
What is a travel certificate? Rules for the design of a business trip.

Going on a business trip, any employee, as a rule, takes with him the necessary documents for this. Among such papers, a travel certificate is required. What is it and is it important to have such a form with you? This should be dealt with in more detail.

Accompanying documents

The need for any business trip is determined by the head of the enterprise or a person authorized to make such decisions. Going on the road, the employee receives a business trip certificate, which is an official confirmation of the authority transferred to him.

travel certificate

This document confirms the legality of the employee being at the specified destination and at the same time serves as a good reason for his absence from the workplace. An employee writes a business trip certificate for which this procedure is part of his job responsibilities. He is solely responsible for issuing such documents. The basis for this is an order signed by the director. It is from him that the authorized employee takes the information necessary in order to issue a travel certificate in accordance with all the rules. In addition to the statement, he also keeps a record of all issued forms. Data is recorded in a special journal in which these documents are recorded accordingly.

Blank form

The presence of workers on a business trip should be reflected in the timesheet. These primary documents are the basis for payment of travel expenses. To simplify and systematize such accounting, the State Statistics Committee of Russia developed a special travel certificate several years ago. Form T-10 is unified and approved by a separate decree No. 1 of 05/05/2004.

travel certificate form t 10

It is a form in which all information is distributed in separate columns. They collected basic information about the seconded employee and the company where he works. The destination and the organization to which he is sent to perform a specific task are also indicated. It also defines the dates that management allocated to the employee for its implementation. On the reverse side are records of arrival and departure, which indicate that during his absence at the workplace, the person was exactly where he should be.

Rule change

In December 2014, the Russian Government decided to amend the existing rules. By resolution No. 1595 of December 29, 2014, the travel certificate was canceled.

travel certificate canceled

This decision entered into force on January 1. Now, setting off on a business trip to complete the assignment, the employee is not obliged to spend time on issuing the appropriate certificate. Such an innovation significantly saves time not only for a seconded employee, but also for an employee who was previously responsible for arranging a trip.

Six months later, a new Decree No. 771 was issued, in which the Government clarified what documents are needed to confirm their absence at the place of main work. Upon returning, the employee simply needs to return their travel tickets and receipt for hotel accommodation to the accounting department of the enterprise. In addition, the need to compile a separate trip report has also been eliminated. But it must be remembered that all these changes are purely advisory in nature.If some organization is convenient to keep records in the old way, then no one can force it to change the usual order.


In order to properly keep records, you need to know how to draw up a travel certificate. A sample of filling out such a form can be taken from the accounting department at the place of work. In principle, this is not a complicated matter. It is only required to clearly answer the "questions" posed to each column.

travel certificate filling sample

First, the full name of the enterprise or organization is filled. Next is the name of the document itself with the number and date of its preparation. The following is information about the employee being posted. Here his name, position and structural unit in which he works are recorded. Then, the organization to which this specialist is sent, and the task that he must complete are noted. After this, the number of days allocated for the execution of the assignment is indicated in writing, as well as specific dates for the start and end of the business trip are indicated. In such a certificate must be recorded passport details of the employee. This can confirm his credentials upon arrival. The fact of arrival and departure of the employee is confirmed by special marks: the name of the settlement, the date and signature of the responsible person are entered. The information is certified by a round seal of the enterprise.

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