
Regulatory documents on labor protection. Regulations

Occupational Safety and Health It presupposes the existence of a regulatory system, the functioning of which is focused on ensuring normal and safe conditions for the implementation of professional activities by employees of enterprises. The responsibilities of managers include the development and implementation of various preventive, sanitary-hygienic, rehabilitation and other measures. Let us further consider what currently exist regulatory documents on labor protection and industrial safety.labor protection regulations

The specifics of the formation of the information base on health

In accordance with the requirements established by GOST R 12.0.006-2002, the company must be provided with:

  1. The transfer of information about conditions and measures for labor protection between units and departments operating at various production levels.
  2. Providing information to interested parties.

The organization must have developed labor protection documentation. Its design can be carried out both on paper and on electronic media. Regulatory documents on labor protection should be easily identifiable, accessible for reading and understanding, accompanied by an indication of the dates of entry into force and its duration. The company establishes methods and defines the responsibilities associated with the development and updating of information on health and safety. list of regulatory documents

Control Features

The company needs to develop and implement methods for monitoring the state of documentation and the relevance of information. Such control is necessary for:

  1. Periodic analysis of information, adjustments and reapproval by responsible persons.
  2. Ensuring the availability of copies of recorded documents and data at all workplaces.
  3. Timely withdrawal of repealed provisions and irrelevant information.

Cabinet OT

It is recommended to create it as an integral component of the system of informing employees about their duties and rights in the field of labor protection, the state of working conditions at the enterprise as a whole and individual departments in particular. In addition, in the cabinets of the OT, familiarization with the provisions, instructions, etc. is carried out. They are created in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 7 of January 17. 2001. It is recommended to divide the thematic structure of cabinets into special and general sections. labor protection documentation

List of regulatory documents

The list of provisions includes:

  1. State requirements FROM. They represent the rules, criteria, procedures focused on maintaining the health and life of staff in the implementation of their professional activities. These requirements are present in federal and regional laws.
  2. Industrial Safety Requirements. They are presented in the form of restrictions, prohibitions, conditions and other regulations. These requirements are contained in the Federal Law No. 116, state standards, instructions applied in accordance with the specified law.

The list of regulatory documents also includes relevant presidential decrees, government decrees, and regulations of federal executive structures, regional and local authorities. They also contain the requirements of HSE and HSE. labor protection acts

Local regulations

These labor protection acts are developed directly at the enterprise in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code. The head single-handedly approves the staff list, instructions, orders, orders, staff regulations, dispute commissions, organization of work on health and safety, etc.The director of the enterprise also accepts such regulatory documents on labor protection as:

  1. Regulation on the rules of training and testing knowledge on health.
  2. List of professions and activities that are subject to increased requirements.
  3. The list of types of work and places of production according to the tolerance.
  4. List of employees required to undergo a medical examination.
  5. Technological regulations.
  6. A list of hard and harmful work, the involvement of persons under 18 years of age and women is not allowed.

In developing the rules of the schedule, shift schedules, salary regulations and standards, the opinion of the representative structure of employees is taken into account. Approval of the instructions on labor protection, the order of granting leave, the norms of the duration of the shift, the regimes of rest and work is made in agreement with the elected trade union body. regulatory documents on labor protection


Local regulatory documents on labor protection include safety requirements. In accordance with the Federal Law No. 116, the enterprise must take:

  1. Orders, orders, including the distribution of responsibilities for compliance and monitoring the implementation of requirements.
  2. Regulations on industrial supervision, specialized areas, functional services.
  3. Job descriptions.
  4. Provisions on the order system.
  5. Instructions for using safety shoes, work clothing and other PPE.
  6. Plans for the implementation of measures to ensure the implementation of the safety requirements.
  7. Instructions for safe work.

Regulatory documents on labor protection and occupational safety also contain plans for conducting preventive control audits, provisions on the rules of conduct in case of accidents and their investigation.

OT Agreement

One of the key principles of regulating the interaction between the employer and the staff is social partnership in the field of labor protection. Its main forms are collective and labor contracts. Through the first, the duties of the employer and the rights of the employee are realized. The collective agreement contains provisions to improve the conditions of professional activity. The agreement is considered as a legal form of planning and implementation of activities. The contract should clearly spell out preventive measures, the timing of their implementation, responsible persons, the volume of material and financial expenses. In accordance with this document, monthly and quarterly plans for specific units of the organization are formed.

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