
What is profitable to produce in Russia?

For those who decide to organize their business, it is most important to choose the right direction. It is immediately worth noting here that the sale of goods and services is becoming unprofitable every day, because the market is currently oversaturated in Russia. And today, production can be considered the most profitable business direction, but only if it is correctly determined what is profitable to produce at the moment.

what is profitable to produce

Why production is a profitable business

Each novice entrepreneur seeks to earn as much money as possible, while at the same time he wants to spend almost no financial resources on the organization. Of course, not every businessman can invest a large amount of start-up capital in his business, and production is an event quite expensive, but at the same time profitable, unless of course you find out what is most profitable to produce.

Currently, in our country, most of the goods sold in stores are imported products. And it is worth noting that with all this, the buyer gives his preference to the domestic manufacturer. But at the same time, everyone chooses goods in terms of price and quality; therefore, often expensive products are practically not in demand.

In general, the main task of an entrepreneur is to identify what is very profitable to produce today. Moreover, in different industries it is possible to determine a free niche, here everything largely depends on the region, population density, competition and many other factors.


Despite any circumstances, food products are always in demand, which means that their production can bring good profit to the entrepreneur, even if at the initial stage a small business is planned. What is profitable to produce? In fact, there is no definite answer to this question. Because each product is in demand among different categories of the population.

As a good option, you can consider production of semi-finished products, and there are quite a few reasons for this. Firstly, they have a long shelf life. Secondly, production equipment has a fairly low cost. Thirdly, frozen convenience foods attract customers due to the low price and ease of preparation.

what is profitable to produce

By the way, a small food business does not require large investments, and this is its advantage. A significant drawback is the high requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological service. Otherwise, what is profitable to produce in a particular city or region can be revealed only after marketing research.

Personal hygiene products

Along with food, personal hygiene products are no less in demand. These include shampoos, cleaning and detergents, toilet paper and more.

The advantage of this enterprise is that it does not require large material costs, equipment is not expensive at all. But with regards to the premises, there are some rules and regulations. Raw materials for production also do not require special costs, respectively, at a low cost, the company will pay off quite quickly. Here, too, you need to rely on marketing analysis in the region to determine what is profitable to produce.

Furniture manufacturing

Currently, there are a lot of proposals in this industry and, it would seem, amid fierce competition, it makes no sense to open furniture production. But in fact, many manufacturers offer their customers products at high prices, which are not available to everyone.This suggests that producing furniture is profitable, but at a more affordable price.

Is it profitable to produce

The cost of furniture is quite low, it largely depends on the selected material, and the enterprise itself does not require large material costs. Therefore, you can safely plan your production, but at the same time take into account some nuances:

  1. Each buyer is looking for the perfect combination of price and quality, so you should correctly determine the pricing policy of the enterprise.
  2. Design decisions are the basis of any interior item and for each client the appearance of the furniture is of great importance.
  3. In production it is important to use natural and environmentally friendly materials.

So, the key to a successful furniture manufacturing enterprise is good design, practicality, functionality and environmental friendliness. It is not so difficult to achieve all the indicators and at the same time it is quite possible to offer your compatriots a quality product at an affordable cost to them.

Goods for pets

Pets are in almost every family and according to statistics their owners do not save their money on their maintenance. On the Russian market, most of the feeds offered are foreign-made, so we can assume that today the niche is competitive. Pet food is exactly what is profitable to produce in Russia, even the economic crisis is not an obstacle for business.

It is worth noting that production, or rather, its organization does not require multimillion-dollar investments. The manufacturing technology of food for cats and dogs from meat and bone raw materials is quite simple, respectively, a lot of equipment for their manufacture is not needed. For a full cycle, you need a meat grinder and a meat mixer, a molding machine, equipment for shock freezing.

what is profitable to produce in Russia

The benefit of the entrepreneur is quite significant, because the cost of feed is quite low. It is very important only to establish a marketing system, and production will grow and develop.

Cellophane Bag Production

Oddly enough, but the usual cheap packages that everybody buys every day are quite profitable to produce. The target audience is quite vast - it stores, supermarkets, markets and other sellers regularly purchase packaging materials in bulk.

The cost of the package is very low when compared with the market value, and most importantly, the market is currently not saturated, which means that there is an opportunity for a novice entrepreneur to gain a share.

small business what is profitable to produce

In addition, the great advantage of the business is that packaging with the company logo of an enterprise is more expensive and in great demand, while the equipment for its application does not greatly affect the value of the enterprise.

This lesson requires creativity from entrepreneurs. Only in advance should you think about the issue of whether it is profitable to produce cellophane bags in a particular region, and pre-identify the circle of potential customers.

Goods for recreation and tourism

Despite the difficult financial situation, the people still want to relax, with the only difference being that today they are doing this not abroad, but in the vastness of our homeland. Is there any doubt that it is profitable to produce goods for tourism today?

This concept is quite extensive, but it is worth immediately indicating that everything is in demand - clothes, sports equipment, goods for hunting and fishing, tents and much more. In general, you can determine the direction yourself, but keep in mind that goods of a high price category will not be in mass demand.

Building and decoration materials

Needless to say, it is beneficial to produce building and finishing materials? This is so obvious. In every city, houses are regularly built and people make repairs in their apartments. Accordingly, he will need any building material.

It all depends on one’s own imagination and material capabilities, because the list of what can be produced is quite long. This is paving slabs, and building mixtures, and polystyrene, and so on.

what is profitable to produce in small business in Russia

It is not necessary to plan a costly enterprise, there are many options for producing building material from almost nothing. A striking example is the manufacture of rubber tiles for sidewalks from car tires.


Above were given examples of what is profitable to produce in Russia for small businesses, that is, an enterprise that does not require large financial costs. Indeed, the first reason why a novice entrepreneur does not want to open production is its high cost.

very profitable to produce

Indeed, despite the fact that the sphere of trade and services is simpler to organize, production is a more profitable event, albeit a difficult one. Only you need to focus not on general indicators for the country, but on demand in your region or city.

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