
Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" with amendments and additions

The new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" regulates the relations that arise in the field of pedagogical activity. It was adopted with the aim of ensuring the right to training, creating conditions for its implementation. Next, we consider some changes in the law "On Education in the Russian Federation." Education Act

General Provisions

The new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" contains the organizational, legal and economic foundations of pedagogical activity, the key principles of state policy in this area, the general system functioning. The regulatory act also indicates the legal status of participants in the relevant relations.

State guarantees

In the Russian Federation, everyone is guaranteed the right to education. Each person has it, regardless of property, official, social status language, nationality, gender and race, attitude to religion, place of residence, membership in public organizations, beliefs and other circumstances. The country guarantees free and general access to pre-school, primary, secondary (vocational, including) and basic general education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as training at a university on a competitive basis, if a citizen enters for the first time.


The Law of the Russian Federation on education clarifies the responsibilities of state, regional and local authorities in the field of ensuring the enjoyment by citizens of their rights. These bodies should create appropriate socio-economic conditions for individuals to receive training, expand opportunities aimed at meeting the corresponding needs of the population at various levels throughout their lives. new education law

Tasks of authorized bodies

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" requires the creation of appropriate conditions without discrimination for:

  • Training for people with disabilities.
  • Correction of violations in development and social adaptation.
  • Providing early assistance on the basis of special pedagogical approaches and the languages ​​most suitable for these persons, ways and methods of communication.
  • Ensuring that they receive education at a specific level and focus, social development, including through the organization of inclusive education.

The Law "On Education" requires state bodies and local authorities to provide assistance to citizens who exhibit outstanding abilities and who include students who have shown a high level of creative skills and intellectual development in a certain area of ​​research, technical or educational activity, the field of art, sports, physical education. These institutions provide partial or full funding for the maintenance of persons in need of social support for the period of their education, in accordance with regulatory acts of the Russian Federation.

federal law on education


According to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" the pedagogical system consists of:

  1. GEF, state requirements, training programs of different types, focus and level.
  2. Organizations engaged in educational activities, teachers, parents and students.
  3. State, local and regional bodies, whose functions include managing the pedagogical sphere, as well as consultative, consultative and other structures formed by them.
  4. Organizations providing educational activities, assessing its quality.
  5. Associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public structures related to pedagogical work.

education law of the russian federation


According to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", general education includes the following steps:

  1. Preschool.
  2. Initial.
  3. The main one.
  4. Average.

Vocational education involves the following levels:

  1. Average.
  2. Higher:
  • undergraduate studies;
  • specialty / magistracy;
  • training of highly qualified specialists.

Additional training consists of subspecies such as ext. education for adults and children, as well as professional level.

latest edition of the education law


The latest version of the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" defines the basis for an objective assessment of the quality of the pedagogical process. They are the FSES. They provide:

  1. Unity educational system country.
  2. Continuity of core study programs.
  3. A variety of contents of pedagogical plans of the appropriate level, the possibility of creating work projects of varying degrees of complexity and focus (according to the needs and abilities of all children).
  4. State guarantees of quality and level of education in accordance with uniform requirements and conditions for the implementation of programs in the disciplines.


GEFs approved in accordance with the law establish requirements for:

  1. The conditions in which the implementation of basic training programs is carried out, including material, technical, personnel and financial.
  2. The structure of the educational process.
  3. The volume of training programs.
  4. The results of mastering the subjects by students.

The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" stipulates that FSES establish deadlines for general and vocational training, taking into account its various forms, technologies, and features of certain categories of citizens. Standards are developed by levels or professions, directions, specialties. The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" allows the establishment of special requirements to ensure the implementation of the right to education by persons with disabilities.

changes in education law

Lists of professions

Lists of directions, specialties with qualifications, the procedure for their formation are approved by the executive state body, which carries out the functions of policy development and regulatory regulation in the field of pedagogical activity. The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" allows for the establishment of conformity of individual professions in the lists of those that were indicated in previous requirements.

Learning programs

They determine the content of the educational process. It, in turn, should ensure cooperation and mutual understanding between peoples, people, regardless of their ethnic, national, racial, religious, social affiliation. The content of education should take into account the difference in worldview approaches, contribute to the realization of the right to education, the development of the abilities of each citizen, the formation and improvement of his personal qualities. These tasks are carried out in accordance with the socio-cultural and socio-moral values ​​adopted in the student’s family. The content of vocational education should ensure that a citizen acquires qualifications.

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