
How printing differs from a stamp: fundamental features of stamp products

In the conditions of modern office management, for the correct execution of many documents, such types of stamp products as printing and stamps are used. Each of them has its own purpose and scope. To correctly execute business papers, you must clearly understand how printing differs from a stamp and why these devices should not be confused with each other. This should be dealt with in more detail.

The purpose of the stamp and seal

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the work of any organization without the use of stamp products. Tools such as stamps, numbering, seals and daters have long become an integral attribute of the activities of any legal entity. Each of these items carries individual information and has a specific scope.

how printing differs from stamp

Nevertheless, quite often a question arises in people: how is printing different from a stamp and in what cases should one or another tool be used? The answers to such questions lie already in the very definition of each device. You can understand how printing differs from a stamp only after you can figure out what they are. To begin with, it is worth recalling that printing is a tool that consists of two parts:

  • a special cliche, which is a relief plate, designed for printing on paper;
  • housing (snap), inside which it is attached.

This device is used to certify various documents in order to confirm their authenticity. The stamp, in fact, is a special type of printing. It contains information that is often used in work. It turns out that the stamp allows you to simply replace part of the handwritten text.

From here it is clear how the seal differs from the stamp. The difference is in the purpose of the tools. One of them is needed to confirm the validity and certification of important documents, and the other only to mechanically display duplicate information.

Application area

Specialists who are engaged in office management can bring a few more arguments, from which it will become clear how the seal differs from the stamp. After all, this is part of their work, which is associated with the execution of business papers.

what is the difference between printing and stamp

Here we can distinguish several differences:

  1. Obligatory. According to Russian laws, the seal must be present on every official document. At the same time, the stamp is applied exclusively at the request of the legal entity.
  2. Application rules. The seal is always located at the bottom of the sheet on top of the individual signature of the responsible person. The stamp is usually located at the top of the form.
  3. Adequacy. Information placed on the press contains all the data necessary for it. In contrast, the stamp sometimes implies certain additions, which are usually applied manually.

Finding out how printing differs from a stamp, we can conclude that in addition to the type of document, one should also pay attention to the features of each of these devices.

Tool shape

Many people believe that the difference between printing and stamping lies in the special shape of these items. Indeed, in such a statement there is some truth. Most seals are generally round or oval. These include:

  • stamp;
  • doctor's seal;
  • lawyer;
  • primary and secondary seals for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

When printed, they give an image, some of the information on which is located around the circumference.

Stamps in this sense are very diverse. They are rectangular, square, diamond-shaped, oval and triangular. Each of these samples has its own field of application.

difference from printing stamp

There are several types of stamps:

  1. Corner, or address. It contains the basic details of the company and is applied in the absence of a letterhead.
  2. Urgent. The most popular of them are “Paid”, “Received”, “Redeemed”.
  3. Free access restriction stamp.
  4. Registration (for incoming documents).
  5. Marking.
  6. Dater.
  7. Numerator.
  8. Ex-libris.
  9. Other (“Copy is correct”, “Deregistered” and others).
  10. Facsimile.

Most of them (with the exception of the latter) are rectangular.

Legal force

What is the main difference between tools like stamping and printing? The difference is in the legal status of the document on which this or that print is placed.

stamp and seal contrast

Both of these devices in this case perform different functions:

  1. Printing is usually used for legal confirmation of documents. They acquire full legal force. In addition, at the same time, the signature supplied by a specific authorized person is certified.
  2. The stamp is used only to standardize business papers if necessary. Basically, it helps to optimize the workflow at the enterprise. Not being a mandatory attribute, stamps are used solely at the request of management to facilitate the work of subordinates.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the seal, being a mandatory attribute, is under the strict control of state bodies. If it is lost, you must immediately contact the appropriate authorities to resume the device. At the same time, the absence of a stamp worries only employees of the enterprise, who will have to look for a different way of applying the necessary information.

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