
Certification of teachers: the procedure and rules

According to labor law, workers are required to undergo a periodic check of compliance or non-compliance with the position held. The same goal is pursued by the certification of teachers. Its implementation is established by legal regulations or local acts of labor law, which are valid for the employer.

In any case, it reflects all the features and the certification procedure for teachers, with the obligatory consideration of the specifics of the activity, as well as the conditions in which it is carried out.

certification of teaching staff

Legal acts

Federal Education Act in the Russian Federation in 2012 it says that teachers pass certification in order to establish the conformity of their current position and assign them a qualification category. The next order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 2014 approves a new certification procedure and defines new requirements.

Certification is subject to all employees who fill the positions entered in the second subsection of the first section of the nomenclature of teachers and heads of educational institutions, as well as fill positions concurrently in the same or another organization, which is determined by the employment contract.

Main tasks

Certification pursues certain tasks.

  1. To stimulate a targeted, continuous improvement of the qualifications of teachers in the field of education, personal and professional growth, and their methodological culture.
  2. Determine the need for advanced training of teachers.
  3. To increase the efficiency and quality of professional activity.
  4. Identify the prospects for using the potential of pedagogical workers.
  5. Consideration of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the implementation of educational programs and personnel conditions when forming the composition of organizations.
  6. To ensure differentiation of the amount of remuneration for employees of pedagogical institutions, taking into account the established qualification category and the amount of work.

certification results of teachers

Basic principles

Certification of teachers takes place in the conditions of openness, transparency and collegiality, which is the main principle of its implementation. Only its observance will provide an objective assessment, without the slightest discrimination, regarding teachers passing such a responsible examination.

Certification of teachers in order to identify compliance with the position is mandatory and should be carried out every five years, regardless of the desire of the teacher. And to establish a higher qualification category, you can at the request of the teacher at any time. To do this, he just needs to prepare and submit documents for certification.


The mandatory certification has its exceptions, which are reported by the Regulation on the certification of teachers. So, are not subject to certification:

  • teachers who already have qualification categories;
  • holding this position for at least two years in the organization that conducts certification;
  • pregnant women;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • women who are on parental leave until the age of three;
  • Persons who have been absent from work due to illness for more than four consecutive months.

It is noteworthy that the certification of teachers falling under paragraphs 4 and 5 can take place no sooner than two years after they leave the leave, and those who fell under paragraph 6 should be certified no earlier than a year after recovery.

Local regulatory acts also determine other categories of teachers who are certified at other times — for example, those who have taken leave associated with adoption, as well as those who are on long leave. Judging by the analysis, the rules for certification of pedagogical workers have sufficient flexibility.

new certification of teachers


The described verification provides for the establishment of a certification commission in this organization. The employer issues an order or instruction, where he personally approves the composition:

  • Chairman
  • his deputy;
  • Secretary
  • ordinary members of the certification commission.

The following explains the procedure for certification of teachers, regulations, regulations on the commission and others.

A little later a second order or order is issued, which determines the personal composition of teachers who need to pass certification, there is also a timetable and other organizational aspects of this event.

Thirty days before the start, each teacher must familiarize himself with this order by signature. The employer is obliged to make a special submission to the certification committee about each employee in advance.

certification procedure for teachers

Employee Information

The new certification of teaching staff provides for familiarization - again under signature - with the presentation of each attestant compiled by the employer. Information is compiled on the following items.

  1. Surname, name and patronymic (if any).
  2. The name of the post at the time of the certification.
  3. The date of the employment contract that confirms the receipt of the position.
  4. Level of education, qualification in a specialty or direction.
  5. Information on additional professional education according to the profile of activity.
  6. Results of previous certifications (if any).
  7. A motivated, objective and comprehensive assessment of professional and business qualities, the results of the teacher’s professional activities, his fulfillment of labor duties corresponding to the employment contract.

If the teacher is not satisfied with the content of this presentation, he may optionally provide the certification committee with any additional information that characterizes his work for the entire period from the date of the last certification or from the date of entry to work if certification is held for the first time.

The change in the certification of teachers consists in the fact that previously the teacher himself prepared all the documents proving his activities.

certification rules for teachers


The main form of certification, as before, is a meeting of the commission, the competence of which is confirmed with two-thirds of the present composition. A teacher who is certified is also required to attend this meeting.

For his absence, there must be a good reason, documented and recorded in the minutes of the meeting, then this event is postponed to another time.

If necessary, the schedule can be changed, but the teacher should be familiarized with this in the same way - under the signature and thirty days before the new date.

So now is the certification of teachers. The new rules specifically stipulate the mandatory presence of the attestant at the meeting, and earlier the commission decided everything behind closed doors. Now, only if the certified person does not appear without a good reason, the commission can independently discuss his successes in the teaching field.

Certification Progress

Certification of teaching staff begins with consideration of the presentation and additional information that was submitted by the teacher.

All this should characterize the professional qualities of the certified person.

The regulation of the commission most often provides for the exchange of views and questions of both members of the commission to each other, and to the teacher who is being certified. Suggestions for additional information may be made if necessary.

The results of certification of teachers appear after a thorough and comprehensive review of all available documents and the adoption of the decision recorded in the minutes of the meeting. The solution can be one of two possible ones:

  • either the employee corresponds to the position,
  • or not.

It is adopted by simple majority vote. If the attestation is a member of the commission, then on his candidacy shall not participate in the voting.

change in certification of teachers

About the results

After the commission’s decision is recorded in the protocol, which all its members sign, the result is reported to the certified teacher. And all documents related to this event are kept by the employer.

A teacher who has passed certification must be familiarized with an extract from the protocol, which is prepared by the secretary of the commission, at most two working days after it. It shall indicate the surname, name and, if any, patronymic of the attestation, position, date of the meeting of the certification commission, voting result and the decision made by the commission.

Further, an extract from the protocol is stored in the personal file of this employee. If the teacher does not agree with the decision, he can appeal it (the legislation of the Russian Federation confirms this is his right). Based on the results of certification, the certification commission may submit well-motivated recommendations to the employer regarding the inappropriateness or expediency of appointing people who do not have special education or training, but have practical experience and competence, as well as successfully, that is, in a high-quality and proper manner, perform official duties.

certification of teachers

Qualification upgrade

This type has its own rules for certification of teachers, although it is carried out by the same special authorized body - the commission. It is only formed not by the employer, but by the executive branch at the federal level or by the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, depending on whose jurisdiction this educational institution is.

For a comprehensive analysis of the teacher's activities, experts are involved in the commission. This certification is of a declarative nature, and it is carried out according to a written statement of a teacher who claims to be of higher qualification. The application is sent directly to the attestation commission, it is possible by mail, even electronic.

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