation of parks of this type. In addition, usually in such cities stationary parks have already been built, which local authorities will only be happy to revive at the expense of others.

Expensive pleasure

Our country is not rich in large parks (with an area of ​​more than 10 hectares), equipped not only with coin-operated attractions, but also with new modern devices. Such parks often on their territory have not only various attractions, but also lakes, forest belts. Such projects are already passing the level of economic options, and to fill all these large areas, you will have to spend a considerable amount of money (at least $ 20,000,000).

So far, none of our banks has been issuing a loan for such a large sum of money, even if you provide a bank employee with a well-designed amusement park business plan. That is why our country will never become the mistress of large and beautiful parks similar to Disney Land.

Park in the country

And parks that fit the classification “at a crossroads” are completely absent in our country. Abroad, they are not located within the city, but between cities. There are many such parks being built in Europe and America, in addition, they are very in demand. Naturally, we can hope for the prospect that with an increase in the number of drivers, the need for personal cars and roadside entertainment will increase.

Which park is profitable?

coin ride

The turnover of funds received from park services in the Russian Federation for the year is 3.5 billion rubles. The center brings the most money.

Almost 50% of residents of the capital visit amusement parks. This is despite the fact that, according to experts, such an entertainment sphere has not yet been fully formed.

An amusement park delivered in a city with 200,000 people will bring good profit, and if you choose a city with a population of 500,000 or more for this business, you can get more than decent profit from the park.

If we talk about the metropolis, then it’s hard to get a good profit. Even though residents of large cities are wealthier than ordinary residents of medium-sized towns. They can afford not only visiting entertainment attractions, but also other alternative entertainment. Therefore, we conclude: investing so much money and building an amusement park in a metropolis is not profitable.


Investments in a stationary park will be rather big even if the land can be rented, all the same, at least half a million dollars need to be spent on realizing this idea.

This is only the initial payment that will be required to open the park. But if in the vicinity of the city there is already a similar entertainment center, then you can’t do just that, you’ll have to add about two million euros.

Make a bet on a children's attraction, parents will never save on their children. In addition, you need to take care of the location in the park of dry closets, catering points, to ennoble the landscape throughout the surrounding area.

What income can be obtained from such a business?

The income that the park can bring directly depends on how well the business plan of the amusement park is drawn up.

Suppose that with a total occupied area of ​​2 hectares, the services provided will cost at least 50 rubles, then with this course of affairs in four years the project will be able to recapture the money spent on it.

Count on the fact that most of the profit, more than 65%, should be received from the sale of tickets for attractions, and the rest should be the income from other services provided (catering and other trade). If the percentage has shifted towards cafeterias, then think about why, when visiting a park for a long time, people ignore attractions, maybe they should already be updated.

How to choose the right rides. What should you choose?

Attractions for business should also be chosen wisely. If you are not strong in the gambling industry, then it is better to hire a special team for this. Indeed, the payback of such a business will depend on the correctness of the approach and the qualitative calculation of profitability.

The power of each owner to make sure that the rides work properly and bring pleasure to visitors. After all the special calculations have been carried out, and you have already decided on the volumes of the future fleet, proceed to a careful selection of the necessary equipment.

To do this, answer your simple question "who will become potential customers of your park." The choice of attractions depends on the answer, because they must fully correspond to the target audience, so as not to stand idle without work. When choosing attractions, do not forget about electric cars; both adults and children love this type of attraction.

Selection made

Make sure that the supplier of future equipment is responsible and delivers the ordered devices on time and in safety.

The following attractions should be in a standard amusement park in an average city:

  • 4-5 children (to your taste);
  • about 5 for the whole family;
  • extreme couple for youth.

Thus, you will need a place for a maximum of 12 rides. Naturally, you can buy less, it will directly depend on your financial capabilities.

Important points

gaming attractions for businessPlease note if there are similar amusement parks in the area. If there is, then you need to study them well to avoid buying similar entertainment attractions, otherwise they simply will not bring the desired profit.

If you still can’t avoid repeating, then do not spare money for better equipment (its new options).

Do not always rely on the price of the goods; study the work and the quality of the product itself well. Nowadays, price and quality are not always - things are compatible. It happens that seemingly inexpensive equipment can give visitors more pleasure than an expensive counterpart.

