
Business plan for event agency. Creative business ideas

The higher and more intense the pace of life, the more attentive people are to the possibility of a good rest. It can be quite profitable to give positive emotions at such moments, because the high-quality organization of holidays is always in demand. If you feel inclined towards creativity, try opening your own event agency. This is an area in which it is really interesting, albeit rather difficult, to work. What is necessary for successful activity? What points should be considered?

We analyze the prospects

Event agency business planFirst of all, it is worth analyzing the situation on the market. For example, the organization of events in Moscow has long been relevant, so the competition will be very fierce.

In small cities, such a business is just beginning to develop, which means that the chance of success is much higher. Of course, you can take a chance in a large city, but then you have to come up with something completely unusual to attract customers.

In any case, market analysis will be very useful. It is necessary to consider the approximate number of corporate parties, weddings, birthdays, parties and children's parties, take into account what incomes the majority of residents of the region have and how much they will be able to spend.

If there are competitive firms nearby, their activities should also be analyzed. Based on the figures received, it will be possible to imagine how profitable the event-business will be in a particular city. Positive data will give confidence even to a novice entrepreneur.

Company registration

Any entrepreneurial activity must be officially registered, otherwise you will have to face serious fines, and in some cases with administrative responsibility. Therefore, you should start a business with registration of a legal entity.

Of course, you can choose the form of individual entrepreneurship, but then you will have to forget about most corporate clients. Organizations prefer to work with LLC. If you plan to concentrate on weddings and children's parties, it does not matter to you, but if you want to hold corporate events too, open a limited liability company.

Potential customers of such a company will be not only companies, but also kindergartens, rest homes, which also do not always want to cooperate with private entrepreneurs. As a legal entity, you can organize seminars, conferences and theme nights. So the LLC is still a much more convenient legal form for those who open an event agency.

Office space

When compiling a business plan for an event agency, you should definitely consider the cost of renting a room. For comfortable work, you need an area of ​​forty square meters. Interior decoration should be original and cozy.

You should not save creative ideas for business, let your creative approach be visible even in the style of office. Even if you don’t want to spend an impressive amount on the design, you can pick up bright and cheerful shades and choose nice furniture. Look for second-hand copies of good quality, for example, desks and office chairs may not be new.

On the walls, leave space for posting photos from events. All this will help to create the right mood. Only then will customers immediately feel confident that your agency will cope with the task and be able to arrange the necessary atmosphere for the holiday being ordered.


The holiday agency needs a car.It will be necessary to ride it often and a lot, it will be used to transport people and equipment, so the model should be chosen more comprehensively. A minivan or even a minibus will do.

In addition, the business plan of the event agency will need to include both fuel costs and the cost of service and repairs. Do not hope that for the first time you can do without a car. The cost of a taxi and the transportation of costumes and decorations will be much higher, so it is better to invest as much as possible immediately and then not run into trouble.

Technical equipment

If the business plan of the event agency allows for serious expenses, stage and musical instruments can be purchased. But usually in the first year of work, this is not the most cost-effective solution. Therefore, it is better to think about the possibility of renting such equipment.

For office space you need to purchase computers for managers, a printer and fax. Such a complete set will be enough for full work. You can also buy a laptop on which it will be convenient to show customers a portfolio in digital form, although there may be enough paper brochures.

Staff recruitment

The selection of staff is one of the most important tasks that must be addressed before opening an event agency. First of all, you will need managers who will be engaged in sales. A person for such a position should have experience in this or a similar field of activity and be able to easily establish contact with a client.

However, the issue of hiring should be decided only after a personal conversation. Sometimes a novice specialist can be a very talented employee, so work experience will not always be the main factor. The main thing is energy, creative approach and openness in communication. For the starting stage, two managers and one driver will be enough. It is for such a number of employees that it is worth counting the business plan of an event agency.

Clowns, actors and hosts can be attracted under a contract of employment for each specific event, without making out a permanent staff. When it becomes clear that things are going well, it will be possible to think about gathering your own team of creative people. They will not only hold events, but also help create new creative ideas for the business. A good actor is capable of improvisation in many areas, so that help can be expected from him in the business.

Search for contractors

In the course of the activity, you will constantly need theatrical costumes and other attributes. Buying them is unprofitable, so it’s better to take care of the rental issue. Create a base in which all contractors will be gathered, from which you can find the necessary things or services.

If there is no time or effort to do this yourself, entrust the search to one of the managers. Please note that this kind of business is constantly faced with seasonality of demand, so the base should be as extensive as possible. Then you can find equipment or suits even in the midst of holidays, when demand and prices are maximum.

Begin preparing for the main seasonal events in advance to plan and manage everything. So, for New Year's parties should begin to prepare in August. Wedding celebrations should also be developed three to four months before the expected date.

Additional ideas

How to open an event agency?

In addition to the direct holding of holidays, you can offer customers the preparation for them, namely the design of the hall.

For example, balloons are very popular. Only a creative person can figure out how to sell air, and even do it beautifully, but the founder of a holiday agency should be just that.

The same applies to decoration with flowers - fresh bouquets are not enough. We need original ideas and artistic taste.So you will have to use your imagination and creative streak in all areas, then you will be guaranteed profit and success for your clients.

Advertising activity

When the office is found and the staff is hired, it's time to start marketing. Not the least role is having your own website. Now many people are looking for information on the Internet, so the agency’s page can become a stable source of regular customers. In addition, various channels should be used for promotion.

Depending on what expenses your event agency business plan allows, you can choose messages on television or radio, advertising banners and posters around the city, telephone conversations with representatives of organizations and personal meetings with potential customers. After several months of successful activity, one can hope for free promotion. Satisfied customers will spread information about you on word of mouth among friends and colleagues.

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