
Regulatory documents - what is it?

Regulatory documents are acts that contain general principles, rules, characteristics related to certain types of activity or their results. This definition is established in GOST R 1.0 - 92. These acts are available to a wide range of users (consumers). Let us further consider what regulatory documents exist in the Russian Federation. normative documents this

Federal Law "On Standardization"

In accordance with the specified Law, the following regulatory documents are distinguished:

  1. State standards. They are developed for services, work, goods. Such regulatory documents are adopted by the State Standard of the Russian Federation. If the standards relate to the architectural, construction, industrial sphere, they are approved by the Gosstroy of Russia. Such regulatory documents are both binding and recommendatory acts. The first, in particular, include safety standards for services, products, work, processes for human health, property, the environment, sanitary regulations, information and technical compatibility, interchangeability of goods, labeling and control methods.
  2. Industry standards.
  3. Recommendations, norms, rules of a regional and international nature, adopted in accordance with the requirements of the law.
  4. Standards of enterprises and their associations (associations, concerns, unions, joint-stock companies, intersectoral and other societies).
  5. HUNDRED. They represent the standards of engineering and scientific and technical associations. regulations

Other types of acts

OKTEI also act as normative documents. it All-Russian classifiers containing technical and economic information. This category also includes standards approved in the Soviet period, if they do not contradict the current legislation. There are other regulatory documents. This is for example:

  1. Standardization Rules (OL).
  2. Technical conditions (TU).
  3. Standardization Guidelines (P).


This is a separate category of documents with special requirements. Certificates are issued for goods, services, work. However, the most stringent requirements are imposed on regulatory documents that are issued for products subject to mandatory certification. Such acts contain standards to which goods must comply, and test (control) methods used to establish compliance. The certificates also indicate the procedure for labeling products and types of accompanying papers. regulatory documents

Regulatory documents

They are written official acts issued / adopted in the established form by the legislative body within its competence. Such documents are aimed at changing, establishing or abolishing legal norms. They have a state binding nature of a temporary or permanent effect. Regulatory documents are designed for multiple use.


The form of a regulatory document depends on its content. Such acts are adopted in the form of:

  1. Decrees.
  2. Rulings.
  3. Laws.
  4. Of orders.
  5. Orders.
  6. Of the rules.
  7. Provisions.
  8. Instructions. what regulatory documents

The publication of these documents in the form of letters and telegrams is not allowed. The supreme legal effect has the Constitution. Its strength extends to the entire territory of the Russian Federation. All laws and other regulatory documents may not contradict the Constitution. The code acts as a systematic act. It contains rules relating to a particular branch of law. For example, on the territory of the Russian Federation there are civil, housing, budget, criminal procedure and other codes.The arrangement of articles is carried out in the order corresponding to the system of this industry.

Subjects of reference

Normative documents can be adopted at the federal or constitutional level. Their effect also extends throughout the country. These regulatory documents are approved by the subjects of the Russian Federation. The legislative bodies of entities are entitled to approve federal acts and regional regulations adopted in accordance with them. These regulatory acts relate to subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects.

No federal law may be contrary to the Constitution. Outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, Russia and its subjects of the region, territory, republic, autonomous regions and districts, as well as the city of the Fed. values ​​can exercise their own legal regulation. This activity, among other things, includes the adoption of relevant laws and other acts. These regulatory documents relate to the conduct of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Constitution establishes a guarantee for the regions. When they adopt normative documents that are not consistent with the Federal Law, but referring exclusively to the subject matter of the subjects, the latter will act. At the same time, they should not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

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