Selection of new

Basically, the profitability of one or another attraction can be calculated by comparing two figures: the possible revenue and the cost of maintaining the equipment itself, so try to get unusual attractions so that the revenue is greater.

However, huge and expensive designs can be very difficult to maintain and operate. Often such attractions do not gain a large number of people who want to use its services in a small town. That is why the point of buying such a device, you can say, is zero, except for problems, you will not get anything.

Another important indicator is the ease of repair and the availability of parts to replace failed ones. We all know that any, even the highest quality equipment can break. So think about how much the future repair will cost in terms of money and time, and whether it is possible at all with this equipment.


When planning the park, mentally break it into zones: nursery, family and extreme. So it will be much easier and easier for visitors to figure out where to go.

Sometimes it’s not enough to buy the right equipment, perhaps even the highest quality and new equipment. It must also be correctly placed throughout the park.The future income of this business directly depends on the proper organization of the zones.

Remember the story of the entrepreneur Romanov, who decided to change the arrangement of the rides in his park a bit, and as soon as he moved the children's zone to another place, 30% of the profit disappeared on the same day. Remember, children quickly get used to their favorite swing and to the place of their deployment. If at some point everything is changed, the children will take their parents to the remembered places, but not find their favorite swing there. Such seemingly simple things can negatively affect the box office of the park. But as soon as Romanov returned everything to its place, as income rose to its former point.

Understand that children's rides as a business very profitable. The equipment layout project is just as important as the design of the apartment you live in. Everything should be appropriate and stand in their places.

When arranging the attractions, consider the direction of the flow of visitors, they should all well consider and choose the options that are most liked. If the movement is two-way, then make the tracks so that traffic jams are not created, they can cause a lot of inconvenience.

In order to correctly arrange and establish everything, the desire and knowledge of the owner of the park is not enough, so it is better to use the services of a qualified designer, specialist in this field. He will be able to help not only with the arrangement of equipment, but also with the design of the adjacent territory, you can also design a park in a specific theme, which will attract even more visitors.

electric cars attraction


Of course, an amusement park is a profitable business, but it is seasonal. People go to such parks only in the warm seasons, so the owner of such an institution receives profit from May to September.

The rest of the year, the park is closed and requires only investments from the owner for its maintenance, conservation of equipment and its storage during downtime. It is hard to imagine people who are just eager to use water rides in late autumn.

So if for 5-6 months this business has been generating good income, then the rest of the time is just maintenance.

There is an exit

It is better inflatable rides and there can be nothing. When the cold weather starts, the owners simply blow them away and clean them for the winter, without spending a single ruble on the maintenance.

Mobile parks that regularly encounter crossings will also not be particularly affected in the cold season. All attractions are simply transported to a special indoor complex and stored there until the onset of heat.

As for stationary large complexes, park rides in winter are not going through the best of times.

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Reason for complaint
we, too, became fans of the Trampoline Master, with other manufacturers it was not a very good experience, but now everything fell into place. We always know that there is a reliable shoulder in the face of this company.
Yes, we often visit such game libraries, although we go only to the chosen and verified and many have the logos of this Chita company on them, the appearance is also always clear and presentable - not Chinese in one word
earlier when the Crimea was Ukrainian - they took trampolines and slides in Kharkov, and now we are Russia, it will be unprofitable to transport from there, where do the Russians take it? Well, not China, of course))
Roman, we’ve been working for several years and how we started working with Chita, we continue, don’t be afraid of the distance, everyone will deliver you directly to the city, but the prices are normal and the quality certainly cannot be compared with Chinese.
goosebumps from huge iron or pasty attractions, they have long been abandoned, only inflatable water parks and other non-water inflatable attractions. already somehow used and even children do not look at dangerous carousels. with inflatable you know for sure that while it is blown away, you will have time to get out of it 5 times, therefore it’s not scary.
Such a park can be set up in any Russian city, since we usually go to the capital or regional cities, where there are always a lot of people and queues, and when we are visited by frequent riders, you don’t get crowded at all. good article, and most importantly - useful, everything is clear and understandable. here, for such business investments, I am always FOR, although this is not production, but not shops that are already on every corner.
Yes, the article is just about the topic; most of all, our children today lack joy, emotions and fun, but would love to. I think every parents would find at least 500 rubles for their child’s entertainment at least on weekends, and this is very important for children!


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