
What is conflict? The concept, types, causes, consequences

We often encounter conflict, but, unfortunately, we cannot always resolve a difficult situation. Quarrels lead not only to material damage, they also harm our health. This is what concerns psychological conflicts. But how to deal with more global troubles? And in general, what is conflict?

Definition of a concept

First of all, it is worthwhile to deal directly with the concept. What is conflict? Most often, this is a disagreement of two or more parties, which can be not only individuals, but also entire groups or countries.What is conflict

Usually a conflict occurs when a situation or dispute is important to the parties. Normal people try to avoid hostility and solve everything in a constructive way. There are also more aggressive people. In this case, anything can happen. The outcome of this situation is unpredictable.

It should be understood that to avoid conflict is very difficult. This is a component of human life, and therefore, sooner or later, the person encounters difficulties in solving the problem. If you look at all past centuries, it is difficult to find at least one day that would be devoid of conflict. Most often, disputes are related to finances, power and, of course, personal relationships. Although what is a conflict, everyone decides for himself.

Signs of disagreement

To recognize a conflict, you don’t need to be a psychologist or a scientist. So, before us is a situation that is interpreted by other participants as conflicting. Further on, there is a certain object that is indivisible, that is, it is something that cannot be fairly divided between rivals. And finally, if there is a painless way out of the situation, there are no contradictions, and the opponents want to continue the dispute in order to achieve the goal, then, therefore, the conflict situation is still present.

So, you can immediately determine what parts the conflict consists of:

  • Of the participants who can’t share something.
  • From an object that causes a dispute.
  • From a certain incident.
  • From the reason, that is, what caused this nuisance.
  • From dispute resolution methods.

A conflict situation is a contradiction of two or more parties to the dispute, each of whom wants to achieve his goal and is not able to give in to an opponent. Often a dispute arises because of a reasonably good reason, but usually conflicts arise due to trifles, such as a statement, an alien opinion, etc.consequences of conflicts

The beginning of the incident can be considered the realization of one of the opponents that his views contradict a different opinion. In this case, the opponent begins to impose his opinion or try to eliminate the dispute in his favor. In such a situation, few people understand what conflict is.

The primary sign can be considered tensions between opponents, which appeared due to understatement, lack of information, etc.

Types of Confrontations

Forms of conflict have a fairly broad gradation, which over time becomes more and more. From a psychological point of view, the argument can be internal and external. In the first case, we are our adversary. That is, this is a personal conflict that arises within us. Despite the fact that our opponent is us, outsiders can also suffer, as well as our loved ones.

An external dispute may include interpersonal, intergroup misunderstandings. This species is quite dangerous, as it can disrupt the functioning of the organization, production and even the whole state. The cause of such conflicts is the division of power and wealth.

The following classification refers to the fact that modern conflicts can be business and informal. In the first case, the organization or business suffers, in the second - the near and dear ones. According to the consequences, the dispute can be constructive (useful) or destructive (destructive).

In addition, disputes may arise in politics, at the international level, armed conflicts, interethnic, religious, etc. Of course, this is not the whole gradation of conflict situations. There are symmetrical and asymmetric, open and hidden, objective and subjective. We will consider the most relevant below.

Reasons for group disputes

Of course, there are many reasons, how many people, so many opinions and reasons. But all disputes can be combined into three groups:

  1. Those that have arisen in the work environment.
  2. Those that arose due to the psychological characteristics of each person.
  3. Those that have arisen due to personal qualities.

The organization often encounters the first reason. The labor process is quite complicated. Among the factors that contribute to the development of the dispute, one can single out the conscientious fulfillment of their duties. A conflict of this kind may also have its own reasons, but the main dispute lies in the relationship of employees who are negative to each other or who poorly perform their job duties. This also includes such a factor as the desire for high earnings, a favorable working environment and good rest.modern conflicts

The second group includes factors such as antipathy or sympathy, the latter, by the way, can also harm as much as the first.

The third group includes the human factor. Not everyone is brought up in favorable conditions. Someone does not know how to restrain their emotions, someone, on the contrary, is too secretive. There are sociophobia, and there are sociopaths. Each of them in one way or another affects society and also receives a response from society. Therefore, such conflicts are best dealt with by a psychologist.

Political tensions

This dispute is based on the confrontation of political actors that arose as a result of the rejection of political interests, values ​​and opinions. An important role is played by the contradiction between society and political inequality. These are the most pressing conflicts of states around the world.political conflict

There are three types of dispute:

  • Interest - this political conflict is easily resolved and is most often based on an economic divide. Wealthy countries participate in it.
  • Values ​​are a dispute over the values ​​of a developing country. It is usually difficult to solve, nevertheless, with the right approach, you can reach the end.
  • Identification - a conflict arises because of the desire for identification among countries that strive to be a certain group, and not a specific state. Most often, issues of religion and nationality are involved here.

