
What to do with wedding rings after a divorce? Signs and traditions

What is family life? Happy safe haven? Not always ... Sometimes misunderstanding between spouses reaches its climax. There is only one way out of this situation - divorce. At this moment, the wedding rings that once served you as a symbol of love and fidelity turn into ordinary pieces of precious metal. Become a kind of reminder of a failed marriage. What to do with wedding rings after a divorce? What to do with them?

what to do with wedding rings after a divorce

What to do with wedding rings after a divorce? Spouses often doubt ...

So, wedding rings have been a symbol of a strong family since ancient times. Their spouses give each other on their wedding day with a promise to remain faithful throughout their lives. In a word, this is the mascot of the family. So is it worth asking yourself what to do with wedding rings after a divorce? Wearing them is simply unacceptable!

If a person still wants to meet his love, to bind himself again by marriage, you should also not keep such a “reminder of a past family life” next to other jewelry. Otherwise, he may face various obstacles when trying to build a new alliance.

what to do with wedding rings after divorce omens

So after all, what to do with wedding rings after a divorce? Let's start with the most basic. Usually, future newlyweds go before the wedding to a jewelry store in order to purchase the models they like. As a rule, the spouse most often returns the ring to the ex-husband after the divorce, so that nothing else reminds of him. Although it is not necessary.

Other cases

But this is not always the case. For example, what to do with wedding rings after a divorce if they are a family heirloom passed from generation to generation? Suppose the groom at the wedding gives the bride the generic value that was still worn by his great-grandmother. She simply doesn’t need a thing that keeps secrets of many generations after a divorce, because she no longer has anything to do with this family. In this case, the relic must be returned.

what to do with wedding rings after a divorce

If the wedding rings were bought together, that is, it turns out that everyone made a purchase for himself, giving nothing back is worth giving back. It is best to take the jewelry to the jeweler in order to melt it into another.

Well, if on the day of the wedding you also got married in the church, pay special attention to the question of the future fate of the engagement ring. Go to the temple and ask the clergyman what to do in this case. The fact is that a wedding ring is not a simple piece of metal. This is a thing that affects the fate of spouses. Therefore, it is necessary to learn all the nuances and subtleties of divorce at the church level.

Negative energy

Thus, it becomes clear what to do with wedding rings after a divorce. Signs clearly indicate that these objects now carry negative energy. It doesn’t matter, there is a ring on the right or left hand. It is also impossible to give it into the wrong hands. This can cause a lot of trouble. It’s better to remake it in another decoration. High temperature during remelting burns and destroys all negative energy. On the left hand, the ring can only be changed if one of the spouses has died. Well, of course, getting married again, no one wants to repeat the failures of the first. Therefore, the old ring in no case can not be used.

Complicated decoration

In a word, these are not just accessories.Divorced people, thinking about what to do with wedding rings after a divorce, whether they can be worn, stored or even thrown away, very often begin to doubt the correctness of their decision. On the one hand, this would seem to be a decoration, and it is a pity to get rid of it. On the other hand - this is not an ordinary trinket, donated by an outsider. This is a thing that carries a huge semantic load (although not the most pleasant memories, but pleasant ones, nevertheless, you can also find a lot). It was this ring that once symbolized the strength and fortitude of your marriage. Of course, wearing it after a divorce is a bad omen.

what to do with wedding rings after a divorce wear

Just don't throw it away!

In general, in the end, we can come to the following conclusion. Everyone decides, depending on the circumstances, what to do with wedding rings after a divorce. You can not wear them, except in cases where one of the spouses passed away earlier. A thing that has absorbed a lot of setbacks and negativity is not worth using. In most cases, people give rings to masters in order to make completely new products. And if you add something else from broken jewelry to them, a flight of imagination of a specialist will help to create a unique product.

So, it's not worth chopping off your shoulder. Getting rid of the ring is never too late. Approach the question of what to do with it, competently and rationally, think carefully before making a decision. Even this old thing can turn into something new in your life, delighting you with a completely new look.

However, if you do not want to wear this ring in a transformed form, just remove it to the side, away. The main thing - do not throw it away. It can accidentally fall into the hands of a not-so-good person. And this can be fraught with bad consequences for you ...

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