
State duty for divorce, or How to get a divorce

For many divorced people, the state duty for a divorce becomes a huge problem. The thing is that there are many different situations. And depending on them, the cost of termination begins to change. So, today we have to find out how much the state duty for a divorce costs in different cases. And how to carry out this operation. After all, far from always a divorce can be quickly implemented.state duty for divorce

Documents for registration

Let's start by preparing all the necessary documents. Without them it is impossible to realize the idea. The first thing you should start with is the originals and copies of your ex-spouses' passports. Sometimes you can do without photocopies, but it is better to take them with you. This refers to a mutual decision to divorce.

If someone does not agree with this process, then you need, in addition to your own passport, to present a court decision declaring the marriage invalid. Or his decision to implement the idea. In this case, the state fee for a divorce, by the way, will be less than with a mutual decision.

Secondly, you will have to present the appropriate application for divorce. It can either be filled in advance, or already directly when contacting the relevant authorities. Practice welcomes the second scenario. A marriage application must also be attached. And its copy as well.

Thirdly, the state duty for a divorce must be paid. It, as already mentioned, has a different size. Best of all, if you worry in advance about making the appropriate fee. This will simplify the process.

Where to pay

Where exactly should you pay the state fee for a divorce? To be honest, there is only one answer - to the appropriate authority, where you will draw up the "deal". All the details you need to get there. Even when it comes to divorce fees through the courts.how much is a state duty for a divorce

True, you will have to pay the receipt directly at the bank. It is very convenient to do this using special payment terminals of Sberbank. To do this, you will have to enter your details (of one of the spouses) and make the corresponding amount of the fee.

It is also worth noting that the size of state fees for divorce in different regions remains the same. The only difference that may affect is a joint decision or its absence on the dissolution of marriage.

Where and when

Where exactly should you get a divorce? And when to pay a fee for this case? In principle, the second question has several alternatives. But the application for divorce is always submitted to the same authorities. We are talking about the registry office at the place of residence (registration) of one of the spouses. If you are taking this step mutually, you can choose any appropriate authority - either by the registration of your wife or husband. It does not affect anything. Except where to get a divorce certificate.

But when to pay the state fee? Practice shows that most often people try to pay the state after submitting an application. You will not be accepted without confirmation of payment for the service.court divorce fee

But you can worry in advance that the state duty for divorce is paid. It is better to do this on the day of the application for divorce, before contacting the registry office. In this case, you will not have to return with a payment receipt to the appropriate authority. By the way, a state duty is drawn up for one of the spouses. Who cares who it is.

How much to pay

But do not forget that the state fee for divorce through the court and with mutual consent is slightly different. After all, its size and direct design will have in each case its own specific features.

Which ones? For example, if you and your spouse decide to go for a divorce together, you will have to give the state 650 rubles. And all the same, for whom the payment will be made - for the husband or wife. The main thing is to present the fact of payment for the service itself.

But the state fee for a divorce when applying to the registry office unilaterally cheaper. In this case, the plaintiff must pay the state treasury only 350 rubles. And while the payment will be issued to him. True itself divorce in case of court intervention will be difficult. Try to negotiate a divorce peacefully. Yes, this service will cost more, but there are fewer problems. If you "tear" the marriage with the division of property, you will need to give 400 rubles.

Process flow

When all the documents we have collected, the fee is paid, the court’s decision is in hand (or the second spouse is ready to peacefully resolve this issue), we go to the registry office at the place of registration and submit the corresponding request. After that, they will give you a month to ponder. During this period, you can reconcile, and also withdraw the application for divorce.divorce rate

If this is not done, then at the indicated time, come with a passport to the registry office and pick up your copy of the divorce certificate. It is issued only in person. Nothing more is required from you. Former spouses can independently pick up a divorce certificate at any time.

Please note that the state duty is paid only for one name, and copies are issued to everyone. No need to pay several times for this process. Consider this when paying. And do not listen if you are told that everyone should pay for himself.

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