
Money is not superfluous, or what a fine if it is not included in the insurance

"What is the penalty if I am not insured?" This is a frequent topic of discussion among drivers. To avoid this issue, it is necessary to carry with you when driving a vehicle:

  • driver's documents for driving a car;
  • car registration document;
  • liability insurance policy.

what penalty if not included in the insuranceAlso, during professional activities - permission to carry luggage and passengers (taxi). When transporting bulk cargo - a ticket and documents for items.

If the vehicle is driven by a person who is not included in CTP insurance, the driver commits an administrative offense. In this case, the question arises, what is the penalty for not being included in the insurance? Part 1, article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is responsible for the fact that an offense will have to pay 500 rubles.

Not included in the insurance - pay a fine

The insurance policy is issued to the direct driver of the car - the owner. If the vehicle is driven, say, by a passenger, and the driver is nearby, then traffic inspectors are entitled to write a fine for the lack of insurance for the person who is currently driving.

fine for driving without insurance

As for the accident, when a driver who is not included in the policy is to blame, the insurance company may pay damage to the victim, but present their claims for the amount paid to the owner of the car. So that the question does not arise, what kind of penalty, if not included in the insurance, it is better to entrust the driver with a policy issued according to the rules to control the machine.

In the case of the CASCO policy: in the event of an accident with the culprit not included in the insurance document, in any case, a refusal to pay will follow. The unfortunate driver will have to pay a fine for driving without insurance and recover damages from his pocket.

Insurance is a must

In addition to a fine for a person not included in the policy, there is an offense for the lack of insurance itself - 800 rudders. Sanctions are imposed on the driver and owner, if these are different persons - obligations for the lack of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance and driving if the insurance is not available.

According to the law, the driver can justify himself if he proves that the owner of the car deliberately deceived him, saying that he had OSAGO. But in this case, in order not to pay a fine for driving without insurance, you will have to defend your innocence in court. It is unlikely that the traffic police inspector will take the driver’s word.

A fine of the same amount is provided for overdue insurance. If an employee of the car inspection nevertheless wrote out a fine for driving without insurance, then it must be paid within 60 days.

Inscription of other persons in insurance

MTPL policy - liability insurance for a citizen, not the car itself. Paper is drawn up on the vehicle owner. Since 2013, you can add up to five additional persons to the insurance. Insurance completely replaced the general power of attorney.

what is the penalty for not being insured

When each additional participant is added to the document, the price of the policy will increase, but in the event of force majeure, the question of what kind of penalty, if not included in the insurance, will disappear. It is better to write an additional driver in the paper than to pay fines later.

Adding additional persons to the current policy

Often there are cases when the owner of the car has valid insurance in his hands, but for some reason he cannot get behind the wheel of a vehicle for a certain time. An option to solve the problem is to add another driver to the current policy.what is the penalty if I am not insured

At the office of the insurance company, employees will calculate the amount of surcharge for the document. But with long driving experience, the absence of accidents and violations, the surcharge will be minimal.

When adding additional persons to the insurance, the following documents are required: insurance policy, passport and the rights of a new contractor.

From this moment, the person entered can freely drive the car and he will not have a question about what penalty if not inscribed in the insurance.

In any case, it is more profitable to add additional participants to the document in advance. The fines for an uninscribed driver are rather big. And in the event of an accident, the damage will be greater: the owner will have to pay the funds out of his own pocket.

Also, when applying for a job as a driver, it is better to insist that your initials be indicated in the policy. To avoid the question of what penalty, if it is not included in the insurance, it is better to protect yourself and the driver in advance.

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