Similar conflicts are also divided into interstate, state and regional. Of course, political conflict can be diverse. There are regime or legitimate; positional and oppositional; socio-political. In any case, in order to solve such a problem, it is necessary first of all to identify the root of the problem, causes and motives. Also identify the main participants, their goals and desires, evaluate the external factors that affect this dispute.

International issues

International conflicts have arisen and will continue to arise as long as societies and peoples exist. These disputes are always a confrontation of interests, positions and views. Sometimes the consequences of such misunderstandings were catastrophic, some, on the contrary, lasted for years and calmed down, remaining invisible and forgotten for others.

International conflicts can be caused by factors such as:

  • Poverty and Poverty
  • Imperfection of human nature.
  • Inequality.
  • Religion.
  • Society
  • The political system, etc.

Considering such conflicts, scientists argue that rarely when the cause is only one factor, often it is a population that results in the discontent of entire nations.international conflicts

Typically, the subjects of such misunderstandings are large states, interstate organizations, international associations and various public unions. The dispute can be brought both to the domestic stage and to the international arena.

When an international crisis occurs, usually very little time is allocated to resolve the problem, because armed confrontation may arise further. Nevertheless, the crisis is not a war, but it is a conflict for which the parties are ready to proceed with decisive action.

Weapons ready

The use of military force to solve the contradiction that has arisen between states, peoples or social groups is a dispute that can also be divided into several subspecies.

- Regional armed conflict. Its participants are usually states that belong to the same region. At the same time, the dispute applies to almost all countries that are members of this region.

- A local armed conflict is a bilateral confrontation between states. Here there is only a limited territory of military operations, as well as a maximum of two strategic directions.armed conflict

Armed confrontation is what helps to resolve conflicts of a religious nature, ethnic and national, through the use of weapons and violence.

Transnational issues

This dispute can be attributed to social conflicts, and the most dangerous. This clash is also called interethnic. Usually affects a specific group of society.

In this case, inconsistency arises between peoples, nations, but does not go beyond the borders of one state. Typically, such situations arise due to dissatisfaction with the influx of immigrants. Do not forget that ethnic conflicts can develop into regional or local contention. Or even global, as happened in the First World War, when it all started with the Austrians and Serbs.ethnic conflicts

The features of such a conflict are usually several factors:

  • Graduation of ethnic groups.
  • Participants seek outside support.
  • The presence of political motives.
  • Grouping behind national identity.

As for the types of interethnic conflicts, they are as follows:

  1. Ethnopolitical - when political interests clash behind an interethnic basis.
  2. Interfaith when confronted due to religious beliefs.
  3. Ethno-territorial - when there are a number of claims of different peoples for the same area.

Inter-ethnic conflicts can be resolved by thoroughly searching for causes in the state’s policy, its location and historical basis.

Frozen Discord

In different areas, this conflict has different signs. But most often this is a confrontation in which the armed offensive ceased, but a peace agreement was not signed. Legislation suggests that this dispute may begin again.

Psychologically, this conflict, as practice shows, can be called the calm before the storm. When the two sides stopped obstructing each other, but only for a while. Although this term refers more to international relations, nevertheless, in personal problems, it can also be applied.

Types of Solutions

Of course, depending on the type of conflict, its solution can be completely diverse. But still, there are some factors with which you can come to a consensus. As practice shows, the conflict can last forever in the personal plan, sometimes people just get used to it.state conflicts

But forgetting is not a way to solve the problem. Indeed, a situation may arise that will lead to an aggravation of the confrontation, and then everything can turn out completely disastrously.

There are some dispute resolution styles:

  • Just leave.
  • Smooth (behave as if nothing is happening).
  • To force (to turn to the law to force to accept your point of view).
  • Compromise (give way to an opponent).
  • To solve (openly admit to each other in the discrepancy of views and opinions and by common efforts to find a solution to the problem).

The conflict can be resolved in full or in part. In the first case, the dispute is resolved after proving its innocence or after accepting the opinion of the other party. Partial - this is a loss of interest in the confrontation or a change in the channel of the conflict situation.


Again, it should be pointed out that the consequences of conflicts directly depend on its type. Basically, the consequences can be functional or dysfunctional. This fact affects the subsequent stage of the dispute and the possibility of its relapse in the future.

The functional consequences of conflicts lead to the fact that the contradiction is resolved so that both parties are satisfied, which means that an important problem is solved. It is also obvious that a joint solution leads to the fact that the result is positive and quickly achievable. The consequence of a dispute resolved in this way is the acquisition of positive experience, the dispelling of fears and stereotypes.

In the case of dysfunctional consequences, the main factor is the possible emergence of the largest dispute. Unproductive relationships, lack of motivation, an obstacle to solving problems, psychological and emotional instability of the population - all this often contributes to the development of such a confrontation in armed conflict.

It is clear that such controversial situations should still be avoided. And knowledge of what a conflict is and what are the ways to resolve it can significantly reduce unpleasant situations in the team and personal life. Not to mention the confrontation of states in the political arena.

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