
"Fast money": reviews, loan terms, office addresses

The financial services market today is a very dynamic area in which a huge number of entities are constantly operating. Even if we take into account such a field as microcredit. Due to simpler legislative requirements for legal entities wishing to run their business here than, say, in the banking sector, the number of services related to microloans is quite large.

In this article, we just focus on how it conducts its business and what one private company called Fast Money offers. Customer reviews will help us better understand what is characteristic of it and what is included in its services. And we will start with a general idea of ​​the micro-loan market.

About microcredit

So, for starters, it should be said that this area is relatively young in the market - it came to us from Europe at the end of the 20th century. If disbursement of funds in a relatively large amount for the debtor is considered to be a classic loan, then microcredit is small amounts designed to “hold out” to the salary.

The process of obtaining such a loan is greatly simplified, and the risks borne by the lender are much higher. True, the profit, in the end, here is several times greater than that which is formed in the course of working with classic loans.

The reason for this is interest rates: an urgent loan will cost a simple client much more than a consumer loan or a mortgage. But at the same time, the goals of microloans are completely different - often it can be the acquisition of products, an unexpected trip to the dentist, and the like. The terms for which such loans are issued are also an order of magnitude less.

“Quick money”

We will describe the activities of business entities in the field of microloans on the specific example of one company. We collected information about it from several sources: first of all, this is the official website of the company, where information is listed both about what it is and the information about where the Bystrodengi offices are located and how anyone can become their client; what is needed for this. The second important point that we would like to draw attention to in our article is feedback. In the process of writing the article, we used open sites where users who had both positive and negative experiences with the company shared their stories and noted how high the level of service was, whether they helped, politely served and the like.

urgent loan

About company

First, about Bystrodengy company itself (we will leave customer reviews for later). The company is engaged in microfinancing of the population, having offices throughout Russia. Their task is to provide their customers with the opportunity to receive loans for some small purchases for a short period of time (as already noted, the principle of “paycheck” applies here).

In total, the group has such an extensive network that its activities are carried out in 5 hundred offices (operating in 180 cities across the country). Over the 8 years of their presence on the market, more than 2 million people turned to them with a request to receive funds for some of their goals. As of last year, the amount of loans reached 8 billion rubles. The company is serviced by more than 4 thousand employees of various profiles and specialties.

We cited all these figures for a reason. Already by them we can judge, firstly, the scope of the company; and secondly, about the services that it provides and, of course, their quality.Simply put, we can a priori rely on the high standards operating within this corporation.


By the way, speaking of what the Bystrodengi company does and what can offer, we can name those areas of activity that are presented on the official website. There are three of them, and they are called “Cash Loan”, “Quick Card” and “Turbo Loan”. Each of these packages has its own characteristics, as they are intended for different categories of customers and their goals. We will talk more about each of them a little further.

In the meantime, we will talk about comfort in work, which is mentioned by reviews that describe the service "Quick Money". So, each of the above packages has a kind of constructor. A person who wants to arrange this or that service can “collect” the configuration he needs directly on the company's website. It is done very quickly, and the mechanism itself is extremely simple.

Here they ask you to indicate how much money you would like to receive on loan, the period for which you need this loan, and also indicate the total total amount of money payable up to a certain date.

Such a calculator has a very practical look and at the same time is quite easy to manage. A person who is far from the financial world can easily figure out his device.


So, we mentioned three areas in which the company operates. The first is a classic microloan available to anyone. It is issued in cash and no one asks you where the money is going. You just have to go to the company’s website (or contact the office / hotline), indicate the amount of money and the deadline, after which you will receive a specific answer about how much you will have to pay and by what date. For example, with an amount of 5,000 rubles, occupied for 9 days, you will be required to return 5900 rubles. before the end of the allotted period. The maximum amount of funds allocated in this way is 25 thousand, and the loan term is 16 days. Having borrowed such an amount for a maximum period, you will owe 33 thousand rubles.


The second area of ​​activity is “Quick Map”. By the name itself, it becomes clear that we are talking about a credit card issued by the company "Fast Money". Customer reviews note that this is a very convenient means of payment that can help you out in the right situation. Of course, you should only apply for such a loan if you know that you will pay with this card. And this may concern a store or other service with goods and services. It is not worth withdrawing cash that has been credited to the card - this will entail the need to pay high interest. The maximum amount that can be received on the card is 25 thousand.

