
Own business: how to make money on microloans. How to open a microloan company

how to open a microloan companyThe microloan system in our country today is experiencing an incredible rise. At the beginning of the year, the market was estimated at 36 billion rubles.

Analysts say that by the end of the same year, its value will rise to 56 billion. Statistics calculated that the start-up package for microloans to the population pays off in just 1-2 months.

The first steps

Offices, where you can borrow a small amount, grow in large cities even faster than mushrooms after a warm summer rain. But, as in any private business, an entrepreneur should be prepared to fulfill the requirements for businessmen of this kind as accurately as possible. To begin with, a person about to make money on microloans must answer a few questions.

  • Will the selected business be competitive? (Microloans today are issued by hundreds of entrepreneurs).
  • Is the founder ready to follow the requirements of the law?
  • Is he ready to bear losses if some of the loans are not repaid?
  • How much money is he willing to invest in opening an enterprise?

Having understood for himself the answers and having become acquainted with Article 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 151-FZ of 02.07.2010, the entrepreneur is ready to begin registration of a legal entity. It can be a fund, partnership, LLC or another type of organization outside the budget, engaged in non-profit partnership.

How to open a microloan company?

Starting a business is not much different from organizing any other business of your own and begins with paper work. The entrepreneur must study the management documents, collect the package of necessary papers, rent a room that meets the requirements of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and Fire Inspection.

Only one difference: a company engaged in a microloan of money must be registered in the State Register of Microfinance Organizations. Otherwise, her activity will be illegal. A permit will require a number of documents.

  • Application of the owner (with all his contact and passport data) on the inclusion of the company (company, organization) in the Register of microfinance organizations.
  • Registration (copy) of a legal entity.
  • Information about the founders. Typically, a sample of this document is posted on the websites of city administrations. Depending on the city, the forms may vary slightly.
  • Decision (copy) on the election of the governing bodies of the organization. It is compiled in any form.
  • Standard package of documents: certificate of state registration of the company, Articles of Association, constituent documents. The Charter must necessarily indicate that one of the activities of the company is the issuance of loans.
  • Documents confirming the legal and actual address of the organization.

A few tips for beginners

How to open a business “Microloans” to a person who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation? In addition to the general package of documents he will have to provide:

  • translation of the Charter into Russian (together with a copy in the state language of the applicant);
  • an extract on the legal status of the applicant, issued in his state and also translated into two languages.

What is important to remember?

Everything constituent documents should give a clear idea that the proceeds from the issuance of microloans will be spent on microfinance, charity, education or repayment of existing loans (loans).

Novice businessman can find sample documents in the appendix to the law of the Ministry of Finance of 03.03.2011 No. 26 n.

Even before starting a Microloan business, an entrepreneur must clearly understand: the state duty for opening is only 1000 rubles. The fine for the illegal issuance of money is 30,000.

Compiling, collecting and registering all the necessary documents is not easy: it takes time, strong nerves. That is why it is better to hire lawyers. They will not only save you from long visits to the authorities, but also help to correctly fill out the necessary papers. The costs will be justified in any case.

Reasons to refuse

If the package of documents has been prepared without flaws, then after 14 calendar days the authorized body is obliged to enter the company in the Register. If there are reasons why the application cannot be satisfied, then they must be listed in a written refusal. microloan of money

Therefore, when thinking about how to open a microloan company, an entrepreneur should carefully consider the study of management documents and the selection of official papers that must be submitted to authorized bodies.

The reasons for refusal may be the following factors:

  • Incorrectly executed documents.
  • Documents that carry false information.
  • Incomplete package of required papers.
  • If the company was excluded from the Register, and from the moment of its exclusion until the submission of a new application, a year has not passed.

Thinking about how to open “Microloans”, a businessman should be prepared for the fact that it usually takes at least 1-3 months to collect documents, register a legal entity and resolve a problem with authorized bodies. In addition, it will take time to attract customers. A loan company will begin to make its first profit no sooner than in 3-4 weeks.

How to open a microloan business from a technical point of view?

In parallel with the preparation of documents, an entrepreneur must solve the issues of competitiveness of his future company. There are many organizations issuing small money at interest. How to open “Microloans” so as not to “burn out” in the first months? After all, microfinance organizations that do not require (like banks) a large package of documents risk very much?

In addition, you will have to pay for the rental of premises, the maintenance of at least the minimum staff. The business plan drawn up by the entrepreneur himself will be able to accurately and correctly answer the question of how to open microloans in order to make a profit.

In it, in addition to standard clauses on staff maintenance, equipment, rental costs, etc., it is necessary to take into account: at least 5% of the funds borrowed to customers will never be returned. Experts believe that in some areas this amount is even higher. We will have to take into account the very high advertising costs.

How to open a microloan company so that it makes a profit?

Make sure that as many people as possible inclined to borrow money know about it. Advertising can be placed in the media, on the stands. Colorful flyers and flyers, streamers work well. In some areas, even ads posted on poles and porches can attract customers.

True, they can also increase the risk of loan non-repayment: such advertising is mainly used by not the most prosperous stratum of the population. You can distribute flyers or flyers, use souvenir products, or advertise in the media. Boards of city transport, curbstones, etc. are also suitable.

Sample business plan microfinance organization

It must include the items listed below. The costs to be taken into account in the plan may vary by region.

The initial investment is as follows.

  • Room rental.
  • Purchase of furniture.
  • Acquisition of computer programs and equipment.
  • Costs for advertising, signboard, etc.
  • Funds for first loans.
  • Typically, the initial costs fit into 1-1.5 million rubles. Therefore, the question of how to open "Microloans" can be ironically answered as follows: "Find money."

The second part of the plan should take into account current expenses.

  • Payment of rent and utility bills.
  • Salary of staff.
  • Advertising.
  • Buying supplies.

Profit can be taken into account as follows. The income from 1 microloan is about 15% -20% per week, i.e. approximately 80% per month. From the amount received, you need to subtract 5% of non-return, set aside money for possible fines. The remaining money will become the estimated profit.

Where to open the point of issue?

We figured out how to open Microloans. No less important is the question of what requirements should be met by the point of issue.

  • First of all, it should be in a crowded place. It’s good if there is an educational institution nearby, a large store, perhaps a factory entrance or a drinking institution of not the highest rank. People who tend to borrow money “to paychecks” should not go far behind them: after all, they can change their minds or find another lender.
  • Excellent if the office will work around the clock. How to open microloans and make a business profitable? To be ready always, at any time, to provide service to those in need. To do this, it is advantageous to hire two employees working in shifts.

But what about those who want to earn money, but don’t know how to open a microloan company on their own, or is they afraid of it? Buy a franchise. There are financial companies (for example, “Money is near”) that will not only gladly provide their brand, but also train, provide legal support, and advise. The franchise will make it possible to minimize risks, gain experience, acquire a clientele and gradually enter an independent microfinance path.

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