
Education quality: requirements, assessment, control

How effective is education, what updates are required in this area, and what should be discarded - all this is determined using periodic monitoring and evaluation of the educational process. Aspects and nuances of this difficult process, requiring tremendous efforts, painstaking work, deep potential and sincere desire, will be considered in this article.

Value definition

The quality of education is a comprehensive characteristic of scientific activity and training of students. These are indicators expressing the degree of compliance of training with federal state standards and the needs of individuals in whose interests educational activities are carried out. The quality of professional education is also determined by the degree of achievement of the planned results of the thematic program. They are evaluated, compared and analyzed.

the quality of education

Why is monitoring the quality of education necessary?

Monitoring education is an internal part of the system for assessing its quality. It serves as information support for the supervision of ongoing activities. Actually, monitoring is a comprehensive analytical tracking of all processes that determine the quantitative and qualitative changes in the characteristics of educational activities. Its result is a conclusion on how much the achievements, their conditions correspond to the requirements fixed in the regulatory documentation and local acts of the state system.

education quality assessment

What does the assessment of the quality of school education include?

The assessment of the quality of education includes checking the implementation of sanitary-hygienic standards of the educational process of the school, catering, as well as the implementation of measures to ensure the safety of students. For a comprehensive study and analysis of the state of educational activity, its results and conditions, expert methods are used.

The internal assessment includes procedures organized and conducted by the school itself, as a rule, by the forces of the administration, teachers, students, as well as involving parents and the public. The obtained indicators are used to develop operational solutions that underlie school planning. Examples of this type of assessment, which will necessarily be required for analytics that determine the quality of education at school, are self-assessment of the subjects of the educational process, collection of statistical data, school monitoring, evaluation of educational subject programs and parental surveys.

monitoring the quality of education

Objectives and organization of monitoring and control

As you know, the purpose of monitoring is the collection, synthesis and analysis of the collected information regarding the state education systems school. The quality control of studies is based on this data. To achieve the goals it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. A mechanism must be put in place to accurately collect, process and preserve information about the quality of education.
  2. Coordinated activities of all involved monitoring participants.
  3. Timely points of growth in the dynamics of the results of the educational process were identified and recorded in a timely manner.
  4. Factors that significantly affect the quality of education should be discovered and measures taken to reduce the effect and eliminate the possible negative consequences of those that do not have positive dynamics.
  5. Involvement of program-methodological, material-technical, personnel, information-technical, organizational and other bases that improve the quality of education.
  6. Determining the direction in accordance with the results of the educational activities of the school program for the previous academic year, in conjunction with the problems and tasks for the current period.

education in Russia

Education in modern Russia

Many scholars associate the beginning of the twenty-first century with the advent of the era of innovation. They carry the most important transformations into the educational sphere, which seems to be capable of fundamentally changing our ideas about its role in modern society. The basis of such innovations is the development of non-standard approaches to the learning process using modern technologies in it, which will greatly improve education in Russia.

The role of the educational process at the present stage of development of our country is determined by its interaction with the tasks set for the transition to a democratic state of law, as well as to eliminate the danger of the power lagging behind global trends in economic and social development. It is modern education that is associated with the growing influence of the quality of human and intellectual capital on social development, with the whole process of accumulation and successive transfer of knowledge. Therefore, modern and future generations also need an effective, dynamic learning system based on innovative technologies.

modern education

Requirements for the quality of education in Russia

The main objective of the Russian educational policy is to ensure the modern quality of education on the basis of maintaining its fundamental nature. It is also important to comply with the relevant and future needs of society, the individual and the state. In the context of individualization of education, modern education in Russia should be continuous. Such a requirement is determined by a person’s need for the need to constantly replenish their own knowledge during professional activity and the progress of science and technology. The goals and principles that determine modern education should be focused on preparing students for full and effective participation in the social and professional fields in the current conditions of market relations.

improving the quality of education

What gives control over the quality of educational activities?

Control and monitoring of the quality of education make it possible to timely modernize the system of the Russian educational process. This is the laying of the foundation at the stage of building a building of an economically and politically effective rule of law. It is not so much about the control over the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, but about the quality of the system itself and teaching methods.

At the present stage, improving the quality of education is the introduction of global changes in the goals and content of programs that will orient trainees toward the development of a new model of preparing people for life and professional activities. They need the formation of completely new personal qualities and skills. All this is also dictated by new requirements for modern specialists.

Evaluation monitoring - the basis for the formation of competent specialists

The modernization of the education system and the introduction of information and communication technologies in the learning process open up a new look at the quality of professional knowledge. By making learning open, we are fundamentally changing its properties. They emphasize more free planning of the learning process, the choice of time and pace, place, the transition from the principle of "education for life" to the new conceptual concept of "knowledge through life."

Today, in most countries, they pay increased attention to such problems as the effectiveness of training. Pay attention to the quality control of education.To this end, scientists are joining forces to develop technologies and tools, methodologies and comparative studies of the efficiency and quality of the process. Thus, they create a monitoring system to assess the quality of educational activities on a global scale.

quality of education at school

Progress according to time

The current system forms an updated model for training specialists. Assessment of the quality of education brought it to a new level, when it is required to take into account not so much the qualification model of a specialist as his competence. A professional knowledgeable in his field is distinguished not only by knowledge, skills, experience, but also by the ability to realize them, put them into practice, act, create and create.

The quality of education in the competency model of a specialist is associated with integrated interdisciplinary requirements for the result of the current process. That is, in the first place are the qualitative characteristics of the personality, which will be precisely formed by modern educational technologies. Such a system is implemented in practice using network learning technologies. First of all, they are widely distributed among representatives of those socio-age groups that receive deep knowledge without interruption from their main labor activity. As a result, a more efficient use of modern technological achievements in the traditional educational system will lead to the fact that the line between full-time, distance learning and distance learning will be erased. And this, in turn, is the main feature of the progressive innovative education of modern youth.

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