
Alibi business: how to open an alibi agency

alibi agency

What is an alibi, everyone knows. Many are faced with a situation where it is necessary to come up with a reliable justification for a temporary absence in the family or in the workplace. In such cases, an alibi agency comes to the rescue. In this article we will talk about the features of this type of business.

general information

The idea that you can create an alibi business was born in the United States. For them, such a service is commonplace. For our country, this is still a curiosity, but nevertheless there are chances for development.

The project is based on human jealousy. Often spouses commit acts that may be too inadequately perceived by their soul mates and have negative consequences. An alibi agency will help to avoid this.

Such an idea was widely claimed by pragmatic Americans due to the fact that marriage contracts are often executed in their country, according to which, when one of the partners is betrayed, the guilty party loses a substantial share of the property.

Russia is developing along the western path. The popularity of prenuptial agreements is also growing in our country. Based on this fact, as well as the fact that many spouses try to protect their partner from unnecessary, in their opinion, information, the organization of an alibi agency may become relevant.

Business essence

If the idea came up in your head that selling an alibi could be a profitable business, we suggest that you consider the options that will become its basis. Alibi agencies flourish in many countries, and the list of services of one of such firms can become the foundation.

For example, it is possible to falsify train or plane tickets for presentation to spouse, to mount a group photo from a scientific conference or symposium. But the cover of extramarital affairs is not limited to agency services. Many politicians and famous people resort to the help of counterfeiters to smooth out or eliminate from the past any unpleasant situation that could compromise them.


So, what services can your future alibi agency offer?

  • Consultation and standard alibi.

For this, an employee of the company (it is desirable that this was a person with a psychological education) should conduct a conversation with the client in order to select circumstances that could explain his absence at home for one evening or several days. The work of the agency is the implementation of these circumstances. The cost will be determined based on the complexity of the tasks.

Here is an example of a standard alibi. A specialist of the company offers the customer one of the phone numbers. The client provides it with his family and explains that he will be staying with his colleague, at school or in the gym all evening. After that, he goes about his business, and an incoming call is received by the operator of the agency, confirming the information that the spouse is in exactly the place that was mentioned during the conversation with family members.

If the client is asked to answer the phone, the company employee says that this is not possible at the moment, but in the near future a message about the call will be sent to the addressee. If the client’s contact number is known, they will immediately call back or redirect the call to his phone. That is, the operator’s task is to convince the caller that the person is in a specific place. The cost of such an alibi is about 1,500 rubles.

  • Subscription.

It is not uncommon for one of the partners to provide reliable excuses for a long time.In this case, an alibi agency may offer a monthly subscription. During this period, the client uses the standard alibi an unlimited number of times. The price of such a service is about 7000 rubles.

  • Alibi for a few days.

Such a service will allow the client to spend several days away from the spouse. Such an alibi requires additional preparation time. Depending on the situation, the agency can “send” her husband for fishing, providing the necessary wet equipment, catching fish and even his photographs with a purely male friend, or arrange the trip as a business trip.

At the same time, an employee of the company calls home in advance, clarifies the necessary issues related to the trip, or brings train or plane tickets. Upon arrival, spouse is shown travel certificate invoice from the hotel. You can even present a souvenir from another city where the business trip allegedly took place.

  • Anonymity.

There are a large number of different alibis that your agency can offer the client, depending on the situation. Each excuse should be carefully thought out and discussed with visitors, focusing on the circumstances.

But there is an anonymity service. In this case, the order is accepted by phone or email. Payment takes place in advance, the client receives an invitation to a scientific symposium by mail along with tickets for an airplane or train. It is worth noting that such a service is much more expensive. Your company can set the price from 2000 to 5000 rubles.


Before opening an alibi agency, think about who you will hire. In addition to the need for a person who understands psychology, people who can convincingly play their role will be needed. Depending on what kind of alibi you will offer, you may need more than a dozen employees.


An important point is the advertising agency. Such a business cannot disseminate information about its services at every step, otherwise its relevance will be reduced to zero. It is necessary to ensure that advertising is directed in the right direction. It can be men's clubs, gyms for men and other similar establishments.

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