
Job description and maid responsibilities

The first maids appeared in the Middle Ages. Then these lovely women were in charge of order in castles or in the homes of nobles. Over the years, the global fabric has changed, but these workers still tirelessly monitor the cleanliness of the premises. True, now instead of castles, they serve hotel rooms and guest houses. And yet, as before, the duties of a maid are very multifaceted.

Therefore, let's put everything in its place and see how difficult this work is. We will understand what is the responsibility of the maid, and what she should not do. And also what types and categories they are divided into.

maid duties

A few words about who such a maid

Maids - this is part of the staff of the hotel, hotel, sanatorium, boarding house and so on. Despite the fact that their main task is to clean the rooms, they also perform a number of other very useful functions. But we will talk about them a little later. More importantly, the duties of a maid can vary greatly depending on where she works. Therefore, before proceeding with the cleaning, the maid should familiarize herself with the job description established in this organization. This will help to find out the exact list of your duties, and also protect you from possible problems associated with violation of the prescribed norms and prohibitions.

 hotel maid responsibilities

Maid job description

To begin with, the job description of the maid is not much different from documents similar to her. Its main task is to clarify the labor process by explaining all the duties, rights and prohibitions for the employee. This document often consists of four main points:

  1. General Provisions That is, who is the immediate boss, who can be taken to the post of a maid and according to what schedule she works.
  2. The duties of a maid. Everything is extremely simple here: what is included in daily tasks, what detergents should be used, how often to change bedding, and so on.
  3. The rights of a maid. This paragraph sets out in detail all the privileges that are vested with maintenance personnel.
  4. A responsibility. A very important paragraph, thanks to which you can resolve all the troubles that arose due to the fault of the maid.

maid duties at the hotel

Maid Categories

The duties of a maid in a hotel or boarding house largely depend on her rank. At the moment, in most hotels it is customary to divide these employees into three large categories.

  • I category - the initial step in the hierarchy of maids. This category is assigned to young workers who have not yet had time to establish themselves. By and large, all the work associated with cleaning the premises falls on them.
  • II category is already a more prestigious position with a much larger salary. Only those maids who have worked at the hotel for at least 6 months can apply for this category. As for duties, the standard set is supplemented by fulfilling small requests of guests and monitoring the state of the room.
  • III category, or senior maid. The main task of this employee is to monitor their wards. She must give them reasonable orders and ensure that guests are happy with everything.

maid duties in a sanatorium

More details on maid responsibilities

Naturally, it starts from the basic tasks that all maids must complete. That is, from that set of measures, thanks to which they maintain order in the territory entrusted to them. So, the maid is obliged:

  • Perform all types of cleaning work.This includes: daily room cleaning, dusting, washing windows, changing linens, bleaching sinks, and so on. In this case, the maid must perform all of the above tasks in accordance with a strictly established schedule.
  • Well versed in detergents and cleaners. At first glance, this item seems very simple and ordinary, but do not underestimate the range of chemicals that are used in modern hotels.
  • Correct and rational use of cleaning equipment. The maids are armed with not only a broom with a rag, but also many other tricky devices. For example, they can use dust collectors, electric mops, static brushes and so on.
  • Follow the rules and standards of conduct. Regardless of where the maid works, she should always be polite and friendly when communicating with guests. In addition, she is obliged to wear a uniform and monitor her appearance.

It should also be remembered that the duties of a maid in a hotel are slightly different from those performed by this lady employee, say, in a sanatorium or in a boarding house. Given this, let's discuss what this difference is.

maid duties in a boarding house

Hotel work

The duties of the maid in the hotel are primarily aimed at providing coziness and comfort for guests. In this regard, she often has to check the availability of clean bedding, bring fresh drinks to the refrigerator, monitor the health of electrical appliances and so on. However, sometimes some hotels may introduce special rules of conduct for their employees. For example, in England, maids are warming up the bed so that their guests do not lie on a cold sheet.

maid duties

Responsibilities of a maid in a sanatorium

The main task of all sanatoriums and hospitals is to improve their clients. Therefore, do not be surprised that some of the duties of a maid will be associated precisely with this process. For example, in sanatoriums they often bring medicine to their rooms, escort clients to the place of treatment, monitor compliance with the regime, and so on.

In addition, all sanatoriums have increased requirements for cleanliness. In most cases, the maid has to use not only the usual set of detergents, but also special disinfectants.

hotel maid responsibilities

Features of life in a boarding house

So, what are the responsibilities of a maid in a boarding house? To begin with, unlike a hotel, a boarding house accepts its guests for a longer period. In this regard, maids should be able to adapt to the schedule of their guests. For example, if a guest is used to sleeping before dinner, then they should only come to him in the afternoon.

In addition, all boarding houses value their reputation very much. So, all the service personnel working there must work in good faith and in no case violate the established rules.

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