
How to restore a marriage certificate: step by step instructions

For carrying out certain important processes often whole sets of documents are needed. Therefore, if they are lost, it is important to be prepared to quickly restore the necessary paper. At the same time, it is worth noting that citizens periodically need to issue anew a lost marriage certificate. This process is not complicated, but you still need to know the standard algorithm of actions.

When is this documentation important?

When it becomes necessary to restore a marriage certificate, it is important to understand what steps need to be taken. If this document is not updated on time, then you may encounter certain difficulties.

restore marriage certificate

It is about blocking the following processes that are problematic to carry out without evidence:

  • obtaining a loan from a bank, including a mortgage;
  • sale or acquisition of real estate;
  • divorce;
  • registration of alimony for children or one of the spouses due to disability.

In case of loss, you can restore the marriage certificate in the registry office. And it is better to contact the department where he was issued.

Features of the visit to the registry office

If you contact this body and take all necessary steps, then there is a chance that it will be possible to restore the lost marriage certificate within one day.

In general, the procedure is as follows:

  • Filing an application, which should be written in the name of the registry office. In this case, it is necessary to indicate its purpose: the issuance of a duplicate certificate. Difficulties at this stage should not arise, since in any department there are samples of writing an application or ready-made forms in which you only need to enter the data.
  • The next step, which will help restore your marriage certificate, - this is a state duty payment. It can vary from 150 to 300 rubles, depending on which federal district this procedure has to be performed. As for the details, they are issued by the registry office employees. After payment, you must attach the receipt to the written application.
  • The last thing you need to provide for the successful completion of the process is a copy of your passport with a stamp on marriage registration.

recover lost marriage certificate

When all the above actions are completed, the applicant has every reason to count on the issuance of duplicates within one day. In extreme cases, the process can drag on for three days, but no more.

Recovering a certificate in another city

The current legislation does not impose any restrictions on obtaining a duplicate in the registry office at a new place of registration, even if the lost certificate was received at another address.

In such a situation, in order to restore the marriage certificate, you must also contact the civil registry office and write a duplicate application.

The set of documents does not differ from the previous version, but the statement should indicate which registry office issued the certificate that was lost. You should not count on a quick review, since this procedure implies the mandatory confirmation of the fact of the issuance of a certificate by the registry office of the civil registry office indicated in the application at a different registration address.

Important Nuances

Initially, it is worth noting that any spouse has the right to apply for a copy of the certificate. But the application will need to indicate the passport data of both husband and wife.

If the passport does not have a stamp confirming the registration of marriage, this does not mean that the application for the issuance of a duplicate will not be considered.

Another circumstance that needs to be paid attention to is the long stay of the spouses separately from each other. The complexity of this situation is that the other side may refuse to provide their passport data. In this case, you will have to use the services of a lawyer who will be able to obtain the necessary information through official inquiries.

renew a marriage certificate in another country

If there are no documents that contain information about the lost certificate, and the date of its issuance cannot be remembered, then it will be enough to indicate only the year of registration of the marriage.

The following information deserves attention: the fact that the registry office where the registration was made cannot find the requested data, is not a reason for refusing to issue a duplicate. Employees of the civil registry office should continue to search the archives of executive committees by sending relevant requests.

How to restore a marriage certificate after a divorce

The procedure for issuing a duplicate certificate after the spouses were divorced is no different from the one described above. This means that you have to write a statement, pay the state fee and provide a passport in which there is a stamp confirming the fact of divorce.

The situation may be somewhat complicated by the fact that the divorce was made through the courts. In this case, to restore divorce certificates need to provide a court decision. Otherwise, the duplicate cannot be obtained.

how to restore a marriage certificate after a divorce

At the same time, it is important to understand that the court decision in itself is not a sufficiently significant document for the official confirmation of divorce. The certificate will have to be done anyway.

How to Recover Parents Marriage Certificate

Periodically, situations arise where for certain processes the parents' testimony is necessary, but since they are dead (or one of the spouses), documents must be restored without their participation.

This provision is already provided for by law and there is a clear algorithm of action. First of all, it should be noted that either direct heirs or the second spouse are entitled to apply for the issuance of a duplicate.

Otherwise, the process of requesting and receiving a duplicate implies the same procedure as has already been described. The only difference is that a document must be added to the standard list of documents, which gives the heir the right to apply for the issuance of duplicate marriage certificates of his parents. For this, a copy of the birth certificate, in which the data of the father and mother are present, will have to be attached to the application.

As for the terms of issue, they are standard in this case - one day from the date of application.

Actions in the territory of a neighboring state

There are frequent cases when residents of countries bordering Russia move to any region of the Russian Federation. In this case, you will have to contact the registry office at the place of registration in order to restore the marriage certificate. Ukraine is one of those regions that is home to a significant part of the Russian population.

 restore marriage certificate ukraine

The procedure for action in the territory of this country in case of loss or damage of a certificate is as follows:

  • write a request for a duplicate;
  • provide documents that are able to confirm the right to obtain a certificate (passport, TIN, birth certificate);
  • attach to the application a receipt evidencing payment of state duty.

In some cases, you may have to pay extra for the fact that the data will be extracted from the state registry of acts of civil status.

As you can see, a marriage certificate can be restored in another country at the cost of moderate efforts and using virtually the same algorithm as in Russia.But wherever you had to go to get the necessary documentation, it is always necessary to consult with representatives of the registration authorities and do not forget to read the thematic forums in advance, at which many necessary nuances are voiced.renew a marriage certificate in another country


It is not difficult to conclude that the state has made the procedure for restoring marriage registration certificates as accessible as possible. If you initially provide all the necessary documents and generally respond promptly, you can get a duplicate in the shortest possible time.

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