
What is included in the overhaul of an apartment building: list of main works and requirements

Housing stock today is significantly worn out. The issue of reconstruction and restoration of premises owned by property owners must be addressed. Therefore, from July 1, 2015, a major overhaul campaign was launched. For them, homeowners will pay on their own. What is included in the overhaul of an apartment building, the cost of such measures should be considered in more detail.

What is overhaul?

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation talks about the concept of overhaul. It includes certain actions of the relevant services to restore or replace some elements of structures. What is included in the overhaul of an apartment buildingThe answer to the question of what is included in the overhaul of an apartment building will be three main areas:

  1. Strengthening building structures, their basic elements.
  2. Repair of load-bearing elements of the building.
  3. Replacement or reconstruction of engineering communications.

During these works, a decision is made to eliminate the defective elements of the structure. After this, a repair repair is made, the worn parts are replaced with similar or with improved properties parts.

Types of overhaul

There are two types of overhaul. The decision to conduct each of them is made on the basis of the results of studies of structural elements. Depending on the volume, the following works are distinguished, which are part of the overhaul of an apartment building:

  1. Comprehensive repair. It is carried out, if necessary, to restore all damaged elements of the house-building fund. During the work, the building is given all the characteristics that meet operational requirements.
  2. Selective reconstruction. This type of overhaul involves the preparation of a specific list of works that are aimed at restoring or replacing only individual components. The building is not completely reconstructed. Only certain elements of its engineering communications.Works included in the overhaul of an apartment building

The second type of repair is acceptable only if it is impossible to conduct a comprehensive restoration or if significant obstacles arise in resolving this issue. Such situations, for example, include significant damage to some building structures, which can damage all other elements. Also, if it is not practical or due to the nature of financing, only selective repairs can be carried out. If the residents cannot be in the building during the work, the process is carried out as quickly as possible. In this case, partial restoration of the building structures may also be preferable.

Overhaul and maintenance

Homeowners should also be aware of what is included in the concept of “overhaul”. It should not be confused with ongoing activities to restore building elements. Their differences lie in the particular rights and obligations of the parties to the contract.What is included in the overhaul of a residential building

So, in the documentation for renting or hiring real estate, the current repair rests with the tenant. But overhaul is the responsibility of the landlord. Therefore, the tenant should systematically carry out measures to prevent premature wear of finishes, communications and building structures. He is also responsible for repairing minor damage.

But in the course of the overhaul, the building is completely changed or the element of the building that has already become unusable is restored.It is funded solely by targeted homeowner payments.

Minimum deposit

The law establishes a duty for property owners to fully finance major repairs. A trust fund is created for this. It accumulates the means of payers. This can be done using a separate or collective (regional) bank account.Tariffs of capital repairs of an apartment building

Minimum tariffs for the overhaul of an apartment building, which owners are required to pay to the target account, are set for each specific region of the country. This is approved by law.

For each property owner, the amount in rubles is calculated. For this, the established tariff is multiplied by the total area of ​​real estate owned by him. The following factors can influence the tariff:

  • Territorial, municipal affiliation.
  • Type of building.
  • Storeys of the building.
  • The duration of the facility.
  • The volume and total cost of the required work.

The law provides for work that can be funded from a trust fund. Other actions are paid only after all mandatory renovations are completed. Their financing is carried out at the expense of the greater part of the contribution.

What is included in overhaul?

Legislatively established what is included in the overhaul. The list of main works includes both internal and external decoration. The following items are subject to major repairs:

  1. Common house internal communications (water supply, heating, electric networks, sewerage, gas).
  2. Equipment for elevators and their shafts.
  3. Roofing (the need for replacement depends on the coating material).
  4. Foundation, basement areas (including bearing ceilings of the first floor, walls, sections with utilities).
  5. Facade (restoration of joints, plaster coatings, facing materials, replacement of drainpipes, tides and other actions).What is included in the overhaul

It is on these actions that the funds of trust funds of homeowners are directed. Only after their completion is it possible to expand the list of works. But only in case of acute need.

List extension

In addition to the items listed above, this list can be expanded. This is acceptable at the regional level. For example, this is permitted in an article such as the overhaul of the facade of an apartment building. What is included in the main list has been described above. But in addition to this, it is possible to insulate. If the house is quite old, its walls erode under the influence of natural factors. This disrupts the heat exchange and leads to a deterioration of the indoor climate. Therefore, for some homeowners, this expense item may also be paid from a trust fund.Overhaul of the facade of an apartment building that includes

It is also allowed to improve the quality of ventilation communications. This brings old buildings closer to the requirements of fire safety and sanitary standards. Also quite often apartment buildings are equipped with common consumption meters for various resources. This improves energy efficiency.

Each subject of our country has the right to supplement this list in accordance with existing conditions.

Overhaul process

Making a decision on the need for major repairs does not come instantly. There is an established procedure for this process. Initially, the relevant authorities inspect the building. They make an estimate of repair. Then the actions described in the documents are performed. At this stage, technical and architectural supervision of the work is carried out.

During the overhaul, an energy survey of the house is also carried out. The technical inventory, as well as the certification of the building completes the work.

What is included in the overhaul of a residential building varies greatly depending on many factors.If the property owners deem it necessary, they may agree at the general meeting to increase the minimum rate of contributions to the trust fund. This is necessary to expand the range of additional work.

When is a major overhaul carried out?

Studying what is included in the overhaul of an apartment building, you should pay attention to the time frame of this process. For large-panel, large-block, stone, brick houses with good operating conditions, the need for such work occurs every 25 years. If the building is characterized by normal indicators during the period of settlement of people in it, this border shifts to 20 years. In adverse conditions, overhaul will be required after 15 years.What is included in the concept of overhaul

The time interval between the type of work presented is affected by physical and obsolescence buildings, the presence of accumulations of owners, the feasibility of such actions.

Therefore, the period of setting the building for overhaul is purely individual. Decision making takes place at a general meeting of real estate owners. They should discuss the timing, costs, sequence of work.

Overhaul in the apartment

Studying what is included in the overhaul, you should also consider in more detail the internal work. They are also carried out from a trust fund. This includes painting the ceiling, walls, radiators, pipes, etc. All communications are subject to repair. At the expense of the owners, redevelopment, improvement of the decoration of the apartment can be carried out.

For this, a contract is concluded. It indicates a detailed list of works, as well as the timing of their implementation. This document entitles you to a warranty of at least 2 years.

After reviewing the list of what is included in the overhaul of an apartment building, each property owner will be able to correctly approach the issue of maintaining their housing in good condition.

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