
Administrator Responsibilities: Sample

The duties of the administrator are established by the senior management. All of them must be indicated in the job description, otherwise they have no legal force. In addition, this document must be submitted to the administrator for review immediately before entering a new position.

As for the main points that the job description contains, then everything depends on the specifics of the work. Indeed, despite the similarity of responsibilities, each structure has some differences. For example, there is a huge gap between hotel workers and, say, system administrators.

administrator job responsibilities

What is an administrator?

But you should start with who the administrator is. Indeed, despite the prevalence of this position, many do not quite understand the spectrum of responsibilities that falls on them. So, an administrator is a person who is responsible for order in a particular organization.

That is, the duties of the administrator oblige him to control the quality of work of his wards, to communicate with clients (including to resolve conflict situations), to monitor the cleanliness in the halls and so on.

Who can become an administrator?

In general, people with a completed secondary education can apply for this position. However, with increasing competition in the labor market, the requirements for candidates for the post of administrator also increased. So, people with higher education who know foreign languages ​​have much greater chances than their less enlightened colleagues.

Moreover, in order to get to a promising place, the future employee will have to complete special courses. True, quite often, people with potential are taught by management for their own money. There are also some areas of administration that require specialized education. For example, a system administrator.

Hotel Administrator Responsibilities

How to draw up job descriptions?

All documents of this type are created under the close supervision of the manual. Ready-made templates are used as a sample, which can be optionally supplemented or changed based on the needs of the organization. However, despite this, the duties of the administrator should not contradict the labor code, as well as have clauses that violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Often such a document has four points:

  1. General provisions, which indicate the main requirements for the candidacy of the administrator. Here you should also indicate the immediate bosses of the employee, the procedure for replacement, the necessary level of knowledge, and so on.
  2. Duties. They include the entire list of what the administrator is required to do.
  3. Rights - the part where all privileges of this employee are indicated.
  4. Responsibility is a particularly important point establishing a measure of punishment for a particular act.

store administrator job responsibilities

Sample job description

This option is universal and is suitable as a source template for any organization. However, it should be remembered that most of the points will need to be changed based on management considerations.

I. General Provisions

  1. An administrator is a specialist who belongs to the category of office employees.
  2. Persons over 18 with a completed secondary education can apply for this position.
  3. This specialist reports directly to the head of the hotel / restaurant / club.
  4. The administrator must be able to:
  • properly distribute responsibilities between employees of the organization;
  • eliminate all conflict situations both within the team and beyond;
  • correctly convey all the necessary information about services and tariffs to the customers of this organization.

II. Duties

The administrator must:

  1. Create all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay of customers in the institution.
  2. Provide all the necessary information on services, tariffs and discounts.
  3. Maintain all types of customer bases, as well as take measures to effectively increase them.
  4. Settle all conflicts with customers, staff and management.
  5. Ensure cleanliness and order in the territory entrusted to him.
  6. Monitor discipline within the work team.
  7. Provide managers with all the information about their organization.

III. The rights

This specialist has the right:

  1. Take an interest in all management decisions related to both internal and external policies of the organization.
  2. Make suggestions to improve staff performance.
  3. Demand compliance with all norms and rules established by this document, as well as the labor code of the Russian Federation.
  4. Make decisions, guided by their own considerations, if they do not contradict this agreement.

IV. A responsibility

The following penalties can be applied to the administrator:

  1. An employee may be held administratively liable for failure to comply with executive orders.
  2. For malicious violations of discipline and negligence, the administrator can be demoted, up to the dismissal.

This is just an approximate example of what the main document can be that regulates the actions that the administrator performs. Job description is largely dependent on the specific organization. Therefore, for example, consider the most common types of this profession.

restaurant administrator job duties

Job responsibilities of the store administrator

Often, such a vacancy exists only in supermarkets, as well as in stores that are part of a large distribution network. The main feature of this position is that the person holding it has to monitor the effectiveness of sales.

Based on this, we can conclude that the job responsibilities of the store administrator are primarily aimed at:

  • improving the performance of sellers;
  • development of marketing techniques;
  • quality control of the goods.

Responsibilities of the restaurant administrator

The restaurant business is built on luring customers with delicious dishes and quality service. If the first is more dependent on the work of the chef, then the second is already the lot of the administrator.

administrator job description

It is he who must follow everything that can affect the mood of customers. So, the main duties of the restaurant administrator are as follows:

  • organization of well-coordinated work of staff;
  • communication with customers;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere in the room;
  • providing information regarding the menu and the work of the chef.

Hotel business

The most extensive are the duties of the hotel administrator. This is due to the fact that this specialist has to manage many aspects of life inside the hotel.

So, the duties of the hotel administrator require:

  • provide comfort to guests;
  • provide information regarding hotel accommodation, local cuisine, attractions, and so on;
  • monitor the cleanliness in the lobby, rooms, corridors;
  • keep a record of reservations;
  • monitor the performance of staff and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments.

system administrator job responsibilities

Special category of administrators

As mentioned earlier, some categories of this direction still require a certain education. So, official system administrator responsibilities It means having an IT degree. Indeed, otherwise he will not be able to carry out the tasks assigned to him.

Also, similar requirements may be made in some other areas, depending on the specifics of production and the opinion of management on this matter.

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