
Sample memorandum. Failure Report: Sample

Almost every employee should have a sample memo at hand. This is a very important document of internal communication, without which the normal functioning of most large institutions is impossible.sample memo

Report Note Definition

A memo is a document that is designed to transmit information along the service vertical from bottom to top. It is intended to inform the immediate boss about the facts and incidents that occur in the process of performing work.

In addition to informing the reporting employee, its compiler, offers measures that need to be applied after analyzing the situation.

Almost every department head knows how to spell memo. Sample its always on the desktop. The report has almost the same structure, but a slightly different focus.

Office notes are sent horizontally, from the leader to the leader of one level. Reporting is written from the subordinate to the immediate supervisor vertically.

Theme of notes

The reason for writing a memorandum can be any incident at the enterprise. Nowadays, for example, a sample of a memorandum on employee rudeness is not so common, but even 30-35 years ago it was a widespread phenomenon.example employee memo

Today, there are more frequent reports on failure to perform official duties, about being late. They can also be compiled to voice the request of a particular employee or the entire staff of the unit.

Employees also write reports informing about the execution of instructions received from higher authorities, especially if they were given in writing.

Production incidents, unforeseen situations or planned actions also regularly become an informational occasion for writing a report. Therefore, the subject matter of this document is quite extensive and can cover absolutely all aspects of the production process, which should be reported to the higher authorities.

Reporting focus

Every company knows that there are two types of memos: internal and external. More commonly used internal. They do not go beyond the boundaries of one structural unit and are sent from the employee to the immediate supervisor. Anyone who has such a need can write it. An example of this is a memo on non-performance of official duties, a sample of which is in each personnel department.memorandum of failure to fulfill official duties sample

The external reporting goes beyond the boundaries of the structural unit and is sent on behalf of its head to its higher manager. If the internal can be made up on a regular sheet of A4 format, then the external is sent only on letterhead and certified with a seal, if any, in the unit. But both of these types must be compiled strictly according to GOST, otherwise they cannot be attached to the general documentation of the enterprise.


According to GOST, each sample of the memo must contain certain details, without which the document ceases to be so.

The report begins with the details indicating the name of the enterprise or its structural unit. Further, as in the statement, there is a header indicating the addressee and the author of the note. It is very important to indicate the full name of their posts.The name of the document is written on a new line and immediately below it is its title, which begins with the words "Regarding ..." or "Oh ...". This immediately prepares the reader for what kind of information is presented in the body of the document. The main part consists of two conditional sections. The first sets out the whole essence of the incident, and the second gives recommendations or draws up a petition to take action on the above reason. The report is closed by the date and signature of the drafter with its interpretation.

how to write a memo sample

Persons entitled to draw up reports

Everyone in the enterprise should know how to write a report on the employee or upon the incident. It depends on this whether it will be lawful and whether all subsequent actions will go beyond the scope of the law.

Anyone who has a similar need can draw up a document of this kind. Low-level employees more often submit informative notes on the progress of the execution of assignments, business trips and inspections. Less often, they write reports on their colleagues about their failure to perform work.

But the heads of departments often monitor labor discipline. Its violation becomes the reason for financial penalties. But for their appointment it is necessary to provide strong arguments.

As a rule, along with a memorandum, an explanatory letter is submitted to the manager, which indicates good or not very good reasons for the incident. Based on these two documents, an appropriate order for the enterprise is drawn up.sample note form

Evidence of Feasibility

In each personnel department, in any accounting department there is a sample of a memo. This document serves as a weighty confirmation that certain actions were carried out reasonably.

At state-owned enterprises, inspections by services of various instances often occur. All of them are designed to confirm the legitimacy of the cash flow of budget funds. Unreasonable accrual of premium or deduction from wages is a serious violation, which entails penalties.

But the presence of a memorandum, on the fact of which legal actions were taken, serves as a serious justification for this or that fact. A memo can be an argument even in a trial if it is drafted in form and endorsed by the addressee who has received and familiarized with its contents.

Prevalence of memos

It so happened historically that the form of the memorandum, a sample of which is given in this article, did not at all take root in private business. At firms and enterprises owned by private individuals, it is more common to resolve production issues verbally or through drafting orders. This is due to the fact that the business has significantly fewer external bodies controlling it, for which there is no need to report on the legitimacy of certain actions. But here there is a place for reports that relate to financial turnover, since control by the tax authorities is still present.

In government institutions, memos are a common occurrence. They allow each subordinate to be reinsured, transferring together with the document the responsibility for solving the problem to their immediate superior.

Example employee memo

The simplest report is drawn up on the fact of non-fulfillment of official duties or violation of labor discipline by an employee.sample employee rudeness memo

We start the document with the name of the unit: “Information Department of the Institute for Agricultural Research”. Next, we write a hat: “To the head of the information department, Ivanov I. I., from the third-level programmer Petrov P. P.”

In the body of the report, we state the essence of the note: “I bring to your attention that the junior programmer Sidorov Ivan Ivanovich came to work 02.06.2011 late at 2 o'clock and in a state of extreme intoxication.The violator did not provide valid reasons and their evidence, but reacted to the request with open rudeness addressed to me. In view of the regularity of such violations of labor discipline, I propose taking appropriate penalties with reprimand and deduction of a fine equal to the payment of his labor for 2 hours from the salary, during which I. Sidorov was not at work. ”

The report is closed by date and signature with decryption.

Compilation Recommendations

If you carefully examine each sample report, it becomes noticeable that they are all designed in a strict official-business style. It makes no sense to depart from it and go into details with their description in a conversational style. The clearer and more concise the text, the closer it is to the present report. how to write a report on the employee

Be sure to analyze the described incident and give your recommendations on this matter. This does not mean that it will be so. The head has the right to decide what sanctions to take, but more often he agrees with the proposals of the compiler of the report, since he does not have time to delve into all the details.

Remember, the memorandum is a full-fledged legal document for the accuracy of which you vouch for your own signature.

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