
What is intermediate certification at school?

The final interim certification is aimed at assessing the assimilation by schoolchildren of the full amount of the content of a particular subject over the past academic year. Let's talk about it in more detail.

what is intermediate certification

About the objectives of the intermediate certification

Such tests are carried out for children who move from one class to another, are not graduates of the primary, basic, secondary level of education.

Speaking about what is intermediate certification, it is necessary to highlight its main goals:

  • determination of the real level of theoretical skills and knowledge of students in subjects included in the compulsory component of the curriculum, testing of practical skills of students;
  • assessment of compliance of the identified level with the requirements put forward by the new educational federal standards in grades 2-8, 10;
  • monitoring the implementation of calendar and thematic planning for audited disciplines, the implementation of training programs.

final intermediate certification

About the tasks of intermediate certification

During the inspection, identify:

  • the success of the students completing the curriculum to consider continuing education in this discipline in the next class;
  • the level of preparation for the final certification on the material studied in the school year.

math certification

On the regulatory framework for the organization of intermediate certification of schoolchildren

The final interim certification is carried out taking into account a number of documents. This is art. 58 Education Act in the Russian Federation. ” As well as the Regulation on the frequency, forms, procedure for conducting current control of students of OS.

Forms of intermediate certification

Interim certification in mathematics in grades 2-4 is possible in the following forms:

  • comprehensive test work;
  • interdisciplinary test work.

At the level of basic education (grades 5-8) are allowed:

  • intermediate certification in Russian in test form;
  • concise presentation;
  • testing in the form of OGE in mathematics, English, geography, history, biology, physics, chemistry.

At the senior level of training (Grade 10), knowledge testing in geography, history, physics, mathematics, chemistry, social studies, a foreign language in the form of the Unified State Examination is supposed.

Answering the question of what is intermediate certification, we note that there are certain rules for the preparation of material for its conduct. It is supposed to use program material studied for the current academic year. First, the teacher independently compiles control materials for intermediate certification, then they are approved at a meeting of the scientific and methodical association of the school (city, district).

In order to fully understand what intermediate certification is, what is its significance, we note that the evaluation of work is carried out according to the usual five-point system. Those grades that schoolchildren will receive in the course of test or control work are drawn up in the form of a protocol and fit into an electronic journal. It is on the marks obtained during the certification that the teacher exposes the totals for the academic year. The marks are approved at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the school, and it is here that they decide to transfer to the next class or retrain.

intermediate certification in Russian

Who is exempted from passing the intermediate certification?

According to the "Regulation on the intermediate certification" established in each school, the following shall be exempted from it:

  • for health reasons based on a doctor’s opinion;
  • children who have mastered general educational basic curricula in home schooling and have positive annual grades in all subjects;
  • winners of regional and federal competitions.


Considering the answer to the question of what is intermediate certification, we note that there are several formats for its implementation. The most common is the involvement of other teachers appointed by order of the principal. The subject teacher may not be directly involved in the verification of certification work, and a special commission of independent experts from other educational institutions will be created.

The timing of intermediate certification work is necessarily consistent with teachers, head teachers, the director of an educational institution, announced in advance to students and their parents. Basically, such verification work is carried out from May 18 to May 31 as part of ordinary lessons (without stopping the educational process).

Intermediate certification in physics, chemistry, geography allows the use of certain materials and devices: a non-programmable calculator, a periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev, and a geographical atlas. According to the results of the intermediate work, the teacher, parents, and the school administration receive complete information about the quality of education and the existing knowledge gaps in the children.

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