
Business plan: balloons. Ballooning

business plan balloons

At first glance, many entrepreneurs may think that starting a balloon business is not a promising business. In fact, the pioneers in this segment, with a skillful approach, managed to earn good money. Entrance to this market is always open. However, the minimum investment and the deceptive simplicity of doing this business can play a bad joke with adventurers. Having invested in such a business, it’s easy to simply get ordinary “castles in the air” instead of a balloon business.

Choice question

If you decide to take up this direction, you should consider that the competition here is very significant, and in order to attract customers, you need to be able to stand out.

There are several options for making money using balloons. The first is sales. Children always like bright toys, respectively, and beautiful balls will be sold out. However, for starters, of course, you have to spend a little money.

Where to begin?

To realize sales, you first need to purchase a trading place and draw up a business plan. Balloons can be sold in the pavilion of shopping centers, in the market, or in some thematic specialized store in the city. It is important that the place is well visited, and even better if a kindergarten or other children's institution (institution) is located nearby.

In general, for your business to go uphill, you yourself must come to your potential customers, that is, to children. After the place for trade is selected, you should purchase helium cylinders, colorful balloons, pumps, etc. Fortunately, it won’t take a lot of money, but it can still become quite profitable.

Holiday addiction

balloon business

Be sure to keep in mind that sales almost always depend on different holidays. Moreover, in preparation for an event, keep in mind the specifics of the upcoming celebration.

For example, on Valentine's Day it’s important to prepare for sale bright red heart-shaped products; on May 1, colorful balloons of curly shapes are best suited.

On March 8, as an option, you can take orders for registration of various gift sets with these bright harbingers of the festive mood.

In addition, in order for your ball business to flourish, you need to take care of quality advertising. You can, for example, organize your company’s website or express yourself through TV and radio.

We earn on the decoration

The second good way to earn money can be the design of a variety of celebrations, corporate parties, weddings and anniversaries. Charming garlands collected from bright or plain balloons are able to decorate any event, create a welcoming atmosphere. By the way, in recent years, such surroundings are considered very fashionable.

Many companies, or just private individuals, sometimes are not averse to using the services of companies that are engaged in holiday design. To do this, you need to have a huge number of balls, since you can never know which compositions will need to be composed and in which specific volumes. Raw materials are inexpensive, so no big problems should arise.

For weddings, they usually order beautiful arches or garlands, for children's parties - various figures from balls or compositional works.

Essential Skills

It should be noted that such a business requires certain skills. In particular, you will need knowledge of aero design. Balloons with helium should acquire harmonious and beautiful shapes that will delight and delight the eye. What can be made of balloons?

Aerodesign experts say it's easy to reproduce almost everything.In other words, there is no such figure or object that could not be modeled with balls. Compositions can be created both on a frame basis and without it. Cartoon characters, animals, objects, various characters - all this can really be made from round balloons.

To create such beauty, it is necessary to take special courses where you will learn the patterns of figures from balloons and master other skills. Try to master aero design yourself (with the help of special literature, video tutorials, etc.). After you learn the necessary skills, add a little creativity, imagination to your work, and then crafts can bring good dividends.

Business Plan: Balloons

At the initial stage, you need to have 2-3 thousand dollars, the main expense item is a car and renting a room. A small amount will be spent on website promotion and advertising campaign. The compressor will cost 200-300 dollars.

A 40-liter cylinder filled with helium will cost an average of just under $ 200. The price of a quality ball is 15-20 cents. If you plan to decorate the halls, then it will not be superfluous to spend on making a portfolio where your best creations that you can show to customers will be presented.

In order to organize everything correctly, you must, of course, correctly draw up a business plan. Balloons can have a margin of 100% (usually set for individual events) to 200% (for mass celebrations). For the decoration of halls for corporate parties or weddings, it is realistic to take $ 250-300 from the customer.

In general, revenue will depend on the interest of customers in your services. The better your design skills, the faster the production of beautiful compositions will take place, respectively, the higher the profitability of your business. Typically, for entrepreneurs who are engaged in decorating different holidays with balls, profitability reaches 30% and higher.

As an option, you can also learn related areas (musical accompaniment, floral decorations, pyrotechnic effects, interior decoration and others). And you can even do the decoration of festive events on a turnkey basis.

A couple of original ideas

Do not rush to draw up a business plan, balloons can be not only sold or designed with the help of them events. The third way to make money in this segment is to sell the described products with inscriptions and a logo.

Now it is very fashionable to print on the most unusual surfaces. To do this, you will need to buy special equipment. And you can not even invest in this device, but make orders to the owners of such printing houses. It is easy to make money on ideas without any special investments.

Simply put, to find customers, offer them the original design for a fee. Perhaps you are interested in such an activity as the wholesale of balloons. Thus, there will be no need to chase after each client, and it will be necessary to sell products to entrepreneurs who are engaged in retail sales of balls or aero design. The most important thing here is to find reliable suppliers of goods.


Businessmen who have been working in this area for more than one year, note that it is very important to be able to approach this business in an innovative and creative way, as well as to find contact with each client. Therefore, bet on creativity.

diagrams of figures from balloons

Balloons are a huge scope for imagination. There is great competition in this market, you need to stand out against the general background, learn to come up with original compositions, engage in advertising and, of course, work with the soul.

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Tatyana Poltorak
If there is no possibility to rent a room yet, but if you start from home?
we manage to combine in the summer both that and another - usually water, but at city holidays we always set air ones, and you know - it shoots great!
balloons rule, those with air, those with water)) but it’s both profitable!
Thank you so much for the helpful information !!!)


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