
Business plan: garbage collection. Necessary equipment and costing. Waste collection and disposal as a business

garbage disposal business plan

More recently, only state-owned enterprises were responsible for garbage collection. However, in recent years, enterprising people are increasingly haunted by the idea of ​​opening their own business in this area of ​​activity, and in the future they hope to make good money.

In this case, the highest effect will be achieved if the closed cycle is observed. In other words, it is not enough just to take out the waste. Must also be disposed of garbage. Given all the intricacies and features of this industry, good results can be achieved. And in many ways, beginning businessmen will be helped by a correctly drawn up garbage collection business plan.

Where to begin?

Today there are a sufficient number of such companies, but only a few survive on the market for such services. The main reason for this trend is a frivolous attitude to the very process of organizing a business. Indeed, for the successful functioning of the enterprise, a correctly and high-quality business plan is required. Garbage collection is no exception.

Some novice businessmen think that it’s enough to agree with transport organizations on the removal of waste and storage at an appropriate landfill. However, the organization of their own business involves the implementation of certain stages, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Stages of business organization

garbage disposalThe first step is to formulate the very idea of ​​doing a specific business. Discussing it with friends and specialists in various fields of activity.

The second stage is registration of a legal entity. This is a necessary procedure, since on behalf of such an enterprise various contracts will be concluded.

The third stage is the execution of a specific package of permits. We are talking about resolving all disputed issues with the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service. All official fees and charges should be included in the business plan.

Garbage collection: do you need an office?

Despite the fact that this service sector is associated with the constant movement of specialized vehicles, office space is still necessary. After all, do you need to place administrative staff, accounting and dispatchers somewhere? This may be a small room equipped with appropriate furniture, communications and computer equipment.

If within the framework of the enterprise’s activities it is planned to accept waste paper and scrap metal, then this will require additional storage facilities.

When organizing the disposal of collected waste, it may require an additional area where the corresponding mini-plant will be located.


The opening of any business is always accompanied by certain initial costs for the appropriate equipment, which can either be purchased or leased or leased.

waste collection and disposalFirstly, the availability of vehicles (garbage trucks). These are specialized machines that can only be used in this field of activity.

At the initial stage, it is not necessary to buy new cars at all. To ensure cost-effectiveness, garbage trucks with a built-in press are very beneficial.

This configuration helps to reduce the number of flights, respectively, reduced fuel costs. Oversized trucks may also be needed if construction waste is also planned.

As mentioned above, if it is planned to accept waste paper or plastic containers, then a special press may be required.

And of course, garbage disposal must be provided for high business economic efficiency. To do this, you will need to purchase (or rent) a special mechanized line for its processing.

Yes, this entails additional costs. However, when interacting with local authorities, you can imagine your business as a project for the disposal of garbage. And with his approval by the authorities, there is a possibility of receiving some state subsidies.

Waste collection and disposal

First of all, it is necessary to organize a special landfill where all garbage will be taken. At the same time, you can also earn money by sorting it. To do this, you can make appropriate proposals to local authorities on the installation of separate containers for various types of garbage (separately food and household waste). This will greatly simplify the work of the enterprise engaged in the removal of waste and will allow the efficient use of waste or bury it at other landfills in the future.

In any case, when organizing a business, a business plan should be drawn up, garbage collection according to which will be carried out on time.

Staff recruitment

At such an enterprise, specialists of various classification will be involved. So, it is mandatory to choose a high-quality administrative apparatus. In accounting, the presence of professionals in their field is necessary, since the risk of additional charges and the application of penalties on the part of regulatory authorities directly depends on their knowledge and skills.

Drivers in garbage trucks and other trucks are also required to have the appropriate qualifications. If the transport is over 10 units, it makes sense to have a mechanic and at least one car mechanic on staff to quickly eliminate minor breakdowns.

As for the workers involved in the waste paper or scrap metal collection points, as well as those involved in waste management, special qualifications are not required here. The only condition is that they comply with all necessary safety rules and that they have decency. But the coordinating role of administrative staff will help a lot here.

garbage disposal project

The expansion of the customer base

The main customers of enterprises of this kind of activity are cafes, restaurants and other catering organizations.

With skillful organization, entrepreneurs have an excellent opportunity to conclude appropriate agreements with utilities (this, by the way, is the largest segment of the service market under consideration), which will allow garbage to be removed from the residential sector. The main interest in cooperation with residential buildings is explained by large volumes. Despite the fact that the tariff rate in this case is slightly lower than for garbage removal from the commercial sector, the company can make good money due to volumes.

It is also possible to provide services for the removal of construction waste to both individuals and construction organizations.

A properly organized advertising campaign will be a good help in expanding the client base. For this, the media (ads in newspapers and magazines), billboards and Internet resources can be used.

garbage collection demand

Business development prospects

Demand for garbage collection will always be high. This applies to both the residential and commercial sectors. As already mentioned above, serving ordinary citizens is a rather laborious and costly business. As for the waste collection of commercial companies, the profitability here can reach 17%. Agree, such an indicator can provide a good income.

If during the organization of this business the direction of simple garbage removal is chosen, then for its successful development it is necessary to take into account such a nuance as the location of the landfill to which waste will be delivered. Also, costs, in addition to transport services for garbage trucks (including their maintenance, repair and refueling), should include the costs associated with paying for an unloading permit at that landfill.

Therefore, at the initial stage, considering garbage collection as a business, and not as a charity, you need to calculate everything well. Perhaps the creation of its own processing mini-factory will still be more beneficial. This will make it possible to utilize not only the waste brought by our own machines, but also accept orders from other similar organizations. This type of activity will provide a stable income, since garbage has always been, is and will be.

Waste sorting

Unfortunately, today a machine has not yet been invented that can automatically sort garbage into categories: food, household and construction waste. Therefore, the entire burden will fall on ordinary citizens. Already in some localities, local authorities have introduced the procedure for throwing a certain type of garbage into separate containers. Agree that the garbage "patch" on which containers of different colors are located looks more beautiful, especially if it is also removed.

Another sorting option can be called: at the mini-waste disposal plant there is a special line to which garbage is automatically transferred, and it is sorted by workers manually. However, only a few enterprises go to such a solution to the problem, because, despite the received economic effect from this type of activity, it is rather difficult to find employees for this job site.

garbage disposal project

Location of the recycling mini-factory

And another feature of this type of business: mini-waste disposal plants should be located far from the residential complex. This must be taken into account when planning fuel consumption for garbage collection. You also need to provide delivery options for the production of employees, since public transport, basically, does not go there.

So to summarize. This service sector is still not well understood. There are many nuances. Of course, Russian entrepreneurs should try themselves in this field. What, what, and our citizens know how to litter. Therefore, there is enough work for everyone, the main thing is to properly organize a business. I wish you success!

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