
What is a license? Detailed analysis

The article talks about what a license is, why it is needed, its types. Let’s talk, in particular, about the security guard license.


what is a license

With the advent of developed and civilized states, in which laws and orders were strictly observed, the need arose to control one or another activity of citizens or organizations. For example, with all the desire, even if you have the necessary funds, opening your bank will not work, first you need to get a license for such activities. This was done in order to exclude possible cases of fraud, and people who turned to the services of the new bank were sure that nothing would happen to their contribution. The state does not forget about itself, as it will receive taxes from the work of this institution. So what is a license? How to get it, and what are its types? In this we will figure it out.


To begin with, we’ll deal with terminology. A license is a permission to perform certain actions, the specificity of which must be strictly controlled. This right can be confirmed by the same document. This is the license. For its issuance, the first or all subsequent ones, a certain amount is charged, depending on the type of activity and clearly prescribed in the law.

The process of directly checking for compliance and authorizing is called licensing. The individual, legal entity or company that received it is called the licensee.

But what is a license, in simple terms? In fact, this is the usual permission for a particular activity or action. It is issued after observing a number of conditions, for example, permission for hunting weapons cannot be obtained by minors or persons under investigation. The same with other activities. Everywhere there are rules and norms, without which it is impossible to obtain a license. And if you violate them, then you can lose it. So now we know what a license is, the definition of this term in terms of law. But what are the most common types of it?


what is a license definition

The first one is permission to conduct this or that business, as some types of entrepreneurial activity can be engaged only after verification by the relevant authorities. These are banks, hotels, private medical clinics and more.

The second type is often found in the patent field. There, a license is called a permit, according to which the patent holder transfers to another person the right to manufacture the product. All related details are negotiated in the contract.

The third is copyright. In this case, everything looks like a patent field. The author, according to the license agreement, gives the licensee the right to use his works for one purpose or another. At the same time, exclusive copyrights are not transferred to other persons.

Fourth - licensing of educational institutions. This process includes not only verification of the teaching staff and teaching material, but also compliance, for example, with sanitary and construction standards. Now we have figured out what a license is.


what is a license what is the purpose of licensing

For employment in most organizations that provide security services, the employee must also obtain an appropriate license. Sometimes firms themselves send new employees to training courses and help to get all the necessary documents for the LRO - licensing and permitting department in the police. So what is a security guard license? Simply put, this is a series of certificates and documents on the basis of which a person is given the right to occupy a position in the security service, since this activity includes carrying weapons, compulsory knowledge of laws,rules of conduct when detaining criminals and violators of the facility regime. Such a permit shall not be issued to legally incapable and minor persons, as well as previously convicted for committing intentional crimes, to former law enforcement officers who were dismissed for professional incompetence and violations, who refused to undergo fingerprint examination.

A number of some security services and positions usually require military service and a clean biography.

Other types

Also, the word "license" often means the permission of the relevant authorities to certain other rights or activities. For example, the storage and carrying of hunting or traumatic weapons, the sale of alcohol and tobacco, the shooting of wild birds and animals (hunting ticket) driving a car, processing and storing state secrets, as well as going out and broadcasting on radio in certain ranges. The latter, by the way, is even formally prohibited without permission, but no one forbids listening to such frequencies of the air.


what is a guard license

Any license can be lost. This usually happens either for violation of the rules, or if it has a validity period, after which it was not, such as, for example, a permit for weapons.

So now we know what a license is, what is the purpose of licensing.

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