
Own business: selling balloons. Where to start a balloon business

selling balloons

Since childhood, we have all known colorful balloons. They have the ability to miraculously cheer up, give joy and faith in a fairy tale. However, marketers are confident that selling balloons with the right approach can be a source of great income.

Imagine, after all, during the bright holiday that these objects are capable of giving us, in fact, there is practically nothing - only air and cheap raw materials. This means that selling balloons can rightfully become a very profitable business. But where is it worth starting? How to find customers? What problems can you face? We hope that you will receive answers to all these questions from our material.

Money on sales

So, there are several ways to get rich in balloons. The first of these is sales. Think for yourself, there is always a demand for bright toys for children, which means that your balls will be sold out. True, it will be necessary to spend a little money.

To successfully start this business, you must definitely purchase a trading place. It can be located on the market, in the pavilion of a shopping center, or in some thematic store in the city. The most important thing is that the place is visited, and a kindergarten or some center of creativity and youth is located nearby.

In a word, in order for a business on helium balloons to go uphill, it is necessary that you yourself come to your potential audience, that is, to children. In addition to the retail space, you will also need colorful balloons, helium cylinders and various pumps. But this will not take you a lot of money. Business promises to be profitable anyway.

Women - flowers, and children?

However, consider the fact that sales volumes are very dependent on the availability of holidays and red days of the calendar. Therefore, when preparing for any event that involves increasing your sales, consider the specifics of the holiday.

So, for example, on Valentine's Day, a bright red heart made of balloons will be very relevant, by the first of May colorful balloons of curly shapes will go better, but on International Women's Day, you can take orders for these bright harbingers of joy and happiness for perfume sets and other gift boxes products.

Giving miracles, do not expect sales. Until you yourself engage in high-quality and full-fledged advertising of your business, no one will do it for you. Make sure that you have a good visited site, and from the TV and radio screens bright and capacious messages remind you of you.

We decorate and earn

The second type of business in terms of earnings is the design of celebrations: weddings, corporate parties and anniversaries. The stunningly beautiful garlands collected from monophonic or bright (originally selected) balloons are able to decorate any event, bring celebration and joy to it. Most importantly, recently this kind of surroundings has become very fashionable.

Many companies and individuals with pleasure resort to the services of design firms. The latter, by the way, went even further and often offer their customers special crafts from balloons in the form of flowers or animals, which also occupy a worthy place among the holiday tables.


This business requires some skills from the entrepreneur. Namely, you need knowledge or at least skills in aero design. Balloons with helium should acquire harmonious and harmonious forms that can visually please the eyes of your customers.To obtain such knowledge, you should take special courses or try to independently study aero design with the help of specialized literature.

You will also need to purchase a huge number of balls. After all, you never know how many such elements for composing compositions and in what volume you may need. Therefore, you should always have at your fingertips a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and colors. Most importantly, raw materials are inexpensive. And after you breathe your creativity into it and add a pinch of creativity, crafts from balloons can not only please the eye, but also bring you good money.

heart made of balloons

Catalog, car and creative

As in the case of the first type of business, you need to purchase special equipment. We already mentioned it above. What else will this business require of you? Balloons need to be shown in a favorable light. You will definitely need to create an offer catalog for customers. You after all will not tell everyone on the fingers about the possibilities of your company.

It’s better to spend money on a good portfolio once, in which you’ll tell about all your advantages, and most importantly, post photos of all possible crafts from balloons and all kinds of room decoration options.

You should know that, for example, for weddings, garlands or solemn arches are more often ordered. And at children's parties, customers are more likely to want to see compositional works and various figures. For a successful business development, purchase a car.

It is needed in order to transport a cylinder with helium. Keep in mind that part of the work (if not all) will have to be done directly at the venue. If your business plan does not include the purchase of a car, then just rent it.

Customers, only customers

Many entrepreneurs, answering the question of where to start a balloon business, mistakenly believe that the most difficult thing is to organize this business (draw up documents, find a team). In fact, it’s more important to find a customer. This is the most difficult task. Moreover, there are already plenty of companies providing such services on the market. In order to stand out against the general background, you will have to learn how to compose original compositions, find an approach to customers and, most importantly, constantly engage in advertising.

We print and sell

The third way to make money in this business is to sell balloons that bear any inscription or logo. In general, today it has become very fashionable to print on unusual surfaces. Modern equipment allows you to realize any idea.

However, there immediately arises a problem with the acquisition of special machines capable of printing. However, you can not buy them, but make orders to the owners of such printing houses. You can earn on ideas without special investments.

In other words, to find a client, offer original design and give a seal as a bonus, or, on the contrary, demand a separate payment for it. Selling balloons is a multifaceted business that can not only bring you good money, but also deliver untold pleasure from the process.

business balloons

Original approach

Entrepreneurs, already successfully working in this field, note that the most important thing is the ability to approach the matter in a non-standard, creative way. Try to look at your customers and your own company through the prism of creativity. Work hard so that it is not only in the name of your organization, but also in the methods and principles of work. In this case, they will start talking about you and asking for your services.

By the way, to promote the company it would be worthwhile to remove some original video. Ideally, it should be viral, that is, viewers should watch it with pleasure, recommending it to friends and acquaintances. No problems should arise with the plot, because balloons can give extraordinary scope for imagination and creativity.Think about the video inside your team, shoot an interesting video - and the right number of customers will be provided to you.

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