The third option on how to get funds in our office is “Turbo loan”. The description of the package states that this is a quick money loan, which is issued if the user does not want (or cannot) come to the office of the company for full registration. The interest rate on such a loan will be higher since the debtor must “overpay” for urgency. Again, a specially provided calculator on the site allows us to independently calculate how much the loan will cost. Those taken 5 thousand for 9 days will cost 90 rubles more - 5990 rubles; but for 16 thousand for 30 days (for some reason the period has been extended) you have to pay only 26 560 rubles (which, it turns out, is much more profitable than receiving funds in cash). Such credit is provided on your bank card.



We have already noted that microcredit companies have lower requirements for their debtors. This is true: the microcredit lending sector works on the principle that the volume of each loan here is relatively small, which is why the company has the ability to use more loyal filters to select customers.Those loans that are not repayable entail huge penalties for the debtor. Therefore, if a creditor goes to court, such a client may lose much more.

Let us return to the requirements - they are lower, because often the amounts are not large enough for the client to “escape”, leaving his property, salary and family. Therefore, their entire set includes age (from 21 years) and employment (you need to have a permanent job that will allow you to earn).


The process itself, during which you can get a loan, is also nothing complicated. First of all, it is necessary to submit an application: this can be done both live and remotely - depending on which tariff you would like to choose. For "Quick Money", an application from a client is a confirmation of the seriousness of his intentions. In addition, with its help, you can slightly limit yourself from the risk of fraud (for the company).


The second step is to approve the loan. Despite the fact that all conditions are maximally simplified and transparent, not everyone receives money on credit. The company should see that you have enough funds to fully repay all debts and to recover damage incurred by the lender.

Finally, the last step. If you are approved as a borrower, you need to apply for a loan. The likelihood of approval if you meet the conditions is high enough.


As we have already noted, the financial group operates in more than 500 offices. Therefore, it is not surprising that users are looking for any information regarding the lender. Some users are interested in answers to some of their questions and so on.

The easiest and fastest way to get answers is to contact Bystrodengi directly. The mode of operation here, most often, is set between 10 and 19 (sometimes 21) every day. Finding the addresses of representative offices is not difficult, the company employees work in MAFs - various kiosks installed right at the stops for public transport. With this approach, lenders are really easily accessible for live communication. This also allows you to quickly take an urgent loan if necessary, without wasting time looking for offices.

The telephone (8-800-700-43-44) indicated on the official website of Bystrodengi is a single “hot” line - you can ask any question about the company's activities on it. There are also regional numbers for each of the offices.

Debtors reviews

In fact, most of all about the company we will tell the comments of people who have dealt with it. Of course, those who have successfully repaid their debt and were able to close settlements with the company cannot write anything bad about it. In this case, the really fast money debts are an excellent tool: you can borrow money, use it for your own purposes to solve current problems, and then return everything to the creditor.

Another situation is when a delay occurs or the opportunity to pay off your debt disappears. From people who find themselves in such a situation, the worst recommendations about the company "Fast Money." “Don't cry” is the most common phrase they use. And this, unfortunately, is quite common. Many people found themselves in difficult life situations, because of which the return of micro-loans became impossible. Of course, the company began to defend its interests by initiating legal proceedings. On the one hand, such people can be understood. They, for example, took a loan in "Quick Money". Work is not always a guarantee of stable payments: someone was fired, someone does not get paid on time, and some force majeure occurs. As a result, the lender accrues huge interest. On the other hand, you can understand the company, this is a business, and nobody forced anyone to take a microloan. Consent by the client was given voluntarily.

There are no complaints about the quality of services - it’s clear that the company works according to a scheme already established over many years of experience that allows you to maximize profits and constantly increase your customer base, expanding your market. If they worked poorly here, the financial group would not have become as influential in these 8 years, as it is today, would not have achieved such successes.

Employee Reviews

Finally, it would be interesting to hear feedback from people working inside the company. This is - no less than 4 thousand people.

Judging by individual comments, we can conclude that the work in this structure is organized quite rigidly. Each of the employees has its own system of fines provided for the improper performance of their duties. However, here they are not only punished, but also encouraged.

On an ongoing basis, the company conducts various training events to improve the qualifications of employees, provides members of its team with the opportunity to learn something new, grow in both personal and career light. Again, probably over the years of work, more than one generation of successful managers has formed here, who came to the organization at the very beginning and “grew” to a high level. Indeed, today top management is the former “grassroots” employees of “Fast Money”.


The Bystrodengy company is another major player in the microfinance market. There are dozens of such structures, but not many have the same experience and such an extensive network of representative offices available to customers. Therefore, these factors alone can serve as confirmation of the quality of work of the company in question and the high level of its services.

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