
The business plan of the sports bar: equipment and documents. How to open a sports bar

business plan sports barToday we are witnessing a trend of increasing popularity of many sports. So, various sporting events attract a lot of spectators. However, not everyone has the opportunity to attend matches and competitions. Most sports fans watch them on TV at home or in the sports bar. In this regard, the idea of ​​opening this institution is very successful. With the right approach to business, it is able to bring a considerable profit to the owner. We’ll talk about how to open a sports bar today.


What do you need to open a sports bar? It is necessary to draw up a business plan that describes in detail all the main aspects of the functioning of this institution. You also need to think over the main concept of the bar: focusing on a particular sport or a few.

In accordance with this, it will be necessary to arrange the interior of the sports bar. So, its main elements should be sports cups, photographs of competitions, posters, the uniform of famous athletes, showcases with tickets, etc. Also, during the course of work, you will need to follow the schedule of sports events in order to prepare for them in time. During major competitions and championships, your bar will be literally crowded with fans.

Legal moments when opening a sports bar

The business plan of the sports bar as one of the first points must include the registration of a legal entity. For this area of ​​activity, LLC is best suited.

how to open a sports bar

What documents are needed to open a sports bar? As an answer to this question, we present a whole list of everything necessary:

- constituent documents;

- conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station;

- KKM accounting card;

- conclusion of the fire service;

- lease of premises (if you are not its owner);

- contract for garbage collection.

Choice of premises

The business plan of the sports bar can not do without an item on the selection and equipment of the premises properly.

furniture for a sports bar

So, you need to determine the location of your institution. Do not be tempted by the premises in the city center, as the cost of their rent is usually overpriced. It is best to choose a place in a residential area with good traffic.

Championship finals are usually held on weekends when your potential customers are resting at home. In addition, most people go to the bar after work on the way home.

As for the area of ​​the room, it should be at least 200 square meters and include a main hall for 50-70 people, a dressing room, kitchen, utility rooms and a bathroom.

Room equipment

To equip a kitchen room, you will need refrigerators, stoves, a dishwasher, cooking surfaces, etc. As for the main hall, the furniture for the sports bar should ideally be simple, comfortable and stylish. It will also be necessary to purchase several plasma screens, which should be placed so that all guests have a good overview of the broadcast competitions. In addition, you will need to purchase a speaker system and equipment for the bar.

The business plan of the sports bar must also consider the likelihood that you will have to make small repairs in the rented premises, which will require additional costs.

In general, about 1.2-1.5 million rubles will have to be spent on equipping and equipping your bar with everything you need. Moreover, more than half of this amount will be spent on the purchase of plasma TVs and speakers.

Broadcasting sporting events

sports bar interiorIn order for your customers to always have the opportunity to watch important sporting events live, you should conclude an agreement with a company that provides broadcasting services for such events, for example, NTV-plus, etc.

Such companies offer the broadcast of the most interesting events in high digital quality. In addition, specialists from such companies can offer you services for the selection of appropriate equipment.

When choosing a digital broadcasting provider, be sure to keep in mind that if you can’t at least provide your visitors with the broadcast of the competition or match they are counting on, it will ruin your reputation. If such incidents happen on a regular basis, then you can completely forget about a successful and promising business. Therefore, the main criterion for choosing a supplier company should not be price, but reliability.

Sports Bar Menu

A very important point is the development of menu items. So, firstly, it should be borne in mind that in sports bars food and alcohol prices are slightly lower than in other institutions. Secondly, you need to keep in mind that people come to a sports bar mainly to watch a game or a match and drink a couple of glasses of beer. Therefore, most of the menu should not be main dishes, but simple and inexpensive snacks suitable for various alcoholic drinks.

As for alcohol itself, it makes sense to take care of ensuring its wide assortment. The emphasis, of course, should be on beer. Also, one should not forget about soft drinks, as some visitors to your establishment may be driving.

Additional income

In the business plan of the sports bar, you can also include the possibility of obtaining additional profit from the sale of a variety of souvenir products and sports symbols. About 100 thousand rubles will have to be spent on the purchase of these goods in assortment.

what documents are needed to open a sports bar

Staff recruitment

For the successful functioning of the sports bar, you will need to hire a cook, bartenders, waiters, cleaners, as well as a security guard and an accountant. It is advisable that all employees have relevant work experience and are also friendly towards visitors.

Indeed, even if the institution serves delicious snacks and fresh beer at an affordable price, but the waiters at the same time go with a frown and do not differ in politeness, a visitor is unlikely to go to such a bar on an ongoing basis.

In addition, it is advisable to provide your employees with a uniform with the logo of the institution. This will give the bar solidity.

Choose a name for the sports bar

Bearing in mind the immortal phrase “whatever you call a boat, it will sail”, special attention should be paid to this point. The name must necessarily be short, pleasant to the ear, memorable and, of course, related to sports topics.


At the opening of the sports bar, the businessman, of course, wants his institution to be popular and have high attendance. However, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary not only to offer your customers high quality service and a suitable atmosphere, but also to provide for a business marketing strategy.

So, you need to start advertising your sports bar a couple of months before the expected date of its opening. For these purposes, it is desirable to use outdoor advertising, television, radio, print media, the Internet. Of course, the scope of the advertising campaign depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

name for sports bar

The very opening of the sports bar makes sense to coincide with any major sporting event, for example, the World Cup or the Olympic Games. In this case, you are almost guaranteed a 100% fullness of your institution.

In the process of work, various interesting actions should be held dedicated to a particular sporting event.

In addition, a bonus system for regular visitors should be developed. This can be a discount card on the menu of your sports bar, the possibility of reserving a table, various gifts, etc. Believe me, your customers will definitely appreciate a similar sign of attention on your part.

Opening a sports bar: financial side of the issue

You can’t say for sure the amount that you will need to spend on opening an institution of this kind, because it all depends on the location, condition of the premises, its size, settlement, etc. On average, it is unlikely to meet the amount of less than 1.5 million rubles. As for profitability, it is about 13-15%. Initial investments should pay off in 12-16 months of the institution’s active work.

Today we learned how to open a sports bar. We hope that this information is useful to you to create a successful business.

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