
What the hotel manager does: hotel administrator responsibilities

The hotel business is actively developing not only abroad, but also in the vastness of our country. The saturation of the market for services leads to the fact that between the owners of hotels there is fierce competition. As a result, a more thorough selection of candidates for the position of hotel employees is being introduced.

Especially closely owners look closely at applicants applying for the post of administrator. After all, the reputation of their institution directly depends on how well it will perform its work. Therefore, everyone who wants to get this place must know in advance what the responsibilities of the hotel administrator are.

hotel administrator duties

Hotel face

In the modern hotel business, the administrator is the face of all the staff working there. Therefore, one should not be surprised if the owner will strive with all his might to ensure that a worthy person works in his place. In this case, it does not matter if it is a man or a woman - here everyone has equal chances.

When choosing a candidate, it is much more important how skillfully he is able to cope with the tasks. Also an important factor is his appearance, manner of speech and behavior. After all, the instruction of the hotel administrator is only a set of rules that everyone can master, but the ability to submit oneself is a feature inherent in a few.

Admin Requirements

Let us examine in more detail what requirements a future employer may make to his subordinate. Indeed, thanks to this, it will be possible not only to prepare for the upcoming testing, but also to better understand the specifics of work in the hotel business.

hotel administrator instructions

So what should a hotel administrator be like?

  1. Sociability is the main feature of this employee. This is justified by the fact that 80% of the work is related to communication with people.
  2. Good diction. Without it, in any case, otherwise there may be difficulties in understanding between the administrator and clients.
  3. Creativity and ingenuity. Quite often, you will have to face situations from which you will need to find a non-standard solution.
  4. The responsibilities of the hotel administrator include bookkeeping, which requires responsibility and organization.
  5. Sometimes problems can arise at the most inopportune moment, so the administrator should always be ready to go to work.

How to become a hotel administrator?

The good news is that you do not need to receive specialized education for this profession. This makes life easier for future employees, but there are also negative aspects to all this.

Since the diploma confirming the availability of necessary skills simply does not exist, the main paper affecting the decision of the employer is the resume of the hotel administrator. And if the applicant goes for an interview with the owner of a large hotel, then the main points in the mentioned document will be: experience and recommendations.

Many will have a very logical question: "And how to get work experience if you cannot take on this post without him?" In reality, everything is very simple: for a start it will be necessary to get a less prestigious position, for example, such as the administrator of a mini-hotel. Let the salary here not be too big, but there will be something to write in the resume.

You can also try your luck and go to the goal through the bottom. That is, initially get a job, say, a waiter, and then slowly climb the career ladder.But this option takes too much time, and no one can guarantee that ultimately you will get the post of administrator.

hotel administrator resume

Hotel Administrator Responsibilities

Now we pass directly to what is the responsibility of the administrator. After all, this information should be of interest to future hotel managers in the first place. Although it should be noted that much depends on the hotel itself and its owner, and therefore it is not worth naive to believe that everywhere there will be the same working conditions.

So what are the responsibilities of a hotel administrator?

  1. The primary task is communication with customers. So, the administrator makes sure that the guests are provided with everything necessary. If you have questions, difficulties or misunderstandings, he should help clients as soon as possible.
  2. Although now a separate category of people is being placed at the reception, sometimes the administrator has to fulfill these responsibilities. In particular, to receive calls, book rooms, deliver the necessary information to customers and so on.
  3. Also, the hotel administrator is the person who manages the rest of the staff. He must ensure that everyone does their job as they should, and in case of negligence, punish the offending employee.

mini hotel administrator

Features of work

Among the main advantages of this profession, salary should be noted first of all. Even in small hotels, the administrator will receive a pretty good salary. This work is also very interesting and well suited for those who love live communication.

Among the shortcomings is an increased psychological burden, because you have to work in constant moral stress. In addition, it is quite difficult to get a promising place the first time, especially if there is no experience or recommendations.

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Reason for complaint
Ekaterina Orlova
The salaries of the administrators are really good. This was probably the first reason I wanted to try myself in this profession. I thought that they won’t take without experience, so I didn’t really hope when I phoned the available vacancies that were on Avito. But they took it !! I didn’t even think about the disadvantages of such work then. The schedule at first was terrible and it was hard for me to adjust. Often they didn’t call on my shift, because there was either a large settlement, or someone fell ill, or something else. Also, different guests come across. In general, she barely survived night shifts, stood, and pecked her nose. But now I’m used to it, and the conditions have improved. In general, it's cool, I'll see how it goes.


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