
What is indicated in the CI? The duties of the programmer, his rights and responsibility

The duties of the programmer include all the items specified in the instructions and / or contract. He is such a qualified specialist who is engaged in the production of utilities. Often they confuse him with system administrators or some other employees of the IT department, although the occupation is significantly different.

In terms of terminology, the word "programmer" cannot be called a specialty or position. It means an occupation or qualification. Therefore, in the contract or job description next to this word is an explanation. For example, a technician, laboratory assistant or engineer.

General Provisions

The programmer’s instruction defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the employed employee. But it begins with the approval of a specific person for the position and general provisions. It indicates the head, employee and his details, what he should be guided in the process of his activities and what knowledge to have.

programmer job responsibilitiesThere are manufacturing companies and organizations that also need the workers in question. In such cases, the programmer at the enterprise is developing utilities for machine tools and equipment. Sometimes he redo software codes so that the standards of products meet state requirements. He can also rewrite utilities so that the language is understood by machine workers. Simply put, translate an interface.

The general provisions indicate to whom the programmer becomes subordinate, as well as his personal staff, if any.

Knowledge requirements

All the duties of a programmer are characterized by his skills. Therefore, it is not uncommon for MDI to indicate knowledge requirements. They fall into three main categories.

First, a programmer needs to be able to use computer technology and mobile devices. He should be well versed in their operational and technical characteristics.

software engineerSecondly, the programmer needs to be able to use the appropriate software, as well as take part in its creation and development. It can be both individual and team. This also includes knowledge of operating systems, programming languages, features of the development of utilities and their individual components.

And thirdly, the programmer should familiarize himself with the forecasting and prevention of problems in the software being produced.

There is secondary knowledge that is not directly related to the activities of a specialist. They relate to the law and internal labor regulations. You can familiarize yourself with them in the process.


The job description of the programmer is one of the main paragraphs that is included in the MDI. Most often they are as follows:

  1. Development of programs that will solve tasks by means of computer equipment and computer technology.
  2. Definition, search and processing of information.
  3. Choosing the most suitable programming language for a particular product.
  4. Launch utilities and input source data.
  5. Correction of programs, correction of code, if there are irregularities in work.
  6. The introduction of utilities in computer technology, writing detailed instructions or training personnel to use them.
  7. Ensuring the smooth operation of utilities and computers, as well as some additional equipment.

Also, the duties include informing the company's management about problems, shortcomings or violations in the software. The paragraphs of this paragraph may vary or supplement depending on the specifics of the organization and its activities.

The rights

Not only the job responsibilities of a programmer are included in the MDI, but also his rights. The specialist can make suggestions that, in his opinion, will improve the work of the enterprise as a whole or of its individual elements.

programmer workplaceAlso, the programmer has the right to demand the creation of comfortable conditions necessary for his work. Otherwise, he may not fully fulfill his duties, delay the deadlines, and so on (not through his own fault).

It should be noted other rights provided for in the Labor Code of the country where the work is carried out.

A responsibility

The software engineer is responsible for failure to fulfill the obligations detailed in the MDI, as well as for partial or improper performance.

programmer instructionSometimes in the process, a specialist may violate applicable law. He will also be held responsible for this. However, it is focused not on the enterprise and its elements, but on the relevant public services.

And the last: responsibility is incurred for material damage to the company if the programmer has not notified the management of the risks.


The programmer's workplace is located in a spacious room, which is saturated with artificial and sunlight. It must not be in the basement. It is also necessary to equip the ventilation and air conditioning system, heating.

Any desktop design is allowed. The main thing is that it meets state standards and modern requirements. It is necessary that the employee can conveniently place all devices and appliances (mouse, printer, scanner, and so on) on his surface. It is advisable to have a separate compartment on the table for the keyboard.

enterprise programmerThe workplace of the programmer is located on the square, which corresponds to the specifics of work. Some of its types include the use of several computers at once or require the connection of additional equipment. It is desirable that the employee's table can be adjusted, but if there is no such function, its height should be 0.68-0.8 meters.

In modern times, a software engineer is a sought-after and popular profession. The age of the Internet and computer literacy comes into full force. Therefore, specialists who design, develop and produce software are in demand.

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